Well, that never ending fount of strange comments, the fundamentalist preacher and former Presidential candidate, Pat Robertson has done it again. This time he is recommending that Americans not adopt foreign children. Ok. I can agree from certain points of view, say for example, if the adoption somehow involves the kidnapping of the child to put up for adoption or other black market operations. However in many cases the adoptions are legitimate and result in happiness for the child and the adoptive parents. Of course, giving up a child is almost always going to leave some type of scar on the birth parent.
In any case, here is the quote that raised all of the ire:
"I've got a dear friend who adopted some little kid from an old fishing town in Colombia. Child had brain damage and grew up, uh, weird. You just never know what been done to a child before you get that child, what kind of sexual abuse, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."
And here's a link the video: