Great that it's raining in New Mexico...very auspicious...I'm not participating in the Black Friday craziness, either...this was not the time for me financially, but even if it was, I wouldn't be feels like a good time for quietude and contemplation...the frenzy of the holidays is the last thing I need right now. Peace to All!
This is one of those exciting synchronistic days; everywhere I turn I am running into people in every way from all over the world.
It's the day after Thanksgiving down here in Malibu, USA ... but it seems there's a great big world of opportunity to be thankful for today. This is like EXPERIENCING “Outside of the Box.”
Meeting and conversing with people from distant places is just the same as getting new perspectives, and so it is a growing experience. Growing experiences go way back to childhood where every day was a new day we awaited with great anticipation. This represents [change] to me, and change is progress. And, this reminds me of an underlying theosophical conception of life being movement. So, today there is great movement in the world and it feels like the theosophical inspiration is being felt.
Even here in this new group, the salutations are coming in from continent-to-continent. It makes me feel grateful that there are ways to both reach out and to be received; kind of what mankind [must] look forward to as we evolve through an entire Physical Universe ̶ even this a mere symbol of the transformation we will undertake in the greater Universe of Consciousness. This group is one of those ways to be a part of a bigger world. Is it just me, or do we really feel bigger inside when we can embrace the ALL, … even if it’s just through these daily glimmers of lightness?
I have been noticing that coincidental with the expanded perspective of being parts of bigger world, innumerable things are suddenly changing. Today has been like a big batch of pop-corn – all the little matters that have been collecting like dust particles in life are suddenly popping-up to the forefront as solutions in themselves, so my house of cards is a little cleaner today.
"... Next will be some reading of the Gnostic Circle...don't want Lori to think I'm a complete slacker."
Ha, I can't imagine you as a slacker Joe; you are more like “the Borg” of StarTrek scripts, assimilating everything along your way. You have an incredible capacity for such things.
It makes me wonder if back in days of old, people had a hundred things to do in our brief hours of the day. Perhaps the more we learn the easier learning becomes, or so increases our capacity for experiences and understanding. However this plays out, your little footprints are being noticed traipsing from forum to forum.
I’ve created a new page today under my Group “Open Wisdom.” The page is titled, “A NEW NAME FOR THE SITE”. It is a discussion page to get thoughts on a Name Change, (something that I am suggesting, not necessarily an aim of Administration – this is just me speaking out).
I have started the discussion / exploration by suggesting one name idea, and I’ve given my few words in the Group PREAMBLE as to why a name change might be considered, and why I chose the one described.
"Where do spiritual teachers go when they need help?"
Good thought, Joe. And Allan is the man to go to with such a question; he is brilliant in this regard. My first reaction would be to consider that Teachers, by their nature, DO NOT have traditional teachers themselves. Therefore, THEIR personal teaching is received inherently in the process of their teaching others.
To that end, though, it may be necessary to get out of their “thinking” mode so they can actually BE THEMSELVES, and therefore with less ego-based activity (and I mean this in a good way), they can be inspired by everyone and everything around them, and [above] them. I find the Universe DOES RESPOND to our desires, but it does so THROUGH the experiences in our life; so, when you have a need or ask such a question, from that moment on look at EVERTHING as an answer that the Universe is providing.
I am? Well, again, thank you Christian. I read this thread with smiles and a warm feeling such that I forgot for a moment the push I am giving myself to get this weeks Thought of the Day out. Merci for that!!!
Christian, you mentioned:
To that end, though, it may be necessary to get out of their “thinking” mode so they can actually BE THEMSELVES, and therefore with less ego-based activity (and I mean this in a good way), they can be inspired by everyone and everything around them, and [above] them. I find the Universe DOES RESPOND to our desires, but it does so THROUGH the experiences in our life; so, when you have a need or ask such a question, from that moment on look at EVERTHING as an answer that the Universe is providing.
