Best to you, L.A, with your screenplay. I used to write screenplays, but haven 't in awhile.
Christian, that's was quite a exposition. Lots of food for thought. It read like you were already on a double latte and needed a glass of wine to to level off! lol - You forgot to mention what the name of that bottle of California Cabernet was. And, what cable channel are you working with, or can you say that publicly yet?
I've an idea I'm developing of an Occult/paranormal/romantic thriller series, but any fictional show is a hard sell now on the networks or cable. My notion is to take it direct to the Internet first, but it's still in an early stage.
Yes, it's been well established Blavatsky was more than a casual user of hashish and liked large helpings of it. It was legal back then. She functioned quite well on it and it obviously helped her break out of normal waking consciousness. I'm surprised there hasn't been more commentaries on this.
I am supposed to wait till 2012 on the station names, we do have our own channels and satellite transponders, though ... the main one will be Mind Body Spirit TV.
Congratulations on your Screenplay endeavor, L. A. ... It will be a labor of love, I see.
A ha .. another screenwriter in the midsts ... way to go, Michael A. Williams, and I see Michael Simon has also caught the creative bug; the talent is coming out of the woodwork.
Thanks, Christian, I'll keep the Seven Oaks label in mind. What about the Coppola winery? Have you tried any of their wines? I haven't, but I've heard good things about them. Francis Coppola has said in an interview that he uses the profits from there to help finance his Independant films.
Best to you, Michael, with your cartoon. Download it here when it's finished and you think it's ready.
I have had coffee. Life is good. Jon Fergus and I are on the test site playing around with some different site designs to see if we can come up with something that is really kewl.
Brighter yellow, but at the same time more white in it ... if a little input is allowed. The logo is bulky and unstylish, I have all the software to make these, and headers if needed. The new font is a thousand times better, btw. You could use a means to place a video clip on current events, multi-media works, and draws people in. The two sub-panels on the right are awkward, perhaps on either side instead, by way of a suggestion. Or else, divide up the right panel.
If it helps to know, and this is sort of a merchandising tip ... people read from left to right, then top to bottom. This makes the upper left-hand corner the most valuable (important) space, and the lower right-hand side the least important. Sell the best product where the eyes gravitate, the uppper left, and keep your basic stuff to the lower right.
White is good on a modern site, it has less distraction. It also adds a sense of professionalism.
The bold yellow in the logo, is way too much, in my opinion. Although yellow is a communication color, the color itself will have to match the intelligence behind your logo, whatever that may be.
If you do use the white with a pinch of yellow in places, this also matches white with a pinch of green ("wellness") and white with a pinch of blue ("creativity" or "expression") and white with a pinch of purple (always suggests "spirituality".) Avoid pink at all costs, ... although it is supposed to mean compassion and understanding, which it does in the higher realms, it is experienced conversely "not understood," "no compassion" because of the problems humans are having right now. Torquoise does suggest genious, writing and the MEANS to reach the Mental Plane for "inspiration." Indigo (real indigo) is a kind of Higher wisdom we associate with Archangel Raphael in Christianity as He is trying to find the cause of problems/issues/health.) Orange "Mastery" is too strong to use in volume. Green that is a basic dark green means "healing." However, a very deep forest green suggests to the human mind both "true love," and "Truth." Love is not pink or red ("passion"), and love and truth go hand in hand. That would be the basics, though clairvoyantly we can see 65 million colors, and our eyes can descern these too ... but that level would be beyond most people's perceptions, so the basics will do. If this helps...
I miss London, a remarkable place. The culture, architecture, lifestyle and accents are all indicative of a whole new world. Enjoy the “Ancient Wisdom,” I just gave away a Dutch version to a friend. 6am, seriously? I think the birds are still waiting for the worms to start stirring, that early. Kind of suggests you really like nature. Then again, you did mention birds (messengers in the sense that if we are being influenced by those on the other-side, the birds will react to that energy, and tend to be around at those times.
Christian, it would be nice if its part of the basic package, but I'd still get it even if it wasn't. btw, remember, I am an IT guy and that is a go-go-go field. I am very intense (which is why I have to watch my energy closely especially when I am around more laid back people) and get into hyperdrive myself. My grade 2 report card had the following comment on it "If Allan ever learns to slow down, look out!" lol As for partaking, it would be an honour and a privilege to be involved in any venture with you Christian!!
All this talk about writing and tv shows has me thinking I should get back to the novel I started and have about half done, and to develop the idea I had for a tv show... I haven't written anything on it, just contemplated what the show would be about, a little about the characters and a plot. Never did much with it because while I could see eventually getting published, I never saw a tv show in my future lol
I am working on some ideas for putting the Twin Powers material into an iPad app as well, but haven't quite decided what angle to take. I wouldn't want just a "book", I would like it to be a bit more interactive.
Anyways, I am watching some football and finishing up Christmas decorations before getting back to the course I am working (I am taking courses towards a management designation so that I am not stuck working in the IT field- getting a little frustrated with not being able to find work in my field).
I have enjoyed reading the comments and my best to everyone!
Well, Allan ... one of the things we producers and the Network decided on well over a year ago, is that we didn't want people to have to subscribe ... so the way it has been negotiated with the Dish Networks, and many cable companies is that it be part of the[basic] offering. btw, there are a number of meditation and yoga programs in the lineup, something you may be interested in ... you like to calm your mind. I like to work on hyperdrive, myself ... even as a kid I could never sit still, ha. and btw, I would certainly hope to have you on in at least one program, probably several.
yea ... me too. The Christmas Tree is in the process of going up ... which makes it a big day for the Nature People. I did the cooking tonight, showing off the art and wisdom of making a perfect meatloaf, ha. I'm more the gourmet, but sometimes I delve into the comfort foods ... forgot to mention I've also done a cooking show "Cooking with Spirit", where I bring back the old classics. Good luck in the work department, I didn't know you were looking. It is a Mercury Retrograde, so expect someone(s) from the PAST to contact you within the month, or at least that is how retrogrades seem to work (when they are not breaking down or electronics). Ha.
Well, "running errands" was interesting. We actually took more into the grocery store than we carried out. Cleaned the pantry of things I am quite sure I will not use before the expiration date, so box of food, then collected all the wine corks we have been saving for recycling at a store we rarely go to, but Safeway actually had a company with a program that will donate a can of food for every corrk recycled, and took in the plastic bags for recycling. AND we had coffee at a little coffee shop and met an interesting guy from Dublin who is teaching a meditation course here on Tuesday evening. He had his laptop and got on the site while Joe and I were having tea with him. Cool. Oh, and we got a Joe a little Christmas gift, so my biggest worries are all gone. If I go shopping now, I can enjoy it. Joe made a really good omelet for breakfast by the way!
