Dear friends,
I am forwarding here the following message from Leo Bartoli, philosopher/thinker, with formal education in science, living in Vermont:
Since discovering this great thinker, J. J. Van der Leeuw, by way of his last book - The Conquest of Illusion - several years ago, I immediately realized how important it was and still is, to locate any of his surviving writings, book drafts and other thoughts, and to share them with the world.
It would be of great assistance to determine whether his remaining papers were retained by family, or perhaps the Society, or all lost with him at the time of his death.
I would also like to investigate his death, not so much how but questions like where exactly? when exactly? was his body lost or found? is there a gravesite?
Please, anything you could do would be greatly appreciated.
Van der Leeuw has gone under-appreciated due mainly to the simple fact that few are at his level to confirm his unsurpassed genius, and the value of his teachings. This should not go on as such. I've commited the rest of my days and breaths to bring his spirit back to life.
I am going to invite Leo to join the Network, so that he will be able to contact directly all those of you who can help him in his efforts.