Spirit is getting back into matter: Bruce Lipton on quantumbiology

Have a look at the Institute for Noetic Sciences.


I discovered Bruce Lipton's article on New Scientific Realities.

Some excerpts:


"The problem with scientific materialism is that it offers an end but no means. It’s the law of the jungle. The means to survival are any way you can get there. You can use your brain and be Einstein or you can use an Uzi and be a brute. Either means can make you a leader. It’s a civilization based on competition, not morality. This is the environment we live in right now. Newtonian physics also failed to address the invisible realm that religion talks about; one doesn’t need the spiritual realm to understand the material realm. As a result, people in this culture accumulate as much material as they possibly can to beat everybody else in the race for survival. Die with the most toys, and you win the game. And the consequences? We have decimated the planet."


"The beliefs we have been living by are wrong. Fractal mathematics says: There is a pattern in the world, and there is a pattern to your evolution. Quantum physics says: Don’t focus on the material, focus on the immaterial realm. Energy is primal. The rule is that if a science on the lower part of the building changes its belief system, every science above that building block must incorporate it. Biology and psychology have not adopted the new understandings of mathematics and physics; they are out of scientific context and no longer scientific. Quantum biology, however, a new science, examines how energy affects biology, and consciousness is that energy. As for psychology, a material psychology based on chemistry and drugs needs to be replaced by energy psychology. We heal ourselves with our thoughts, our mind, our consciousness, which are more powerful than chemistry. It’s the invisible, immaterial realm that’s powerful."

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Thanks Martin. You have posted one of the most concise and precise summary of the state of our planet today.


Requiring people to keep waiting for "Divine Intervention" , or closing one's eye to the social, political, economic and environmental challenges around us hoping that the Divine will set things right, itself could be considered a superstition.  

Although I completely agree with your witness of the tragedies that have befallen us, I remind they are not accidental occurrences. The purpose of my caution in this respect is that we are focusing on the obvious [symptom], and not the underlying [problem.] What you exclaim, and fear, is not a problem to be solved, it AS ALWAYS, is a symptom to be replaced by some other and bigger symptom. This is a cycle that actually has never ended, will not end, nor can because [people] have no power or control in ANY nation. The only change I am forwarding at this moment is that we expand the scope of our analysis, so that if there should ever be a foothold, we can seize it, and climb out of the hole.


I could go down the Conspiracy Theory path, too, but that might be off-topic for this thread.  So in re your comment, “Our political leaders have extreme difficulties in dealing with the financial and economic crises rampant at the moment:”

Our actual historical political leaders were aware of this impending time-bomb since the Constitution.  I’ve picked a couple of comments from two Founding Fathers to make this point:


[1]  Hard to not go into Conspiracy Theory, lol, but we may need to visit what money actually is today, how it is substantiated, and who prints it.  Again, even our Founding Fathers knew what was afoot …

In an 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin, Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Thomas Jefferson also said this in 1816,


He also said, “I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”


[2]  Jefferson wasn’t the only founding father to make statements about corporations. John Adams also had an opinion.

“Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.”


And in a November 21, 1864 letter to Col. William F. Elkins, Abraham Lincoln wrote,

“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”


President Grover Cleveland witnessed how corporations treated its labor force and had this to say in 1888, “As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear, or is trampled beneath an iron heel. Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people’s masters.”




 I attribute money, banking (especially International Banking, which is secret) and the use of corporations to be central to many, most and perhaps all of the issues you are raising.  “Big Banks, btw, are also corporations.  I will draw the line here, for now, as to who and what are behind these banks and corporations – for indeed, it would lead to Conspiracy Theory, and rightfully so.


Do you recall “Citizens United?”  This is the 2010 Supreme Court case that shocked America, influenced an election, and reversed over 100 years of campaign finance laws. In this case, corporations were declared as people and as such declared to have the same rights as people do. It also opened the doors for corporations to pour unprecedented amounts of campaign donations into elections, and what’s more, these donations can be totally secret. Corporations can now literally and legally buy elections and shape the government-like never before in our nation’s history.







Martin Euser said:



without going into conspiracy theories, it is fair to say that there are many vested interests at stake today. Resources are not infinite, as we are discovering right now. Our political leaders have extreme difficulties in dealing with the financial and economic crises rampant at the moment. A new depression seems to be on its way. Many people are feeling hopeless and helpless at this moment. This is contraproductive, of course, though understandable with the current balance of power, elites controlling media, multinationals, banks, etc.  Finding new ways of dealing with the crises is important, and some people are working at that.  Yet, there are real estate [office buildings] bubbles about to burst, here in my country, and probably elsewhere too. Since pension funds have invested in real estate, this is going to impact their already weak positions even further. Not a nice prospect for pensioneers and those going to be retired. 