Today is a beautiful warm day, nice and peaceful by Pacific Bay in CA. I was doing something yesterday for the network's Facebook page. I did graphic inspirational quotes on Karma, and wisdom of Higher Minds, of different kind. Wisdom words in a sentence with my art and other backgrounds. I got so involved in this little project and have lots of “High Thinking' fun.
Thank you Joe for the idea, it inspires me and also brought a few suggestions that may help a network better get together. A week or so ago I senses a feeling, that Awaken mind within a year showed so much progress and future seems like an absolute, but suddenly slows with unclear and uncertain future. Then I realize that it is my job to consistently and appropriately feed Mind with a “food' that is new and beneficial. Its not that simple when doing alone. No matter what kind of new things I tried to express any interest, wasn't good enough, unnecessary and a waste of time. I start reading HPB and (as always) found something that helps me understand what is wrong. I am not a big book reader (was at my youth) and mostly reading now to obtain certain references. No matter how much wisdom and knowledge some books providing for learning and benefiting a reader, Awaken mind need more action. Higher Mind expects from Ego more creativity and a new approaches. Awakening is a miracle but not a magic and mind by itself will not go as far as have capabilities. When Ego sent on the mission to find a solution for the problem on my own, Kama is always nearby, so watch out. become a home of my faith. I become a little bit closer with my multiple attempts to connect with the others . It is difficult for me and take long time to make a comment. What will take in average 15 minutes, for me in 2 hours or more. English skills is no compete for the speed of mind thoughts generation. So I have to go back and there is a new thought has to get out , bi-lingual keyboard, its hassle. But this is that type of hassle that have to be devoted and practicing everyday. From 0 - I got where I am now, just practicing daily. When I writing it is always very long, no matter how much close to my point trying to be, somehow thinking if I explain in a details will sound better. At all times catching myself doubting (very disruptive for Higher thinking) Trying to not imagine how pathetic in crooked English it may sound to all. A group of people, higher or double degree in education with a library of knowledge. And me, with my high school education and undergrad in Art Academy in Russia. What is possibly I thinking writing this? Who is going to bother understand me the way it meant to be addressed. When I joying a network and put my art in photo-album and got no “like' response I told to myself: “If I didn't have a thousand visitors within last year on my artwork galleries website, that will be sort of disappointment. But I am hear not to show my art. This is network of highly intelligent minds, not a just some Facebook. One way or another I decided to stay here until figure out the way to ignited connection sharing knowledge and the interests. Thank you to very wise men that I respect and admire, Capt. Anad Kumar. He encouraged me continue to write. Of many things you have a knowledge about and I don't but something there that I know and you don't. Sharing that wisdom, for me is very important key to progress. My knowledge all from personal experiences, analyzed in Higher Perception by extracting every piece of wisdom with a references written in the books of wisdom. The discoveries based on real facts not just assumptions, proved with life. I have been struggling for help until a few days ago I meet our member Allan and his time and consideration to my questions and a detailed explanation in well put casual form and easy to understand response. That all it takes for my Higher Mind, that was in a “flat line” position for days, become active and ready to upload again. Encouragement, meaningful kind words and some answers, advise or suggestion (other than a book), that is plenty of help for a year old Awaken to continue evolve higher. Thank you Allan. My Higher Self salutes in appreciation for your help. Maybe we are connect more all if considering each other and take a moment and write a few words on each other posting. Doesn't matter what its may be, fair criticism is positive too, any kind of personal opinion is better than no response at all. When I see no response, I know is all on my mind, but mind after feel like a dying fish in the middle of a fish tank, just sitting there. I am asking you people a question: Do you think that if we are read at lease 2-3 sentences in general discussions on all new postings and express personal opinion, maybe a suggestions or anything at all, soon we'll know each other better? Will this works?
As far as a social network can bring us together, Evolution of Higher minds will be progressing one way on another but this way I believe will be faster and with more fun. Considering of writing response as it should be considering – Giving. Giving minute of your time and say what you want to say, in polite and kind matter a criticism and opposite options is also a giving. Someone response of a criticism benefits an author in only good way, so he or she can bring a new ideas on the same topic or seeing in different prospective and like the way it looks. It is a challenge for everyone including me. I saw many blogs comes and goes with an author comments only and thinking if everyone here share fair in response telling their true opinion? Will be this better for one who wrote the blog, benefits much better than if there none? Sure is, in fact when that person will write a new blog in consideration to people response on previous, that blog will be a spark of different idea if author know why people really do or don't care to discuss fist one? It will be so for me if I write a blog. Its the reason why I didn't so far, avoiding a non-response result, wondering why thinking less of myself, instead of finding the answers and gets some new ideas, take a new actions. This what I would do. This is how my mind responding these days. Do anyone agree on that?
Thank You Olga for your kind words. We value you presence here and enjoy every word that you write. Please continue to share your experiences in this fascinating journey of self-discovery and progression.
Thank you everybody for your kind comments. I am really glad you are like it. Looking forward to new discussions. I wrote a comment on Reincarnation. It is one of my favor. Researching and documenting own Reincarnation for last 10 years.
Wish a beautiful day to all and the Best of Peace.
Hi, Ferran, good to see you here again. This is no new revelation or late breaking expose of HPB. It's been well known for some time and, to my knowledge, not even a hardcore Blavatskyite has refuted it.
I first read about it in when Colin Wilson's book, THE OCCULT, came out in 1972. He mentioned she was something of a two-fisted addicted smoker, a tobacco cigarette in one hand and a marijuana joint in the other. He doesn't list a source, but he's known as a meticulous researcher.
Over the years I've seen it mentioned numerous times in articles. Recently, I ran across it again in Gary Lachman's A DARK MUSE, A HISTORY OF THE OCCULT, 2003. He says Blavatsky used copious amounts of hashish, the potent resin of the bud of marijuana plant, and started when she was in Cairo. He gives the Sylvia Cranston's book HPB: THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE OF HELENA BLAVATSKY, 1993, as one of his sources for her life. It's probably in there.
Also, I just did as Google Search on "Blavatsky and hashish" and a number of sites turn up, with more proof. In fact, here a quote from ISIS UNVEILED I ran across that's quite an 'eye popper" for its day":
"Plants also have like mystical properties in a most wonderful degree, and the secrets of the herbs of dreams and enchantments are only lost to European science, and useless to say, too, are unknown to it, except in a few marked instances, such as opium and hashish..." - HPB
It must be remembered that these substances were legal back then and didn't have the stigmas attached to them that they have today. In fact, you could buy syringes, needles and vials of opium legally through the Sears mail order catalogue.
