“Theosophy is intuitive knowledge or wisdom associated with improved realization of one’s own Transcendent (‘Divine’) Nature; therefore, if a person only studies the writings or teachings of others, he or she may actually be a thee-osophist, not a Theosophist.”—General Theosophy
Greetings and good wishes, Paul.
Perhaps it is better not to ask a question if there is no more space in one's answer room.
Paul - one can always look back to John 14:12 to find this rather peculiar sentence: (NIV)
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Greetings and good wishes, Paul.
Re: [“Can you explain divine nature? Does that mean I am equal to God?” Pljames]
Actually, Paul, you are God-Plus. If God (Self, Atman, Undifferentiated “I”, etc.) is defined as “Undifferentiated Consciousness,” then all of your potential “ego-differentiations” or “identity delusions” (animating, physical, desire-feeling, desire-mental, mental, and Spirit-mental) can be regarded as “problem additions” or at least partial, ever-changing, moment-to-moment, “semi-Self transformations” which are interfering with the Realization of your underlying, Undifferentiated “Divine Nature.”
Watching the changes in your consciousness during meditation is the only way I know of to begin understanding this. “The Breath [H.P.B.’s starting variation of the conventional form] becomes a stone; the stone becomes a plant; the plant becomes an animal; the animal becomes a man; the man becomes an angel; the angel becomes God.” Use the analogical approach and think in terms of consciousness.
Very True , it is a great definition Richard.
It is a great definition, worthy of being included in our FAQ. Merely quoting from one writing or the other is not Theosophy.
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