Welcome Hamsa. What a beautiful name. It is the vehicle of Goddess Saraswati of Hindus who is the Goddess of all learning.We are a community of curious and therefore the followers of the Goddess ourselves, in a sense. Please use the 'Search Theosophy.Net" box, second from the top on the right pane to search for any other words. Should you need any assistance in using our website, please click on "Theosophy.Net Facilitators", the second box from the top on the left pane of our homepage. Enjoy.
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ModeratorDeb said…
Welcome, Hamsa! We're so glad you've joined us. Please feel free to join in the conversations and chat.
Welcome Hamsa. What a beautiful name. It is the vehicle of Goddess Saraswati of Hindus who is the Goddess of all learning.We are a community of curious and therefore the followers of the Goddess ourselves, in a sense. Please use the 'Search Theosophy.Net" box, second from the top on the right pane to search for any other words. Should you need any assistance in using our website, please click on "Theosophy.Net Facilitators", the second box from the top on the left pane of our homepage. Enjoy.