Hope this helps to answer your question.
Susan, I never heard of recycling wine bottle corks, sounds like a good practice. I imagine they grind them up and then re-press that into new corks.
Today I posted some more of inspirational, wisdom quotes with my art on a background.Inspirations from The Theosophical Network. It is fun self-inspiring and it is pleasant form of giving. I will consider to spend a few minutes of my day and will continue to create at lease 1-2 a day. Today it was from my poem "Gratitude - Awakening" and my new quotation on Universe.
such a busy day, ... managed a bit on my FB page. Lots of researching, reading, editing, and stuff, stuff, stuff. Interesting read on HPB's habit. I am more convinced than ever on what I've perceived has been behind her ways and means.
Thanks for your answer, Michael. Well, I don't think HPB used hashish or marijuana as a habit ;-) ... the main reason for my opinion is that I've made hashish myself (not for sale, strictly for fun ;) and, knowing about this substance and its effects, I just don't see HPB stoned. Of course my opinion is not at all a proof hehehehe. :-)
Sorry, Ferran, but it's well documented that HPB used copius anounts of hashish daily after she started on it on Cairo. I don't know the year for that. She even freely mentions it in her writings, extolling its virtues for inducing visionary and mystical experiences.
You have to keep in mind two things. First, drugs will effect people differently many times. There are some who find marijuana and hashish a stimulant also, and can concentrate, write and do other creative projects. I never could when I indulged years ago. I got the euphoria and sensory enhancement, but was too spaced out to concentrate on writing. And, there are a very few, HPB was one, who do get to the visionary and mystical angle. It took psychedelics to go there for me.(See Olga's excellent response to HPB in Joe's discussion "HPB - First of the Moderns or Last of the Medievals")
Second, as I said earlier, this was a totally different era in regards to these substances. They were legal, little was known about them scientifically compared to now, and there was not the stigma attached to them.
Joe, you're right about seeking professional help if one has an addiction problem. The current Medical Establishment would be of no help if one wanted to use certain drugs/substances for consciousness exploration. They wouldn't even admit that's possible.
Christian, if I interpreted your long comments on HBP the other day corrected, one things you were pointing out was you felt that this hashish use caused HPB to be influenced by nefarious lower astral entities, masquerading as higher beings. Is that correct?
Very busy day. Lots of challenges! Several of my own making as a result of doing things in a rush and/or when tired. Mnaged to spend at least 2 minutes watching the heavy rain in the memorial garden where I work before a colleague arrived for a chat.....On strike tomorrow. Never been on strike before, but because I'm aware of the history and philosophy of unions in the UK and as a good working class girl felt that I have to support my colleagues. Would rather be at work - so much to do. Got home after an 11 day and spent a minute looking at a beautiful moon before coming in to start the evening. Lovely husband treating us to a take away and at least I'll grab a moment of sanity on our day of action tomorrow! I'm not well enough to picket, march or wave a placard - I have a serious heart problem that means I have to avoid stress -..............That is another huge challenge as I want to do too much and fret that I can't travel or dance the night away. Still when I'm not at work I have lots of time for contemplation as I'm in bed quite a lot!
Hi, Heidi, good to see you back on the site again. I received an email from Peter O'Lalor this morning that he's stepping down from the WWW blogtalkradio show for a new challenges and I thought resigning from this site. I emailed him my best to him on his new path. I just received a reply from Peter and he's not officially leaving the site, but only the radio show. He mentioned you were starting on a new path yourself. Much good energy to you in your endeavors.
Joe, I wanted to mention that from what I've read recently, new studies have shown that caffeine and coffee have been getting a bad rap. In quick summary, there are many health benefits to both, in moderation. Of course, one person's "moderation" can be another's "too much." It's light doses for me, or I get the "jitters."
From everything I've read, Ritalan can be dangerous and is way over prescribed. The long term effects of adderol aren't so good. It's no secret that the military used amphetamines in the battlefield for decades to keep the soldiers going under extreme stress. I suspect they've switched to something like adderol, which is seems safer in short term use.
Today I made a beautiful inspirational picture in combination of my drawing and quote from my poem. Giving beautiful things I can create as artist and share with people make me feel very good. Universe sending me Love and I feel it. Beside the fact I just started to do it and all my artwork send through the net and circulation just begin. I like inspirational words on top of image but now there is all originally made and one of the kind with good energy and hope everybody enjoyed.
Thank Joe for the idea. It fits my interests and skills.
Heidi, your images beautiful one of the kind too. I love it, and I am enjoying to work with you on this project on behalf of The Theosophical Network.
I've put in a very long day cleaning out and then repurposeing the garage. Whatever happened to the day when neighborhood kids did this for sodapop money? Or, was I the last of that breed way back when?
Wow, Karen ... so you're on strike tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad for you ... however this works out I should think it is going to be an experience. If you've the time, share with us what is happening down there in the ranks, as things unfold. Are you anticipating this will make a difference? Is there something unfair going on? And, I guess we are all going to want to know if this is dangerous. Be careful, be well.
Olga, I've been watching this form of inspirational art take off ... it IS a means of expression, and it IS creative, and it DOES give you a voice; these HAVE to all be good things, and help you progress along your journey.
Perhaps it would be better to alter our DNA so alertness is natural, ... OR ... perhaps there could be a way for people to get better sleep, so they can be alert. I have to admit, we as people tend to routingly buck the system, whatever that may be ... this sure sounds like a great opportuntity for someone to invent something, or develop something.
Site was under maintenance, tomorrow or the next day should be back on. 4 art galleries, spiritual, inspirational quotes, poems, essays. Promotes and supports peace and fully non-profit. Every art piece I create going for the World Peace.
I have make some changes and additions to my site, welcome check it out.
Please visit my website at: "Where The Art Lives" Beside the artwork there poetry and essays of my life, before and since Awaken, transformation and more. Notice: If you like what you've see, re-visit soon because it will be expanding further as the Mind evolve. Soon to come complete story with graphics about personal experience of the Awakening, a Universal Miracle. I will be glad to share my Light and Universal Love with You, and hope it will inspire others to share their stories too.
Olga ... AMAZING!!! Who knew? I wasn't expecting to be blown away ... you have considerable talent, I hope it takes you far. Computer crashes and communication glitches are expected during the Mercury Retro Retrograde - two weeks into it already, two more to go appx - almost like clock work. TAKE NOTE; we have a genuine artist on-board. (Our profiles seem rather non-existent to me, so I'll give you a plug. Ha.
I've started off on a bright and promising early weekend; things seem to be getting done by themselves... ANOTHER positive advantage of the Mercury Retrograde (like Karma, these adjustments are not all bad).