I like this,a lot, especially "look at EVERTHING as an answer". I have said something similar and will share this little piece from the essay called "Experience as a Teacher":
We have discussed ways to work on our thoughts, and that when we resist what is in our best interests we likely have thought constructs that are enabling this. The rational mind develops with all manner of inconsistencies and blocks such as these. The issues we face point them out their presence to us, and give us the opportunity to work on correcting them, should we choose to accept it. The answers you find may not resolve the problem completely or quickly; however, it will not likely be resolved at all unless you look within for answers. Accepting responsibility tells our rational mind that old thoughts are not sacred or sacrosanct. Thinking about and empowering our willingness to learn and grow creates a potent thought form.
The body of our rational mind is our thoughts, conscious or otherwise, hence this act results in the creation of thought forms that make it easier for us. It also helps eliminate those that restrict us. Pay attention to your reactions as you go through life. Try to notice when you feel odd, hurt, different, strange, apprehensive, nervous etc. and take a moment to consider why. When you do, you will begin to understand why you need not wait for a teacher to come to you if you learn to listen to your own life.
Sorry this is a little long, I needed to include the first paragraph so the second one made sense.
Now, back to finishing my brain break and then onto the TOD. Have a wonderful evening Joe, and Christian;)
Where does a teacher not go for help? Are giving and receiving two actions for a teacher, or one circuit? Why would a teacher demonstrate not needing help? "Lead by example; don't drive by mandate" suggests Bill Wilson. Who is not my teacher? Who is not my student? Everyone leads by example. Sometimes I "prefer" the example, and sometimes not. Beyond my preferences, what is?
A caterpillar leads by eating.
A caterpillar leads by resting (in cocoon).
A caterpillar-with-wings leads by flying.
Which one is the "best" teacher? Or which is teacher, which student? Are they not all perfectly themselves? Are they not all natural, all nature? Does each not die to live again? Should I see what you see, or can my sight be enough?
Also I had my first Wild Rice-stuffed Roasted Sage & Terriyaki
Basted Tofurkey Thanksgiving yesterday. It was delicious! And Black Friday is a wonderful song by the band, Megadeth. So it's all good (even when I prefer it not).
Since first ritual Reiki Initiation when Ajna or Sixth Chakra opens for the first time and astral world become visual and real, I thought my Reiki Master is my Higher Teacher. But she told me that she is not my teacher, because I have a potentials and seat for higher goal in the soul development. I didn't understand then what exactly this is mean. And she said the wisdom of Mikao Usui, the Great Master and Founder of the Reiki Healing: “The Teacher will come for you. Do not think the Teacher forgot about you, even when you struggling in life to find your Teacher, the Teacher will find you first, where you were left in a certain special place by the previous Teacher for the new one to find you there.” There a few wise men told me the same thing and asked to be patient and do not give up hope, it will be come true. People who told me that within 10 years at the different occasions were the Higher Teachers , and there was no reason for disbelieve. But my patience runs short and in 2010 while visiting Russia, I went to Tibet to find the answers. And I got the answers. It clarified certain things. The Tibetan monk who were really highly respected by locals, in private session told me (among many things I knew or not about myself) that my Higher Teacher will become to me soon but it will be someone Higher that I will be expecting, more likely an Adept.
Traveling back home“bend” my mind to understand of the possibility of such thing - the Adept Higher Teacher. A skepticism tried take the best of me thinking about the answer.
Until the day comes and all start falling into the place. My Teacher is HPB, and maybe its sound silly but there is the story behind that unique Higher Connection. All the spiritual encounters, initiations and other experiences in this life - written in my journal. My essays far off the chart because of my English skills is a self-taught. It is unedited and never intended to be publicized. This is why I decided to not write in Russian language (which can be easy translated) I named the journal “The Patterns of my Soul”.
My mind is complex and so my writing. Believe me, I like to share and will do that little by little. But something inside telling me that phrase of a self-doubt: I don't know how to become a teacher. There a lots of in mind “compartments” which may be essential and valuable knowledge for somebody. But I don't know how to teach or become a teacher. No experience in that field. When people have own children then is the chance to become a good teacher. What to do when have none? Where to start? Where is the student ends and a teacher begins?
