Invitation To The People Speak Show Live With Tenzin Tethong

Tenzin Tethong - Is making a second appearance on The People Speak Show to discuss his current position as Director of the Tibetan sector for Radio Free Asia, current events between Tibet, the Exiled, and U.S, and his personal project he is working on to keep the memory of Tibet Alive. I am inviting you all to listen live and an opportunity to participate by phoning in any questions or comments for Mr. Tethong during the show.

We are a 55 minute show
airing every Tuesday
between 6-7pm
Pacific/9-10pm Eastern. 
The show features a guest
interview from any number
of realms of interest
(entertainment, science,
philosophy, healing,
spirituality, activism,
politics, literature, etc.).  

The radio show name The People
Speak is based upon the idea of
allowing our audience - the
People - a chance to interact
with the guests during the hour
and we take phone or text
questions from them during the

Past guests have been notables
such as Nobel Peace Laureate
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the
late Howard Zinn, Kathryn Najimy,
Oliver Stone, Jesse Ventura, Richard
Belzer, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy
Sheehan, Scott Horton, Joan Jett,
Willie Nelson, Roseanne Barr, Ed
Asner, Chevy Chase, as well as
various reps from Amnesty International,
UN World Food Programme, and many


On September 9, I will be hosting Tim Boyd at 9Pm Eastern Standard Time.

As your Host, Sophia Rae all are welcome to listen live. Will be great to have you if you can make it : )


1. We have a listen link at our radio
 network BBS Radio just click on one of
the player icons here for Station 2:

2.  You may also listen via 
phone by calling:

3. You may also participate live by
asking questions of the guest
 during the show by calling

1-888-429-5471 toll free in the

 USA and Canada

Or outside the USA:
Line 1 (digital)
Line 2 (digital)
Line 3 (digital)

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