(Although, I did get a fresh batch of Gnome visitors who have worked their way down from Alaska - ha, and Nature People all like to work. MORE - MORE)
I kind of miss the old days when I was able to travel around the country showing people how to see them live, right there in the seminars.
I'm hoping that decade of work has already paid off, and they are household [appliances] by now, ha.
Blavatsky is the one who wrote that she hoped someone would start these demonstrations; recall, SHE NEVER DID IT, though she wanted this as a basis of proof for her first-phase of the Theosophical Society by way of Harold Felt, though he NEVER DID IT either, always some excuse or another.
The fact that HPB didn't offer this proof or couldn't fits right into the Hashish topic we had a few days ago; it is actually rather easy to miss the ætheric kingdoms because our minds simply have no expectation of it, so the sub-conscious dismisses it. I had discovered the missing technique and put it to good use, for years.
The point being, If you are doing drugs you are going to automatically go to the lower-astral, since the sub-conscious is not properly filtering, and that sub-plane is the one we tend to [fight] in this life-time, as it should be just behind us in the evolutionary process (we relate to sub-planes, too ... not just Planes). That sub-plane will be more highly emotional than we seek now, and unfortunately high emotions can be negative ala "fear", not just joy and ecstasy.
It's bright and sunny down in the SoCal coastal area ... I imagine you'all are mostly digging snow out of your ears???
I am glad you like it. I am planning to add sometimes next week 3 new essays: "Awakening" "Earthy Belongings" and "Spiritual Mathematics" I am working on the last one and will be done soon. Hopefully uploading my mind and site at the same time, ha, ha :)
Tonight is so windy here in Santa Monica. Outside sounds like a hurricane blown around bungalow and garden. Hope it passes overnight.
Another beautiful day in Southern California, but the days are short. Things are getting done and it all seems to be coming together ... I think I may just look forward to the New Year, for a change. I feel a strong undercurrent going on/about, where things are bubbling to the surface for people/everyone ... and in a good way. Change, movement, progress ... all good things in my view; like the cycle of 2011 is ratcheting to a great close, setting things up for a brighter future for the WORLD. Hard to imagine, if you watch the news, but then, I'm ususally pretty good at reading the currents, ha.
Very cold here in Warwickshire. Frost most mornings so it is lovely and crisp when I leave the house just after 7.30am. Very quiet house too with our son on an internship at a multinational corporate law firm in central London. It amazes me that after the upbringing he had that he has become a very ambitious capitalist and corporate animal. Boy do we have some full and frank discussions!!
I am so pleased that our department review is almost over too. I was very organ ised, but still there were glitches that I allowed to stress me. Now I can get back to what I believe is our core business - teaching! Slowly catching up on marking and actually did some fresh planning for sessions yesterday and today which makes a very welcome change from filling in bits of paper so that senior managers can file it away for when they are reviewed themselves! Madness. Anyway I'm back to feeling very privileged to be introducing very motivated, very able 16-18 year olds to the joys and challenges of studying psychology. I'm also doubly lucky as I teach in an independent (private) school and have some great colleagues; even if I feel like an undercover counterculturist most of the time! Have a great day everyone!
We've started getting the winter chill down in the Malibu, CA area. Won't have snow, but maybe some dense fog to rust out ol' santa's sleigh by Christmas time, I expect.
Gosh ... so many new and interesting threads and posts going on; alas, my life is [working], and so, it's like living in pop-corn at the moment. I hope to get back into the swing of things sometime soon, ... till then, you will likely see me in fits and sputters. Have a great day.
Karen said, "I'm also doubly lucky as I teach in an independent (private) school and have some great colleagues;" ... we need MORE of this, ... it may be the only thing that saves us over time.
jiminy cricket! It's snowing here this morning! Not sticking to the roads, but it's pretty. It's the second such snow we've had so far this winter, which is very unusual for the mid-south.
About working from home: I used to think that my mind will not expands as wide as it should because I have very limited human contact and was worry that its a vital issue for proper development. But since turning my work into giving made my website as non-profit February 2011, everything was changed. Artists depending on special inspirations -muse, which is comes and goes as it please. No matter how much talent artist have, without of muse present, there is no masterpiece will be created. When I started practicing that everyday giving, I felt that muse become more frequent "guest".
I don't feel my world "small" anymore. I feel more connected to the world that ever before. Well, maybe I am a "nerd", no question about, but guess I love to be one . I use computer as valuable tool, luckily my mind well aware about the amount of junk on the internet and learned how not to get a "side track". Connecting to mind-like people worldwide and a worldwide "library "of references. Building own virtual world as digital model of the real one in a gradual progress for the World Peace. Unfortunately when step outside in the real world, my heart aches to see most of people are far away from understanding a true concept of real happiness. Even if they do, a domestic material life is most of the times take a top priority of thinking, under control of "narrow" mind's prospective. A socializing by physically meet and interacting with people is a sad "reality check". I feel many times a concentrated clouds of negative energies from stress and frustration, just when walking to a local supermarket, where the prices on groceries increasing monthly. I have so much compassion and empathize to people. I been in their shoes just a year ago. I do my best with small things: smile, honest compliment, uplifting short conversation, etc. But when getting out of there, or getting off a jam-packed traffic streets full of madness, I can't wait to come home, to my peace and solitude and feel so much gratitude for this life I have, my real sanctuary where I nourishing inner peace, so I can give it to the world.
Michael A. Williams
Best to you, L.A, with your screenplay. I used to write screenplays, but haven 't in awhile.
Christian, that's was quite a exposition. Lots of food for thought. It read like you were already on a double latte and needed a glass of wine to to level off! lol - You forgot to mention what the name of that bottle of California Cabernet was. And, what cable channel are you working with, or can you say that publicly yet?
I've an idea I'm developing of an Occult/paranormal/romantic thriller series, but any fictional show is a hard sell now on the networks or cable. My notion is to take it direct to the Internet first, but it's still in an early stage.
Yes, it's been well established Blavatsky was more than a casual user of hashish and liked large helpings of it. It was legal back then. She functioned quite well on it and it obviously helped her break out of normal waking consciousness. I'm surprised there hasn't been more commentaries on this.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
J. Lohr Seven Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon 2009
It isn't even from the Russian River area, so I was surprised it was great.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
I am supposed to wait till 2012 on the station names, we do have our own channels and satellite transponders, though ... the main one will be Mind Body Spirit TV.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Congratulations on your Screenplay endeavor, L. A. ... It will be a labor of love, I see.
A ha .. another screenwriter in the midsts ... way to go, Michael A. Williams, and I see Michael Simon has also caught the creative bug; the talent is coming out of the woodwork.
