I'm operating under the assumption that the TSA is the largest Theosophical organization in the U.S. But at the time of the Besant/Judge schism, almost all the American chapters went with Judge. How did the TSA manage to overtake the other organizations in size? Was it due to the leadership of a particular individual?

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Comment by M K Ramadoss on May 29, 2011 at 6:26pm
I got the book directly from Ross.
One other book which has info is the 100 yr history of TS of America by Joy Mills.
Let me see if I can write a short summary.
Comment by Kirk W Walker on May 29, 2011 at 5:06pm

You're right, vol. 4 is not available anywhere, not even in Google Books. But I don't wish to purchase it. The Ransom book should be sufficient for my purposes, especially as it is focused on the TSA anyway.


However, if you happen across any tidbits in Ross of particular interest, by all means share if you like.


Comment by M K Ramadoss on May 29, 2011 at 4:00pm
Vol 4 of Ross' book deals with the period when Besant was the president. Very unlikely you will find it in libraries. If you do not find it, let me know.
Comment by Kirk W Walker on May 29, 2011 at 2:22pm
Thanks for your decision to scan the Ransom book. I think I will see if the Ross books are available through an inter-library loan.

Comment by M K Ramadoss on May 29, 2011 at 11:35am
I don't think it would ever be reprinted.
Only way to make it available would be as a digital version.
Volunteers are standing by to scan and convrt it in days and for free.
Bureaucrats seems to have no interest in making theosophical material free in digital format. Hope this changes soon.
Comment by Kirk W Walker on May 29, 2011 at 11:20am

Unless the TS plans to print it again it would be nice of them to release it from copyright.

It is interesting that Annie Besant was such an apparently charismatic individual. Another consideration is that the breakaway groups themselves split up in some cases.

Are either A. P. Warrington or L. W. Rogers mentioned? During the former’s presidency Krotona was established. During Roger’s presidency Wheaton was obtained.


Comment by M K Ramadoss on May 29, 2011 at 10:39am

I have a copy and the paper is very brittle and was published in 1938 and I think it is still under copyright. I found that when the American Section seceded, and those who did not secede formed the new American Section of TS and the rebuilding started with a lecture tour by Annie Besant and of course the labors of many leading members was responsible for rebuilding the section as we know it today. The seceded Section almost disappeared.


It is high time that TS releases the book to public domain so that it can be scanned and made available to everyone. Visiting wiki on copyright, I found it interesting that it had its origins in state trying to control what is printed and circulated and this took place after printing was invented. Later it was used to help authors make a living by their creativity.

Comment by M K Ramadoss on May 29, 2011 at 12:42am
Is it available online for download? If not, may be it is a good idea to make it available.

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