Dear Sufilight
Thank you for the Rumi reference.
I am familiar with Indries Shah and have always enjoyed his works and teachings.
I am writing and illustrating a book on the esoteric side of Rumi's work. If you go to my website
you can see over three hundred of his poems showcased with my art work. Over 40 years work and still his magic is fresh and dynamic. During the last 30 years I have formed several intentional communities based on the works of HPB and AAB where people came to together to not simply talk about the great mysteries of existence but to live them with others of like mind and heart. Sufism and Esoteric Christianity as well as Hinduism and Buddhism were the main subjects taught.
An esoteric community is where one tries to live in the light of Love 24-7 and not just on weekends or when it is convenient.
Here is a short outline of an organization called (Rumi: East West Foundation) I founded based on the teachings of Rumi that is still in the process of forming.
You see Miss Sufilight we may not be so far apart in our aspirations and search for truth as might appear on the surface of things. Life is full of paradoxes and apparent contradictions that can and will be worked out given enough time and patience.
Blessings to you and Theosophical Network
Rumi: East -West Foundation
“Gamble everything for Love” Rumi
The purpose of Rumi: East –West foundation is to create a safe environment in which there can be cultural exchanges between different religious, ethnic and national groups. This is particularly important at this time historically between the United States, Europe and Eastern Arab and Islamic societies. Where there is a free flow of cultural and artistic exchanges there is less opportunity for sectarianism, violence and prejudice.
It is obviously from current events we need a common language that can transcend the limitations of the existing political, social and economic systems.
Rumi: East-West Foundation does not promote or sponsor political activities. It understands that great transformation will come in all departments of life when men communicate from the Heart first and there mind afterwards.
War, terrorism and great historical conflicts are all the result of, fear, greed and a suspicion of that which we do not understand. Every group however diverse is worthy of honor and respect.
Art and beauty have the power to uplift and transform all those who fall under its magic spell. It speaks an inner language directly to the human Heart.
You cannot change the course of environmental destruction, economic and political selfishness and chaos until you first change the person from within. With the right interior focus people will automatically do the right thing and act according to an inner law of Love, trust and mutual respect. It is this law of Love that men need and its attributes of, patience, sharing, and goodwill that will save the day and not endless armaments and security systems that address only the most superficial issues.
It is only in the combined force of an enlightened Public Opinion that can make a difference and turn the tide away from it s present course of self destruction and towards one of respect for all human life in its many and diverse forms. “Unity amongst diversity” is not an idealistic dream but an exact statement of fact to those who have opened there Hearts to the inner world of Love and see the big picture.
The primary activities of Rumi: East-West Foundation are.
To promote the poetic and mystical works of Rumi and other luminaries who have demonstrated a grasp and understanding of true spiritual values. Men and woman who have “lived there truth”, “walked there talk” and have inspired millions by their example.
Promote workshop, lectures and intercultural exchanges between different cultures with strong emphases on Art.
Rumi: East West foundation is a not for profit organization t
A few friendly words...I do hope we are friends.
I agree very much. Rumi is great learning when one pick ones way between the lines of dogmatic Quranic quotes and not quite necessary words.
It is said that Rumi learned from Shams-e Tabrizi. And Shams-e Tabrizi also taught Francis of Assisi.
Francis of Assisi called a collection of his poems the Collection of the Sun of Tabriz. And some of his teachings was almost word by word the same as Tabriz.
Thank you Joe for your kind words.
To paraphrase Rumi. Art can be no more or less then the Soul that gazes or reflects into or upon it.
Everything is a reflection of the "Self", a mirror image of the "Beloved" who waits patiently within each Heart to be discovered.. You will find more of my art and Rumi at website.
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