Nov 27, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Thanks, Christian, I'll keep the Seven Oaks label in mind. What about the Coppola winery? Have you tried any of their wines? I haven't, but I've heard good things about them. Francis Coppola has said in an interview that he uses the profits from there to help finance his Independant films.
Best to you, Michael, with your cartoon. Download it here when it's finished and you think it's ready.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Brighter yellow, but at the same time more white in it ... if a little input is allowed. The logo is bulky and unstylish, I have all the software to make these, and headers if needed. The new font is a thousand times better, btw. You could use a means to place a video clip on current events, multi-media works, and draws people in. The two sub-panels on the right are awkward, perhaps on either side instead, by way of a suggestion. Or else, divide up the right panel.
If it helps to know, and this is sort of a merchandising tip ... people read from left to right, then top to bottom. This makes the upper left-hand corner the most valuable (important) space, and the lower right-hand side the least important. Sell the best product where the eyes gravitate, the uppper left, and keep your basic stuff to the lower right.
White is good on a modern site, it has less distraction. It also adds a sense of professionalism.
The bold yellow in the logo, is way too much, in my opinion. Although yellow is a communication color, the color itself will have to match the intelligence behind your logo, whatever that may be.
If you do use the white with a pinch of yellow in places, this also matches white with a pinch of green ("wellness") and white with a pinch of blue ("creativity" or "expression") and white with a pinch of purple (always suggests "spirituality".) Avoid pink at all costs, ... although it is supposed to mean compassion and understanding, which it does in the higher realms, it is experienced conversely "not understood," "no compassion" because of the problems humans are having right now. Torquoise does suggest genious, writing and the MEANS to reach the Mental Plane for "inspiration." Indigo (real indigo) is a kind of Higher wisdom we associate with Archangel Raphael in Christianity as He is trying to find the cause of problems/issues/health.) Orange "Mastery" is too strong to use in volume. Green that is a basic dark green means "healing." However, a very deep forest green suggests to the human mind both "true love," and "Truth." Love is not pink or red ("passion"), and love and truth go hand in hand. That would be the basics, though clairvoyantly we can see 65 million colors, and our eyes can descern these too ... but that level would be beyond most people's perceptions, so the basics will do. If this helps...
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
I miss London, a remarkable place. The culture, architecture, lifestyle and
accents are all indicative of a whole new world. Enjoy the “Ancient Wisdom,” I just gave away a Dutch version to a friend. 6am, seriously? I think the birds are still waiting for the worms to start stirring, that early. Kind of suggests you really like nature. Then again, you did mention birds (messengers
in the sense that if we are being influenced by those on the other-side, the
birds will react to that energy, and tend to be around at those times.
Nov 27, 2011
Allan Beveridge
Christian, it would be nice if its part of the basic package, but I'd still get it even if it wasn't. btw, remember, I am an IT guy and that is a go-go-go field. I am very intense (which is why I have to watch my energy closely especially when I am around more laid back people) and get into hyperdrive myself. My grade 2 report card had the following comment on it "If Allan ever learns to slow down, look out!" lol As for partaking, it would be an honour and a privilege to be involved in any venture with you Christian!!
All this talk about writing and tv shows has me thinking I should get back to the novel I started and have about half done, and to develop the idea I had for a tv show... I haven't written anything on it, just contemplated what the show would be about, a little about the characters and a plot. Never did much with it because while I could see eventually getting published, I never saw a tv show in my future lol
I am working on some ideas for putting the Twin Powers material into an iPad app as well, but haven't quite decided what angle to take. I wouldn't want just a "book", I would like it to be a bit more interactive.
Anyways, I am watching some football and finishing up Christmas decorations before getting back to the course I am working (I am taking courses towards a management designation so that I am not stuck working in the IT field- getting a little frustrated with not being able to find work in my field).
I have enjoyed reading the comments and my best to everyone!
Well, Allan ... one of the things we producers and the Network decided on well over a year ago, is that we didn't want people to have to subscribe ... so the way it has been negotiated with the Dish Networks, and many cable companies is that it be part of the[basic] offering. btw, there are a number of meditation and yoga programs in the lineup, something you may be interested in ... you like to calm your mind. I like to work on hyperdrive, myself ... even as a kid I could never sit still, ha. and btw, I would certainly hope to have you on in at least one program, probably several.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
yea ... me too. The Christmas Tree is in the process of going up ... which makes it a big day for the Nature People. I did the cooking tonight, showing off the art and wisdom of making a perfect meatloaf, ha. I'm more the gourmet, but sometimes I delve into the comfort foods ... forgot to mention I've also done a cooking show "Cooking with Spirit", where I bring back the old classics. Good luck in the work department, I didn't know you were looking. It is a Mercury Retrograde, so expect someone(s) from the PAST to contact you within the month, or at least that is how retrogrades seem to work (when they are not breaking down or electronics). Ha.
Nov 27, 2011
Susan Thomas
Well, "running errands" was interesting. We actually took more into the grocery store than we carried out. Cleaned the pantry of things I am quite sure I will not use before the expiration date, so box of food, then collected all the wine corks we have been saving for recycling at a store we rarely go to, but Safeway actually had a company with a program that will donate a can of food for every corrk recycled, and took in the plastic bags for recycling. AND we had coffee at a little coffee shop and met an interesting guy from Dublin who is teaching a meditation course here on Tuesday evening. He had his laptop and got on the site while Joe and I were having tea with him. Cool. Oh, and we got a Joe a little Christmas gift, so my biggest worries are all gone. If I go shopping now, I can enjoy it. Joe made a really good omelet for breakfast by the way!
Nov 27, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everyone,
Today is a beautiful warm day, nice and peaceful by Pacific Bay in CA. I was doing something yesterday for the network's Facebook page. I did graphic inspirational quotes on Karma, and wisdom of Higher Minds, of different kind. Wisdom words in a sentence with my art and other backgrounds. I got so involved in this little project and have lots of “High Thinking' fun.