No, it is an ugly world we live in at the moment, and we need creative people to work together to get out of this crisis. I can recommend the books on cultural creatives, especially the one that Joe mentions "How 50 million people are changing the world" in my recipe for global change thread. Also, Ervin Laszlo's books are well worth pondering about. Humanity has to solve its problems. "God" is not going to do that, although the spiritual world will have its influence working in the minds of at least some receptive people.


I remind of the opening sentence to this Thread:  “The problem with scientific materialism is that it offers an end but no means …”


The current state of  our planet is [intended,] so we will HAVE the [summary] just offered by Martin. 


Excellent as it may be, the root of this problem is money.  I’ll emphasize that, M O N E Y.  The “Summary,” is an intended view for us to adopt by powers-that-be, so we function from a state of fear.  That fear will lead us to choose between two pre-determined options, both of with work against us ultimately, and to some one(s’) gain.  This is “synthesis.”  We are being manipulated like rats in a maze.


But, it’s a tried and proven game, it’s worked since the Babylonians who designed money as a conquest strategy.  Right now we have to acknowledge our mistakes, and this time Rightly [allow] “hope,”, Divine Intervention or any spiritual correction to the current effects of consciousness functioning in “density.”  Religions, faith, spirituality and esoteric philosophy are founded, at least partially, on the presumption that man fails on his own … and then we shall surrender our ego, our endeavors and “reach out” in admission of our limitations.  To me that is the point of “becoming spiritual.”  I don’t see how that could be superstitious, at all … isn’t it in fact the anticipated evolution that, at least esoterically, has been demonstrated in all ancient experience?  We are in a cycle. 


We will reach a half-way point (now), where we [insist] on change; this change will be spiritual outlook.  We KNOW it will work, because it is part of our most basic, most intrinsic programming.  To me, its more about choosing to go forward, and NOT backwards, because the impulse behind our creation ONLY GOES FORWARD.  We will overcome this current state-of-our-Planet because at some point/at some time there will be no other choice we can make.   We will change the way we perceive things, and then we will CHANGE things.  That would be my opinion. 



Capt. Anand Kumar said:

Thanks Martin. You have posted one of the most concise and precise summary of the state of our planet today.


Requiring people to keep waiting for "Divine Intervention" , or closing one's eye to the social, political, economic and environmental challenges around us hoping that the Divine will set things right, itself could be considered a superstition.  

Science proves the past, but makes a poor psychic in predicting the future.  This is what distinguishes esoteric philosophy.  It has a clearer picture on the [nature] of [things], such things not being limited to the physical.

Martin Euser said:

"where are the scientists that are non-materialists?"


There's indeed a whole host of them, varying from "the integral guys" (see integrallife.com for example) to a number of psychologists (like Edward Kelly and associates of whom I posted a link to his book on irreducible mind), to biologists like Lipton. There are many others and the list seems to be growing. Hundreds if not thousands of professors and Ph.D holders have signed a petition urging the scientific community to open their minds to broaden biological research beyond the narrow Darwinist paradigm. The world may be slowly waking up from its physicalist hypnosis or stance.

Joe, science BY INTENT, is meant to be disproved.  Thus, any [science] we have of the day has a "shelf-life."  It would seem obvious, therefore, that it is a small part of something MUCH bigger; and hopefully, that's were forums like this that represent a vast set of esoteric philosophies honed through the ages shed light on the dark path.


I couldn't tell if you were separating "thought" from mind, and if so, how.  But would add, anyway, that current science articles I have glanced at suggest an acceptance of dimensions (of sorts) for one, and thought to be outside of the brain (I'm reminded of the Theosophical concept of the "Mental Plane).




Joe Fulton said:

It's an interesting dichotomy.  The brain is (on a physical level) made of chemicals.  Then we have "mind" which is made up of "something else".  When it comes to naming and identifying the something else, things get very dicey.  Nobody can point to something and say "that is brain" or "that is mind" with any degree of certainty.  For those who posit an independent entity called "mind" the evidence for its existence is not so much scientific, but mythological and anecdotal.  Perhaps we need Adam and Jamie to come bust the myth.

