I was deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death of my doctoral advisor and a dear mentor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. Prof. Goodrick-Clarke was a solid academic who helped turn the study of Western Esoteric history into an accepted academic discipline. He paved the way for the future study of this discipline organizing the MA conferences at Exeter and they were always first rate. 

Nicholas' writings on the early Theosophical Society and his research on various Western Esoteric figures remain a tremendous contribution to our field - I can honestly say his OCCULT ROOTS OF NAZISM is unparalleled and was one of the first writings that proved to a mainstream audience that there was some value in the study of Western Esotericism. For all of these things and for his kindness he will be greatly missed!

Personally, I will miss his lectures on Blavatsky during the January session, his insights into the other world of Western Esotericism, his invaluable comments and suggestions on my own writings and most of all for his warmth, kindness and his willingness to help out in whatever way he could. Prof. Goodrick-Clarke lives on through every life that he has touched along his life's journey - from his family and friends to his students and colleagues- the scope of his influence will never truly be known...

Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace. Amen

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