Thank you Joe for the idea, it inspires me and also brought a few suggestions that may help a network better get together. A week or so ago I senses a feeling, that Awaken mind within a year showed so much progress and future seems like an absolute, but suddenly slows with unclear and uncertain future. Then I realize that it is my job to consistently and appropriately feed Mind with a “food' that is new and beneficial. Its not that simple when doing alone. No matter what kind of new things I tried to express any interest, wasn't good enough, unnecessary and a waste of time. I start reading HPB and (as always) found something that helps me understand what is wrong. I am not a big book reader (was at my youth) and mostly reading now to obtain certain references. No matter how much wisdom and knowledge some books providing for learning and benefiting a reader, Awaken mind need more action. Higher Mind expects from Ego more creativity and a new approaches. Awakening is a miracle but not a magic and mind by itself will not go as far as have capabilities. When Ego sent on the mission to find a solution for the problem on my own, Kama is always nearby, so watch out. become a home of my faith. I become a little bit closer with my multiple attempts to connect with the others . It is difficult for me and take long time to make a comment. What will take in average 15 minutes, for me in 2 hours or more. English skills is no compete for the speed of mind thoughts generation. So I have to go back and there is a new thought has to get out , bi-lingual keyboard, its hassle. But this is that type of hassle that have to be devoted and practicing everyday. From 0 - I got where I am now, just practicing daily. When I writing it is always very long, no matter how much close to my point trying to be, somehow thinking if I explain in a details will sound better. At all times catching myself doubting (very disruptive for Higher thinking) Trying to not imagine how pathetic in crooked English it may sound to all. A group of people, higher or double degree in education with a library of knowledge. And me, with my high school education and undergrad in Art Academy in Russia. What is possibly I thinking writing this? Who is going to bother understand me the way it meant to be addressed. When I joying a network and put my art in photo-album and got no “like' response I told to myself: “If I didn't have a thousand visitors within last year on my artwork galleries website, that will be sort of disappointment. But I am hear not to show my art. This is network of highly intelligent minds, not a just some Facebook. One way or another I decided to stay here until figure out the way to ignited connection sharing knowledge and the interests. Thank you to very wise men that I respect and admire, Capt. Anad Kumar. He encouraged me continue to write. Of many things you have a knowledge about and I don't but something there that I know and you don't. Sharing that wisdom, for me is very important key to progress. My knowledge all from personal experiences, analyzed in Higher Perception by extracting every piece of wisdom with a references written in the books of wisdom. The discoveries based on real facts not just assumptions, proved with life. I have been struggling for help until a few days ago I meet our member Allan and his time and consideration to my questions and a detailed explanation in well put casual form and easy to understand response. That all it takes for my Higher Mind, that was in a “flat line” position for days, become active and ready to upload again. Encouragement, meaningful kind words and some answers, advise or suggestion (other than a book), that is plenty of help for a year old Awaken to continue evolve higher. Thank you Allan. My Higher Self salutes in appreciation for your help. Maybe we are connect more all if considering each other and take a moment and write a few words on each other posting. Doesn't matter what its may be, fair criticism is positive too, any kind of personal opinion is better than no response at all. When I see no response, I know is all on my mind, but mind after feel like a dying fish in the middle of a fish tank, just sitting there. I am asking you people a question: Do you think that if we are read at lease 2-3 sentences in general discussions on all new postings and express personal opinion, maybe a suggestions or anything at all, soon we'll know each other better? Will this works?
As far as a social network can bring us together, Evolution of Higher minds will be progressing one way on another but this way I believe will be faster and with more fun. Considering of writing response as it should be considering – Giving. Giving minute of your time and say what you want to say, in polite and kind matter a criticism and opposite options is also a giving. Someone response of a criticism benefits an author in only good way, so he or she can bring a new ideas on the same topic or seeing in different prospective and like the way it looks. It is a challenge for everyone including me. I saw many blogs comes and goes with an author comments only and thinking if everyone here share fair in response telling their true opinion? Will be this better for one who wrote the blog, benefits much better than if there none? Sure is, in fact when that person will write a new blog in consideration to people response on previous, that blog will be a spark of different idea if author know why people really do or don't care to discuss fist one? It will be so for me if I write a blog. Its the reason why I didn't so far, avoiding a non-response result, wondering why thinking less of myself, instead of finding the answers and gets some new ideas, take a new actions. This what I would do. This is how my mind responding these days. Do anyone agree on that?
Thank you All.
Nov 27, 2011
Capt. Anand Kumar
Thank You Olga for your kind words. We value you presence here and enjoy every word that you write. Please continue to share your experiences in this fascinating journey of self-discovery and progression.
Nov 27, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Yes, Olga, you are a shining light. I always enjoy and learn something from your posts, paintings and photos.
Nov 28, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Thank you everybody for your kind comments.
I am really glad you are like it. Looking forward to new discussions. I wrote a comment on Reincarnation. It is one of my favor. Researching and documenting own Reincarnation for last 10 years.
Wish a beautiful day to all and the Best of Peace.
Nov 28, 2011
Ferran Sanz Orriols
Hi friends, have a good Monday!!!
Michael, could you give more details on the well established fact that HPB used hashish? You have awaken my curiosity on this point :-)
Nov 28, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Hi, Ferran, good to see you here again. This is no new revelation or late breaking expose of HPB. It's been well known for some time and, to my knowledge, not even a hardcore Blavatskyite has refuted it.
I first read about it in when Colin Wilson's book, THE OCCULT, came out in 1972. He mentioned she was something of a two-fisted addicted smoker, a tobacco cigarette in one hand and a marijuana joint in the other. He doesn't list a source, but he's known as a meticulous researcher.
Over the years I've seen it mentioned numerous times in articles. Recently, I ran across it again in Gary Lachman's A DARK MUSE, A HISTORY OF THE OCCULT, 2003. He says Blavatsky used copious amounts of hashish, the potent resin of the bud of marijuana plant, and started when she was in Cairo. He gives the Sylvia Cranston's book HPB: THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE OF HELENA BLAVATSKY, 1993, as one of his sources for her life. It's probably in there.
Also, I just did as Google Search on "Blavatsky and hashish" and a number of sites turn up, with more proof. In fact, here a quote from ISIS UNVEILED I ran across that's quite an 'eye popper" for its day":
"Plants also have like mystical properties in a most wonderful degree, and the secrets of the herbs of dreams and enchantments are only lost to European science, and useless to say, too, are unknown to it, except in a few marked instances, such as opium and hashish..." - HPB
It must be remembered that these substances were legal back then and didn't have the stigmas attached to them that they have today. In fact, you could buy syringes, needles and vials of opium legally through the Sears mail order catalogue.
Hope this helps to answer your question.
Susan, I never heard of recycling wine bottle corks, sounds like a good practice. I imagine they grind them up and then re-press that into new corks.
Nov 28, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everybody,
Today I posted some more of inspirational, wisdom quotes with my art on a background.Inspirations from The Theosophical Network. It is fun self-inspiring and it is pleasant form of giving. I will consider to spend a few minutes of my day and will continue to create at lease 1-2 a day. Today it was from my poem "Gratitude - Awakening" and my new quotation on Universe.
Thank you for reading.
Nov 28, 2011
Christian von Lahr
such a busy day, ... managed a bit on my FB page. Lots of researching, reading, editing, and stuff, stuff, stuff. Interesting read on HPB's habit. I am more convinced than ever on what I've perceived has been behind her ways and means.