As far as I am concerned there is no problem with good science.  It is personal opinion and dogmatic belief masquerading as science that causes the problems that we have with scientists.  If some theory posited by Shankaracharya or the Buddha doesn't hold water it should be discarded.  Likewise if Stephen Hawking or Richard Dawkins expresses an opinion on the nature of the soul or some other hypothesis which can neither be proven or disproven then it, likewise needs to be dismissed as not science.

LkA.  If we simply accept that "thought" is not of the material, then we establish it is beyond the scope of ANY science, ... past, present OR future.


L.k.A. Kirui said:

Thougths more powerful than chemistry? The problem is this; chemistry is as seen from without and thougths is as seen from within. We need either to wipe all blackboards clean or develope yet another branch of science, more fundamental than physics. Dedicated to consciousness based on the realisation that we cannot observe everything about an object from outside the object.

Science is a few hundred years old.  That is an important thing to consider --- it is the new kid on the block, and a very YOUNG child at that.  Recall the initial struggles with psychology and psychiatry, an even newer kid; seems to me it took the likes of spiritual and esoterically minded people like Jung to pull it into the forfront.  It seems odd, that the substance of religions, spirituality and esoteric philosophies have been the foundations stones, the stepping stones and the pillers that give rise to structures such as science and psychology.  Are they becoming adolescent "brats" thinking their limited exposure to the world can subplant the wisdom of its elders?  I think so.  These kids need to have a few more ego lessons, so they get out of their own ways ... realize and accept they are a PART, a truly functional part, of our greater understanding; and that's all.  Just like each science comes to realize its limitations, and then we need some new theoretical science, it should be abundantly clear EVENTUALLY, that science pertains to things of "matter," and that is all.  Is science a new form af anthropomorphisizing?  We now see [all] in science's image?



Capt. Anand Kumar said:

Rather than looking at the developments of the New Science, one may examine the development of the entire science, new and old, within the framework of evolution. The question one may ask, was it possible to arrive at Neurobiology or Quantum Biology without having first gone through the era of Newtonian science.


Witthin this century, as HPB, Sri Aurobindo and modern thinkers have predicted, we will see the movement of Humans towards Post Human beings. That, of course will be driven by the so called "New Science" rather than spirituality which is also on the verge of transformation. When someone established that the earth is round and goes around the sun, I am sure similar thoughts must have been expressed within whatever framework existed at that point in time. As Humans, we cannot discard our heritage even if we wanted to, by claiming that traditional science is misleading or on the wrong track. Without the foundation laid by them, New Science could not achieve or look the things the way it does now.


Perhpas we could begin looking afresh at what the future is going to be like in light of the new discoveries coming along and how to manage the change these will ineviatbly impose on the society. Some of those changes are going to be painful. How do you lift more than half of the population on this living in abject poverty and sub-human existence to PostHuman status. What role the New Science can play in this? There are many other questions. Rather than taking sides in one group of scientists versus another, let us look at the questions staring us in the face, and see which group can answer those best. Or, do we need both the groups to make a lesser painful transition.

Universal laws should be applicable equally to all atoms, protons, gluons and what have you. DIfferent beings at different stages of evolution will display different characteristics, but this in no way makes one superior against another.


Are you using "Universally" to refer to something here in the Physical, and not kosmically?

Capt. Anand Kumar said:

Thanks Michael. I understand superstition as a belief that a being of higher sentience can interfere in one's life pattern, and all the associated phenomena that will arise out of this concept. Universal laws should be applicable equally to all atoms, protons, gluons and what have you. DIfferent beings at different stages of evolution will display different characteristics, but this in no way makes one superior against another.


That certain beings are capable of possessing higher knowledge or higher perception not available to others itself could qualify as a superstition.


Michael A. Williams said:

Thanks, joe and Capt. Kumar. You both keep speaking of these "old superstitions," but what are they? What specifically are you referring to?

What is "superstition" to one group of people, may be profound "higher knowledge" or "higher perception" to another group. In these modern times, it's a tricky word to define sometimes.

Thanks Christian.


Which Esoteric Philosophy has been successful in predicting the future in non-general wordings?


As for your analysis of money being the root cause of all the problem, please consider that money is only one of the ways of exercising Power. It is secondary. Most of our problems are due to greed which is the primary motivator for power as well as money. No esoteric philosophy so far has been able to address the problem of greed (else we would not be in such a situation today) as those are founded on the concept of power too. Densities, energies, rounds, globes, numbers, geometries, spheres and what have you, have all failed to deliver humanity from the clutches of Greed.


