Perry Coles
  • Perth
  • Australia
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  • Christian von Lahr

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At 12:15pm on November 25, 2011, Christian von Lahr said…
Hi Perry, thanks for joining our diverse group of people here at  It's been a while since I've been to Perth, but as with all the Australian coastal cities, the friendliness with which visitors are welcomed to your country is a unique experience of pleasure that lasts a lifetime, and the memories endure and remain the most colorful; I hope you too can experience that refreshing welcomeness here at this special part of the world -  There have been so many notable theosophists, even new traditions that have come out of Australia, so you will likely run into familiar insights throughout the forums, but like I had the pleasure of doing "down under", you have to do a bit of exploring.  We don't talk funny here, just a lot - so please say what comes naturally when you've a mind to when you make new friends here and  here their many perspectives on all forms of theosophy in general, .... we have few customs here, but a lot of "traditions.". We hope you enjoy your many stops at points of interest on, having you as our guest is our distinct pleasure.
At 8:45pm on November 23, 2011, Capt. Anand Kumar said…

Welcome Perry. Our community is of people who are seeking to expand their understanding of life through sharing. Our motto is Embrace, Compare, Explore. Please feel free to browse around and share whatever you like. Please read the Rules of the Road.

We hope you will enjoy being with us. We certainly do.


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