Nov 29, 2011
Ferran Sanz Orriols
Hi, friends! Have a good day!!!
Thanks for your answer, Michael. Well, I don't think HPB used hashish or marijuana as a habit ;-) ... the main reason for my opinion is that I've made hashish myself (not for sale, strictly for fun ;) and, knowing about this substance and its effects, I just don't see HPB stoned. Of course my opinion is not at all a proof hehehehe. :-)
Nov 29, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Sorry, Ferran, but it's well documented that HPB used copius anounts of hashish daily after she started on it on Cairo. I don't know the year for that. She even freely mentions it in her writings, extolling its virtues for inducing visionary and mystical experiences.
You have to keep in mind two things. First, drugs will effect people differently many times. There are some who find marijuana and hashish a stimulant also, and can concentrate, write and do other creative projects. I never could when I indulged years ago. I got the euphoria and sensory enhancement, but was too spaced out to concentrate on writing. And, there are a very few, HPB was one, who do get to the visionary and mystical angle. It took psychedelics to go there for me.(See Olga's excellent response to HPB in Joe's discussion "HPB - First of the Moderns or Last of the Medievals")
Second, as I said earlier, this was a totally different era in regards to these substances. They were legal, little was known about them scientifically compared to now, and there was not the stigma attached to them.
Joe, you're right about seeking professional help if one has an addiction problem. The current Medical Establishment would be of no help if one wanted to use certain drugs/substances for consciousness exploration. They wouldn't even admit that's possible.
Christian, if I interpreted your long comments on HBP the other day corrected, one things you were pointing out was you felt that this hashish use caused HPB to be influenced by nefarious lower astral entities, masquerading as higher beings. Is that correct?
Nov 29, 2011
Karen Barnacle
Very busy day. Lots of challenges! Several of my own making as a result of doing things in a rush and/or when tired. Mnaged to spend at least 2 minutes watching the heavy rain in the memorial garden where I work before a colleague arrived for a chat.....On strike tomorrow. Never been on strike before, but because I'm aware of the history and philosophy of unions in the UK and as a good working class girl felt that I have to support my colleagues. Would rather be at work - so much to do. Got home after an 11 day and spent a minute looking at a beautiful moon before coming in to start the evening. Lovely husband treating us to a take away and at least I'll grab a moment of sanity on our day of action tomorrow! I'm not well enough to picket, march or wave a placard - I have a serious heart problem that means I have to avoid stress -..............That is another huge challenge as I want to do too much and fret that I can't travel or dance the night away. Still when I'm not at work I have lots of time for contemplation as I'm in bed quite a lot!
Nov 29, 2011
Heidi Ann Maycroft
Be safe tomorrow Karen... A strike sounds scary to me.
Nov 29, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Hi, Heidi, good to see you back on the site again. I received an email from Peter O'Lalor this morning that he's stepping down from the WWW blogtalkradio show for a new challenges and I thought resigning from this site. I emailed him my best to him on his new path. I just received a reply from Peter and he's not officially leaving the site, but only the radio show. He mentioned you were starting on a new path yourself. Much good energy to you in your endeavors.
Joe, I wanted to mention that from what I've read recently, new studies have shown that caffeine and coffee have been getting a bad rap. In quick summary, there are many health benefits to both, in moderation. Of course, one person's "moderation" can be another's "too much." It's light doses for me, or I get the "jitters."
From everything I've read, Ritalan can be dangerous and is way over prescribed. The long term effects of adderol aren't so good. It's no secret that the military used amphetamines in the battlefield for decades to keep the soldiers going under extreme stress. I suspect they've switched to something like adderol, which is seems safer in short term use.
Nov 29, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everybody!
Today I made a beautiful inspirational picture in combination of my drawing and quote from my poem. Giving beautiful things I can create as artist and share with people make me feel very good. Universe sending me Love and I feel it. Beside the fact I just started to do it and all my artwork send through the net and circulation just begin. I like inspirational words on top of image but now there is all originally made and one of the kind with good energy and hope everybody enjoyed.
Thank Joe for the idea. It fits my interests and skills.
Heidi, your images beautiful one of the kind too. I love it, and I am enjoying to work with you on this project on behalf of The Theosophical Network.
Thank you.
Nov 29, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Correct, Michael. Or else, she could not distinguish to begin with.
Nov 29, 2011
Christian von Lahr
I've put in a very long day cleaning out and then repurposeing the garage. Whatever happened to the day when neighborhood kids did this for sodapop money? Or, was I the last of that breed way back when?
Nov 29, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everyone,
I have these three quotes and wondering if you know the original authors
If you want the World Peace – become One.
Become Peace, for the World. You will be the World Peace.
There will be the World Peace , if You become.
Thank You
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Wow, Karen ... so you're on strike tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad for you ... however this works out I should think it is going to be an experience. If you've the time, share with us what is happening down there in the ranks, as things unfold. Are you anticipating this will make a difference? Is there something unfair going on? And, I guess we are all going to want to know if this is dangerous. Be careful, be well.
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Olga, I've been watching this form of inspirational art take off ... it IS a means of expression, and it IS creative, and it DOES give you a voice; these HAVE to all be good things, and help you progress along your journey.
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Perhaps it would be better to alter our DNA so alertness is natural, ... OR ... perhaps there could be a way for people to get better sleep, so they can be alert. I have to admit, we as people tend to routingly buck the system, whatever that may be ... this sure sounds like a great opportuntity for someone to invent something, or develop something.
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
... as long as they don't eliminate StarBucks!!!
Nov 30, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Thank you Christian.
I am glad you like my art. I have a website if you like to see .Here is the link.
Site was under maintenance, tomorrow or the next day should be back on. 4 art galleries, spiritual, inspirational quotes, poems, essays. Promotes and supports peace and fully non-profit. Every art piece I create going for the World Peace.
Nov 30, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
I am happy to say that my website back online after a little scare crash.
Welcome to visit at
Thank you.
Nov 30, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everyone,
I have make some changes and additions to my site, welcome check it out.
Please visit my website at:
"Where The Art Lives" Beside the artwork there poetry and essays of my life, before and since Awaken, transformation and more. Notice: If you like what you've see, re-visit soon because it will be expanding further as the Mind evolve. Soon to come complete story with graphics about personal experience of the Awakening, a Universal Miracle. I will be glad to share my Light and Universal Love with You, and hope it will inspire others to share their stories too.
Thank You,
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Olga ... AMAZING!!! Who knew? I wasn't expecting to be blown away ... you have considerable talent, I hope it takes you far. Computer crashes and communication glitches are expected during the Mercury Retro Retrograde - two weeks into it already, two more to go appx - almost like clock work. TAKE NOTE; we have a genuine artist on-board. (Our profiles seem rather non-existent to me, so I'll give you a plug. Ha.