On the other hand, exoteric Gandhian concepts of non-violence, co-operation etc. have a proven track record of solving the planet's problems. Esotericism is by definition subjective (emphasis on individual experience) and therefore against the universal principle of UNITY of all beings.


Is it necessary to continue on the failed track rather than look for new ways of thinking.

Cosmically or Kosmically, whichever is correct.

Christian von Lahr said:

Universal laws should be applicable equally to all atoms, protons, gluons and what have you. DIfferent beings at different stages of evolution will display different characteristics, but this in no way makes one superior against another.


Are you using "Universally" to refer to something here in the Physical, and not kosmically?

Capt. Anand Kumar said:

Thanks Michael. I understand superstition as a belief that a being of higher sentience can interfere in one's life pattern, and all the associated phenomena that will arise out of this concept. Universal laws should be applicable equally to all atoms, protons, gluons and what have you. DIfferent beings at different stages of evolution will display different characteristics, but this in no way makes one superior against another.


That certain beings are capable of possessing higher knowledge or higher perception not available to others itself could qualify as a superstition.


Michael A. Williams said:

Thanks, joe and Capt. Kumar. You both keep speaking of these "old superstitions," but what are they? What specifically are you referring to?

What is "superstition" to one group of people, may be profound "higher knowledge" or "higher perception" to another group. In these modern times, it's a tricky word to define sometimes.

Christian, I'm well aware of the issues with the money system and its untenability. I know the video from which your quote is coming. For many years I have been involved with alternative money-systems, that charge no interest - the source of many problems concerning money - and have written about that on this website (see recipe for global change thread) and in my book. The problem with charging interest is the assumption that economic growth can be endlessly exponential, which it can't be because of finite resources and limited capacity for the ecosystem to process disturbances made to it. Ecosystems do not display endless exponential growth curves,  but flatten out very soon to reach a dynamic balance.  This is so simple, that even a young child can understand it. This system will always collapse - its design is inherently flawed.


The most fundamental cause of the mess we're in has to do with consciousness - or rather the lack thereof. Greed and power and status are mighty motivators of human behavior.


Yes, we need a different valuation for human efforts than the current money system - but becoming aware of all this is the first requirement before change can happen.

These are all astute analyzes, gentlemen. Many like this has been going on for a long time. If analysis could solve the problems, then the problems would have been solved by now.

The root cause does stem from consciousness, as Martin pointed out. And it is FEAR. Individual fear and collective fear, feeding upon itself, causing more and more turmoil. The "ruling elite" does control the media, and thusly controls the collective through fear and negativity. It's well known that "negativity sells," and sells big. Sure, positive news is thrown in now and then, for variety and treated as "fluff."

All news is manipulated and edited. I'm not saying that everyone on a newspaper or cable news station is in on a "conspiracy," they're just following orders to bring in subscribers or viewers, which brings in more ad revenue. The ruling elite call the shots from way on high and manipulate the masses mainly through collective fear. The whole stock market downturn is an illustration. All based on fear feeding upon itself. Nothing disappeared from planet Earth. The law of conservation of energy held firm.

By buying into the collective fear and "doom and gloom" predictions, we contribute to it coming to manifestation in some form, usually in our own lives. By refusing to buy into that scenario, you've freed yourself from it.

L. K. A. is right, "thought' is not just electro-chemical processes in the brain, for these are the mere traces or "footprints" of thought. Thought is immaterial energy coming through the brain, affecting the quantum field, which is non-local(everywhere and nothing in the universe simultaneously)

For those who look to Eastern philosophies for their inspiration, the Buddha said:


"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything, what we think we become...with our thoughts we make the world"

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future or anticipate troubles."


It's been mentioned that we should look to Gandhi for guidance. That's a great idea. Not to emulate his lifestyle, but to get the essence of what he was about. It was fearlessness and love for thy enemies. Not easy to emulate. They sound cliche in today's world, but they work.

The upshot of what I'm saying is that we don't know how much to believe in today's headlines in regards to most events and predictions. It's so craftily manipulated through multi-national corporations and governments, that to buy into the negativity and fear is to only push the "gloom and doom" along and be a pawn in their agenda.

I know there will be nay-sayers about this, but I say fear is our only real enemy and when we are rid of that, positivity and love naturally come into being. To try and serve others while full of fear, hate and anger, is counter-productive.



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