Thanks Olga, perhaps I could answer what I am perceiving as a question by saying a Teacher is someone who is looking for answers. That may help you with your question of how to be a good teacher. Look for what you don't know. Always. Those whom you draw you may well be able to speak to because you have already been there, HOWEVER, they too will give you perspectives in their responses that keep you seeking and finding new and expanded meaning. As you progress, you draw students, so to speak, who are looking for larger answers too. That's just my opionion, of course, ... there are likely many here far more qualified to give you specific insight. Thanks for all your comments on ... you definitly do have a lot of wisdom within you that you are striving to convey. I've only had the most minor of "taps" into HPB, not usually by actual intention. I don't tend to TRY and connect with these Higher influences, I just allow for them should they occur. I've spoken in about 25 countries, but not Tibet ... and have always had an interest in Russia to the point of learning bits of the language. But, alas, I never made it to either destination. So, I enjoy reading of your experiences.
It's been a busy couple of days. I've been recreating a 60-second promotion and introduction for my television show that the Network has been using to aquire advertisers for my program, and about 60 others. The video quality in their reincorporation is not as clear as first provided, so I'm going to recreate it for my programs website, and personal promotional usage. This is more work than is evident, because there are very many images, transitions, word overlays and effects and timed sound segments that all have to come together to convey the meaning of the program in a mere 60-seconds. So, busy day and STILL not finished. Ha.
Thank you Christi and an. All the spiritual experiences came to me naturally, in fact scientifically induced mind often refused to accept or try to avoid unexplained and mystic events. I am not changeling and rarely meditate. I am considering your advise and its maybe the answer. I am awake to know my purpose in this life and my soul mission. It is about giving. Everything I create I give to world. It is the only satisfaction I need. It is moving me further and elevating my mind. Human satisfaction is Kama driven in desire and emotions. When giving become a form of satisfaction, Kama is not be able to corrupt or degrade Ego and interrupt a process of the Higher evolve. Giving is the teaching? Right? At the end of this lifetime I will make sure than I gave all I have of me to the world to give. Mahatma Gandhi said: "Travel light" I will do. However, a life is continue and open mind never closes.
Good morning everybody! Life is good! Coffee. I am still enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend...leftovers yesterday, very likely today. Feeling grateful for all the spiritual input I've had before Theosophy came into my life and after...The beautiful thing, the ongoing thing, is that I found I never had to give up Christianity or has been a joy, learning that they all are One...but the ongoing thing is to adjust, recalibrate and learn to understand these paths Theosophically...this makes me happy! Theosophy offers a real opportunity for loving detachment because it deals in such vast time periods and amazing perspectives...what a huge help this is when you find yourself in some unpleasant, karmic entanglement! Theosophy is the key that the midst of it all one can be happy...NAMASTE all!
Are you people really up this early? It's Saturday, Saturday after Thanksgiving. Emmmmm. Later, I must be dreaming. Something about "Under the Tuscan Sun" and a theosophical coffee table book.
Perhaps you are Christian! That editing work you mention sounds like a lot of detail, I hope it goes well.
Olga, enjoyed reading your comments, and smiled when I read this:
But something inside telling me that phrase of a self-doubt: I don't know how to become a teacher. There a lots of in mind “compartments” which may be essential and valuable knowledge for somebody. But I don't know how to teach or become a teacher. No experience in that field.
One of the very best ways to teach others is simply by the "example we set". The energies we give off attract corresponding elements or aspects in others though this generally goes unnoticed by them. So, those we encounter recognize what we are doing at some level, even if the person is not conscious of it. So, I suspect you already do a fair amount of teaching that perhaps you are unaware of;) There is also the teaching we do when we sleep, along the lines of the "invisible helper" idea that I believe CW Leadbeater referred to (I think I read this in "The Inner Light", but I could be mistaken).