Nov 30, 2011
Christian von Lahr
I've started off on a bright and promising early weekend; things seem to be getting done by themselves... ANOTHER positive advantage of the Mercury Retrograde (like Karma, these adjustments are not all bad).
(Although, I did get a fresh batch of Gnome visitors who have worked their way down from Alaska - ha, and Nature People all like to work. MORE - MORE)
I kind of miss the old days when I was able to travel around the country showing people how to see them live, right there in the seminars.
I'm hoping that decade of work has already paid off, and they are
household [appliances] by now, ha.
Blavatsky is the one who wrote that she hoped someone would start
these demonstrations; recall, SHE NEVER DID IT, though she wanted this as a
basis of proof for her first-phase of the Theosophical Society by way of Harold
Felt, though he NEVER DID IT either, always some excuse or another.
The fact that HPB didn't offer this proof or couldn't fits right into the Hashish topic we had a few days ago; it is actually rather easy to miss the ætheric kingdoms because our minds simply have no expectation of it, so the sub-conscious dismisses it. I had discovered the missing technique and put it to good use, for years.
The point being, If you are doing drugs you are going to automatically go to the lower-astral, since the sub-conscious is not properly filtering, and that sub-plane is the one we tend to [fight] in this life-time, as it should be just behind us in the evolutionary process (we relate to sub-planes, too ... not just Planes). That sub-plane will be more highly emotional than we seek now, and unfortunately high emotions can be negative ala "fear", not just joy and ecstasy.
It's bright and sunny down in the SoCal coastal area ... I imagine you'all are mostly digging snow out of your ears???
Nov 30, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Yes, Olga, that is truly amazing artwork. You quite a talent in many areas. I wish you the very best with your website.
Nov 30, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Thank you All!
I am glad you like it. I am planning to add sometimes next week 3 new essays: "Awakening" "Earthy Belongings" and "Spiritual Mathematics" I am working on the last one and will be done soon. Hopefully uploading my mind and site at the same time, ha, ha :)
Tonight is so windy here in Santa Monica. Outside sounds like a hurricane blown around bungalow and garden. Hope it passes overnight.
The Best Peace,
Dec 1, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Another beautiful day in Southern California, but the days are short. Things are getting done and it all seems to be coming together ... I think I may just look forward to the New Year, for a change. I feel a strong undercurrent going on/about, where things are bubbling to the surface for people/everyone ... and in a good way. Change, movement, progress ... all good things in my view; like the cycle of 2011 is ratcheting to a great close, setting things up for a brighter future for the WORLD. Hard to imagine, if you watch the news, but then, I'm ususally pretty good at reading the currents, ha.
Dec 1, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everyone.
Sunny, cool and breezy day here at Pacific Bay. The mighty ocean in Peace so Am I. Wish to All have a wonderful Sunday. + - :) + -
Dec 4, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Have a wonderful Monday Everyone! Peace and Love :)
Dec 5, 2011
Karen Barnacle
Very cold here in Warwickshire. Frost most mornings so it is lovely and crisp when I leave the house just after 7.30am. Very quiet house too with our son on an internship at a multinational corporate law firm in central London. It amazes me that after the upbringing he had that he has become a very ambitious capitalist and corporate animal. Boy do we have some full and frank discussions!!
Dec 6, 2011
Karen Barnacle
I am so pleased that our department review is almost over too. I was very organ ised, but still there were glitches that I allowed to stress me. Now I can get back to what I believe is our core business - teaching! Slowly catching up on marking and actually did some fresh planning for sessions yesterday and today which makes a very welcome change from filling in bits of paper so that senior managers can file it away for when they are reviewed themselves! Madness. Anyway I'm back to feeling very privileged to be introducing very motivated, very able 16-18 year olds to the joys and challenges of studying psychology. I'm also doubly lucky as I teach in an independent (private) school and have some great colleagues; even if I feel like an undercover counterculturist most of the time! Have a great day everyone!
Dec 6, 2011
Christian von Lahr
We've started getting the winter chill down in the Malibu, CA area. Won't have snow, but maybe some dense fog to rust out ol' santa's sleigh by Christmas time, I expect.
Dec 6, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
It is getting very chilly, you are right, Christian. I have the same feeling here, in a neighbor city Santa Monica, CA
Dec 6, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Gosh ... so many new and interesting threads and posts going on; alas, my life is [working], and so, it's like living in pop-corn at the moment. I hope to get back into the swing of things sometime soon, ... till then, you will likely see me in fits and sputters. Have a great day.
Dec 7, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Karen said, "I'm also doubly lucky as I teach in an independent (private) school and have some great colleagues;" ... we need MORE of this, ... it may be the only thing that saves us over time.
Dec 7, 2011
jiminy cricket! It's snowing here this morning! Not sticking to the roads, but it's pretty. It's the second such snow we've had so far this winter, which is very unusual for the mid-south.
Dec 7, 2011
Yes, but only if it sticks to the roads!
Dec 7, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hello Everyone.
About working from home: I used to think that my mind will not expands as wide as it should because I have very limited human contact and was worry that its a vital issue for proper development. But since turning my work into giving made my website as non-profit February 2011, everything was changed. Artists depending on special inspirations -muse, which is comes and goes as it please. No matter how much talent artist have, without of muse present, there is no masterpiece will be created. When I started practicing that everyday giving, I felt that muse become more frequent "guest".
I don't feel my world "small" anymore. I feel more connected to the world that ever before. Well, maybe I am a "nerd", no question about, but guess I love to be one . I use computer as valuable tool, luckily my mind well aware about the amount of junk on the internet and learned how not to get a "side track". Connecting to mind-like people worldwide and a worldwide "library "of references. Building own virtual world as digital model of the real one in a gradual progress for the World Peace. Unfortunately when step outside in the real world, my heart aches to see most of people are far away from understanding a true concept of real happiness. Even if they do, a domestic material life is most of the times take a top priority of thinking, under control of "narrow" mind's prospective. A socializing by physically meet and interacting with people is a sad "reality check". I feel many times a concentrated clouds of negative energies from stress and frustration, just when walking to a local supermarket, where the prices on groceries increasing monthly. I have so much compassion and empathize to people. I been in their shoes just a year ago. I do my best with small things: smile, honest compliment, uplifting short conversation, etc. But when getting out of there, or getting off a jam-packed traffic streets full of madness, I can't wait to come home, to my peace and solitude and feel so much gratitude for this life I have, my real sanctuary where I nourishing inner peace, so I can give it to the world.
Dec 7, 2011