

Baja California


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  • Mark Kusek

    Hi Estrella, Yes, we are still married.

    Thoa can be reached here:


    -- M
  • Mark R. Jaqua

    >Thank you for the manual, Mark!! It is an honour having such a tresaure of old time...pretty old book, 1912, phew!
    :D Thks I'll have to go to Pasadena...that means Pasadena California? In San Diego it does not exist any T.S. there??br />
    I'm from Ohio, US, so don't really know what is going on there. The Pasadena group might have a group there. Ken Small of former Point Loma Publications is in San Diego, you could probably contact them at >< I have one more of those spanish Theosophical manuals, but that is all I could find. I could give a link or upload it.
  • Gene Hutloff

    Al principio, el honor es mio. Es que compartimos el mismo interés en lograr traducciones al castellano de los recursos seminales de Teosofía. Me refiero en particular a las ediciones originales de HPB y William Q. Judge. Me encuentro insatisfecho con lo disponible que nos viene de Adyar en forma de las traducciones de acuerdo con los conceptos de Besant y Leadbeater. Esto aplica más a La Doctrina Secreta.