What are some good tools for learning Sanskrit / Tibetan / Pali / Chinese?

In response to some of the discussion, both on the site and behind the scenes, the need exists to provide tools to interested members for learning Sanskrit and other languages.

What we are looking for are courses, either written, audio or video in any of the above languages. For example, I have found this course in Sanskrit online through Acharya, Multilingual Computing for Literacy and Education, in Madras, India.

To further our ability to understand the origins of various Theosophical writings, we need to have a working knowledge of languages.  Keeping a Theosophical dictionary at hand is no longer enough.

If there is something you have found useful, please respond to this post.

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I wanted to learn the A, B,C's of Sanskrit: and came across Cynthia M. Churchill,M.D. DVD, "Devanagari:Gateway to Sanskrit". She writes, "Learn the shapes and sounds of Devanagari in 14 carefully crafted chapters, of 5-10 minutes each. No grammar. Nothing to memorize. Mindflow Learning works with your mind's own natural abilities." She is also a sweet lady. Take a look at: www.mindflowlearning.com

I also use: A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, by John Grimes.

And: Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by Monier-Williams.
I found that the only quality copy of this dictionary, is the Oxford Publication (available used, at a price). The other reprints are poor copies. This is, also, on the web. I prefer books, as they complement my intuition. Also, I may be one of the few, who live rural enough, to only have access to dial-up.

Jim Bergh
I agree, the first thought I was taught in Theosophy was ( and is): concepts.

After mastering the alphabet, there is "A Practical Sanskrit Introductory" by Charles Wikner.
This is available at:


And to MKR, it states, "this is a gift from Charles...a service to mankind".


Hi, in uz-translations.net you will find several courses in nearly all the languages, even dialects of tibetan, nepali, sanskrit, tamil, pali, chinese, etc.

Besides the good suggestions given here for online Sanskrit language study tools, there is a 42-page listing of printed tools, "Sanskrit Language Study: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Materials in English," available at:




It gives "suggested selections" on p. 41. For self-study, the highlights among the full courses are those by Ashok Aklujkar and Walter Maurer. When this bibliographic guide was prepared, in 2006, Maurer's book was prohibitively expensive. Its two volumes were reprinted in a thick paperback in 2009, listing for $70, and a little less at Amazon. It is still expensive, but now comparable to Aklujkar's course. Both are worth the price.

[Re:  In response to some of the discussion, both on the site and behind the scenes, the need exists to provide tools to interested members for learning Sanskrit and other languages.]

Greetings and good wishes to all.

Did anyone in the discussions also mention the need for getting rid of even the language that one already has rather than adding new ones?
Interesting observation, Richard, and no doubt a worthwhile goal to work toward :).

Richard Ihle said:

[Re:  In response to some of the discussion, both on the site and behind the scenes, the need exists to provide tools to interested members for learning Sanskrit and other languages.]

Greetings and good wishes to all.

Did anyone in the discussions also mention the need for getting rid of even the language that one already has rather than adding new ones?

I think that in order that this issue have a relation with the intention of the thread, could be paraphrased something like: which are the realities or "things" referred in mystical books besides the words, symbols or sentences used for describing them?

Of course, the original Ihle's question is worthwhile but I think is another matter. 


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