Richard Ihle's Blog (449)

General Theosophy #241

"Discipline is the cure for everything one wants to cure; what one does not want to cure is the cure for discipline."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on February 1, 2024 at 12:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #118

"Being a fast learner is far less important than being a slow juggler who can somehow get more and more little orbs of previously acquired knowledge into the air before forgetting and dropping any."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 29, 2024 at 11:07am — No Comments

General Theosophy #175

"Conscientiously search for the meaning of your life until, exhausted, you realize that you must invent it."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 21, 2024 at 1:39pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #177

"The mortal enemies of the mundane may vary; however, the Immortal enemies of the Moment are always your replaying of your past or your attempted pre-playing of your future."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on January 16, 2024 at 5:26pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #254

"Few things may thwart the impulse to begin writing more than the lazy realization that one probably has so much to say that one would need to long-term martyr the more entertaining parts of oneself just in order to wet-mold some raggedy shreds of words into a few all-too-short-term papier-mâché formations."—General Theosophy #254

Added by Richard Ihle on December 31, 2023 at 2:30pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #167

"MORTALS and METAMORTALS: those who try to figure out everything . . . and those who in addition try to figure out Everything. . . ."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 22, 2023 at 4:07pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #111

"The real value of your money may only be how much volitional leisure time it is currently able to buy for you."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 17, 2023 at 10:32am — No Comments

General Theosophy #165

"Material science is always looking for something new to say; epistemological Theosophy, something Old-and-Eternal not needed to be said."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 15, 2023 at 7:09pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #210

"Avoid becoming a missionary before becoming your own mission field."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 14, 2023 at 3:57pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #155

“The continuing mysteries of life are almost always more reliable and interesting companions than the most fulsomely footnoted finished factsheets.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 13, 2023 at 2:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #292

"The most underestimated distraction from your life's purpose may simply be to run into way too many people who are willing to listen to you talk about it."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 10, 2023 at 2:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #161

"Half the common perplexities of life come from trying to do two things at once; the other half, from trying to get someone else to do one thing at once."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on December 7, 2023 at 2:04pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #121

"If you can now ascend the mountain, thank all the hills you had to climb; if you can now recognize the precipice, thank all the ditches you fell into."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 26, 2023 at 5:03pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #273

“If agnosticism can be considered the sophisticated territory between disbelief and belief, Preternatural intuition—epistemological Theosophy—may be considered the even more sophisticated territory between silence and Silence.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 24, 2023 at 5:38pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #125

"METAMORTAL: a Theosophical term referring to an ordinary but special individual who is 'after, behind, altered from, higher than, beyond' his or her otherwise pointless corporality."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 22, 2023 at 1:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #103

“A person's secular journey begins with the first step taken; his or her Psycho-Spiritual GRAND TOUR, with the first secular step NOT taken.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 17, 2023 at 12:30pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #101

“If you start suspecting that you may have too many specific and complex details about karma, reincarnation, and other Theosophical subjects, consider the possibility that you could have strayed from the extraordinary Mountain Path of Intuitive Intimation and fallen into the ordinary Ditch of Wishful Academics.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 12, 2023 at 12:51pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #259

"A taste of Hell is the continuous need to carefully strategize each and every future moment."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 9, 2023 at 12:00pm — No Comments

General Theosophy #207

"Wait until you are completely unable to stumble forward even one more step before you waste any time composing a private tragicomedy about your previous steps. . . ."—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 5, 2023 at 10:59am — No Comments

General Theosophy #115

You can almost always solve other people’s problems by using the simple 2+2=4; however, your own difficulties almost always need 2+2= 2+S(1)=S(2+1)=S(2+S(0))=S(S(2+0))=S(S(2))=S(3)=4.”—General Theosophy

Added by Richard Ihle on November 2, 2023 at 1:34pm — No Comments

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