Joe, I didn't know you were given to the Haiku form. Pretty good. Your coffee drinking reminds me of Honore Balzac, the famous French novelist. He was a long time student of the Occult, Mesmer and Swedenborg. His prodigious writing output was fueled by his own homemade strong brew of coffee. It's estimated his consumption while working was over fifty thousand cups.
I like to start the day with some high protein yogurt and my own strong brew of powerful antioxidants mixed with an energy drink with some caffeine.
Christian, best to you with your TV show. I have some interest and past experience in the entertainment Industry, so keep us informed as to it's progress.
Torally Latte driven here. Another day of editing planned. I filmed several celebrity interviews Last week in Vegas, but their on tape - so I preedit these and prep them, and fit them with other materials to build a theme, so yes Allan, lots of tedious detail. These things take terabytes of storage too, always a problem and potential danger - we are in a Retrograde. The sooner they're on DVD disks, the better.
re Show, Joe ... sure, and thanks. I'll get that intro finished first so a link can be provided to give a better multi-media perception. I also produce John Gray's show, "Transformation" (John Gray is one of America's biggest selling authors, and arguably the biggest.), and one other, also airing in the same time frame. The one I host is called "Messenger" with Dr. Christian von Lähr. It is running already in Pennsylvania and Maine ... begining 2012 it rolls out elsewhere in the U.S., but I can't say too much until January. Canada is expected in late 2012, if the Network stays on schedule. I'm taking a few weeks off during the Christmas season to finish its website, on which there will be clips and writeups on some of the episodes that the Network will run in the first season. I work way to fast for the Network, so I've had to stay low on the website for several months ... will be nice to get it up. I have also started the websites for the other two shows I am producing. I will certainly want to have a few folks from here on, when and where that works out, as I do push the philosophy. I think the Network is going to push more of the celebrity interviews in the first season, since, no-surprise, its likely easier to get advertising dollars.
Keep us posted, Christian, as I will subscribe to the channel it is on so long as my cable provider has it in their lineup. Looking forward to it, and when the site is up I'll be there checking it out!
Well, Allan ... one of the things we producers and the Network decided on well over a year ago, is that we didn't want people to have to subscribe ... so the way it has been negotiated with the Dish Networks, and many cable companies is that it be part of the[basic] offering. btw, there are a number of meditation and yoga programs in the lineup, something you may be interested in ... you like to calm your mind. I like to work on hyperdrive, myself ... even as a kid I could never sit still, ha. and btw, I would certainly hope to have you on in at least one program, probably several.
I would think presenting the "Stanzas of Dzyan" as a mystery would be a perfect program for show ... we explore a lot of mysteries, mysterious and ancinet places, and esoteric beliefs. This could be a good program to utilize some of the minds on this site ... as it introduces how these ancient words of wisdom formed a basis for an entire movement, a theosophical one.
It was an unusually warm evening on the beach down in the Malibu area, so I took the night off and played scrabble on the deck and sampled a great northern California Cabernet. It dawned on me how easy it would be to use this ruinic tile word game as a contemporary oiji board that would bring in messages. It would have to be controlled by someone who connected High, or else it would suffer the vulnerabilites of the classical board. None the less ... just a thought I wanted to share. I was thinking of this MORE along the lines of a [demonstration] than in creating a new modality.
Christian, I see why you like those lattes so much. What a schedule! lol Blavatsky liked non-stop hashish! What's the name of the California Cabernet you sampled? Don't blame you after a long day like that.
Meantime, could you give us the name of the cable channel you're working with and the shows involved?
After a very early start taking our son to the coach station for a 5.50am departure to London we went back to bed and slept until 9am! Normally we're all awake by 6am as we like to start the day early. Took the dog for a long walk to Leamington Spa park where she chased squirrels and I had a chat with a couple of crows who made my acquaintance - I'm a big fan of the corvid family of birds. A full english breakfast at a local cafe and then home for some work for the coming week. Read some of Annie Besant's book 'The Ancient Wisdom' and downloaded the latest Rupert Sheldrake book 'The Presence of the Past' because the chapter on The Physical Plane reminded me of morphic field theory.
