Pedophilia has been around for many thousands of years, and the recent revelations of Vatican coverups on this issue seems to confirm their tolerance of the practice. This culture (especially in the somewhat "Puritanical" US) believes (rightly so) that this type of activity is wrong. The emotional scars that it leaves on its victims can be quite devastating and the guilt brought upon the families of the victims is more than many can begin to bear. The part that seems most unsavory is the Pope & Padre's deflecting blame on the accusers for pointing out the obvious, and easily documentable. Likening the New York Times to the Nazi's is a bit overboard (see
How will this play out? I'm reminded of the comment that HPB made long ago about the best way to bring the Catholic Church to its knees (I believe the article is "Diagnoses & Pallatives" in Vol. XII of the Collected Writings) is for every Catholic mother to withhold putting that last penny in the collection plate. I would add "and forbid her children to go to Catholic school until the mess is cleaned up". Until the Catholic Church owns up to its actions, well, they will reap whatever bitter fruit they have sown.
And this time they don't have the Inquisition to do away with their enemies, which at this point looks like a whole lot of folk!