Garrett Riegg


Oakland, CA

United States

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Language(s) Spoken
English and French; some Spanish and German.

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  • Gerry Kiffe



    Howdy, I am a friend of your mother from SB days.  She was one of my favorite people, always so friendly, cheerful and upbeat.  Look forward to hearing from you on the nextwork.



  • Christopher P. Holmes

    Hello Garrett,

    Nice to see your name up here.  Hope you are well.  I have had four of my books printed since i was in California, 4 years ago.  Wow, so much has happened since then.  I am very pleased with my God, Science & The S D, book.


  • Gerry Kiffe

    Can you join me in the SD Study Group.  I am moderating.  so you know you will be treated with kindness.  I hide my whip!