Its been cold and blowy here in Warwickshire (UK) but the sun has been shining too and the autumn colours are still lovely. About to have dinner with my husband and then it'll be an early night with Besant and Sheldrake!
Hi, Karen. I have friends living in London and always wanted to visit there. I'm sure you've heard of Treadwells Occult Bookstore there. Do you ever shop there? If so, how are they doing in their new location? - Have fun with Besant and Sheldrake!
Joe, you love to tinker with the sign design here, all right. Every time I'm just getting used to a new color scheme, you slap a new one on us! lol
Good morning, Michael. I can tell it's a Mercury Retrograde, 'cause I'm revisiting at the moment a thorn in my side:
If Blavatsky liked non-stop hashish, then it confirms much of what I have said or thought about her ... she needed to remove her inhibitions because her [thinking] mind was getting in the way of her instinctual, psychic, inspirational self. (Drugs are an escapism that removes what we today call “blocks.”)
And, THIS would too have led her to connect with those lower forms of Nature life in a [controlling] fashion, as was admitted in Old Diary leaves, of which there are actual lower elementals (of the three Planes BELOW the Physical – and I underscore BELOW) and NOT AT ALL the Nature Spirits she named as Gnomes and Fairies, and again here I underscore NOT AT ALL.
She also indicated she was unclear as she later claimed she and her cohorts were misusing the term "elemental").
All of these things I have spoken out on so many times over the years because she has given TRUE nature people and of the upper three-sub-planes (ætheric) of our physical a bad name. I did pick up the gauntlet as she pleaded, and spent many years demonstrating actual nature people (visibly for audiences), and showing there egoless existence can be nothing but good natured.
Her personal control issues led her (and via her alleged "Masters") to give psychism a bad name too since she projected her tendency to connect with the [lower] sub-planes of the Astral as well … as the TYPICAL and DESTINED tendency for natural psychics and clairvoyants ... WRONG. All are grossly incorrect presumptions that have not only retarded a field that could have helped the world (and is destined to, regardless … it has only been hindered by her later-years negative portrayal), but it has denied it Higher inspiration from the Mental Plane, were people can ACTUALLY be connecting to something more realistic in regards to Masters, AND, realms above the Mental Plane.
Everything about her live, her ailments her issues, her escapism are exactly what occurs when a natural psychic DOES NOT “control” … control allows you to reach up to those higher SUB-PLANES of the energy of every Plane … and these would ACTUALLY be more natural for us as we have evolved to these sub-planes. When one is ignorant, or does not take control of natural psychism, then they reach LOWER and have all of the detrimental effects in life she exhibited … this level of psychism is BENEATH US, and so one as such has a debilitating effect on themselves, their families and all around them … especially during very early childhood, then the teenage years. This will ALWAYS lead one to religion, and then often to spirituality, as one tries to achieve “Mastery.”
However, this is an INCORRECT approach, (ha, this is my area of expertise, so I can use brash words, ... forgive) since we should not be achieving mastery at all, but a natural fit with each sub-plane in every Plane that is relative to the progression through Races; thus, we need to achieve the higher forth, then the fifth and sixth sub-planes, NOT at all the lower forth, the third and below of ACTUAL elementals.
The area I speak to is the dwelling of the third evolution of what elementals were, and they are Nature People, 100% positive, beneficial, helpful and necessary to life and our very existence. Blavatsky relegated these DOWNWORDS to dense, under-the-earth, under the physical “elementals”. She could not delineate the terms.
As indicated by her methods, and her undeveloped proclivities, she connected with "ELEMENTARIES," too, ...and THESE ARE in the LOWER Astral … for THIS was the nature of Blavatsky --- something she had to fight to control. (But this IS NOT where psychics and clairvoyants are supposed to go, it is relatively ALL negative to us.)
She was on the right track in recognizing the limitations of her lower connections (what the alleged Mahatmas were referring to when they indicated weaknesses in the women) ... and this by a natural proclivity to seek answers - which she eventually realized. She intelligently reasoned and realized, and leaned CORRECTLY towards her Dhyani-Chohens (there's a good reason), the counterparts of the Archangels of Christianity – the sources of the seven Planes of density in the manifested Universe.
She eventually expressed the veiled truth, but grudgingly by burying that truth in her mixed messages and blinds in her writings (where ONLY those who knew/know or understand can interpret it properly, which is why I find I have to constantly argue the facts) … the surface words continued to feed the fear of people, a seed that she created. Can anyone really FAIL to see how she, and her Mahatma's flip-flopped, and the [timing] of this? Can people really fail to see her true upset with Christianity, something that failed her in her YOUTH, when she NEEDED help in understanding (she did not know the means, it does not just happen).
So, I have a mixed level of respect for Blavatsky, she was a NATURAL psychic who WAS NOT trained. And this is now the problem we have in the world, we have many and they are not trained. So, they become a problem and a danger, when IN FACT, they are advanced consciousness that is recouping the abilities, capabilities of the prior Atlantean and Lemurian existences … JUST AS THEOSOPHY HAS CORRECTLY INDICATED SHOULD HAPPEN, and also right on schedule: These are MEANT to usher in the 6th sub-race at the mid-point of the 5th acting as scouts and preparatory bodhisattvas, as CONSIDERABLE sacrifice must be made by these early emissaries; most if not almost all are completely incompetent, in similar proportion they follow a path to superstition and controlling magic, they will have health issues, they allow and perpetuate delusional messages, they create chaos around them and DO NOT EVEN REALIZE it is their own energy and consciousness that is allowing them to be a danger.
Okay, ha … you started me off on one of my pet peeves about theosophy, a position and argument I have easily mastered and spent at least a decade trying to correct in the world with books, lectures and spiritual/clairvoyant sessions, and considerable fortune.
I am going to need a DOUBLE Latte now. All of the above, however, has led me to question all of theosophy, and all esotericism, mysticism and philosophy to find my own answers, and then work towards PROOF of what is really happening in existence, for I have achieved a number of capabilities along the way, too … only, I don’t have negative views. I, conversely, look for the best, the reason, the hope in all of existence, in all things, and in all people. I guess you call that the silver lining under the cloud. I don’t feel the work is done, though … I think theosophy needs to be properly reevaluated from the top-down, or bottom-up in Blavatsky tradition, … so the world approaches evolution WITHOUT fear, and realizes the theosophical tenet that Knowledge and Wisdom conquers all.
We CAN’T progress if we are ignorant. My greatest worry is there must be endless things I don’t know, that I might have known, without the suppressive attitudes of the world.
Did I mention I was getting a double Latte? Awww … it’s great. Blood pressure down to normal, now.
"Even I Can't Win With ME." - t-shirt design my teacher promises to make.
Been working on a cartoon called, "The Meat Suits," in which my wife and I are the two main personnas. Other characters/projections come in and out of frame, as they are so moved.
Ferran Sanz Orriols
Since about one month ago or so, I am feeling more and more optimistic about life. Warm blessings to everyone!!!
Nov 25, 2011
Monica Pege
Great that it's raining in New Mexico...very auspicious...I'm not participating in the Black Friday craziness, either...this was not the time for me financially, but even if it was, I wouldn't be feels like a good time for quietude and contemplation...the frenzy of the holidays is the last thing I need right now. Peace to All!
Nov 25, 2011
Christian von Lahr
FRIDAY, November 25th (2011)
This is one of those exciting synchronistic days; everywhere I turn I am running into people in every way from all over the world.
It's the day after Thanksgiving down here in Malibu, USA ... but it seems there's a great big world of opportunity to be thankful for today. This is like EXPERIENCING “Outside of the Box.”
Meeting and conversing with people from distant places is just the same as getting new perspectives, and so it is a growing experience. Growing experiences go way back to childhood where every day was a new day we awaited with great anticipation. This represents [change] to me, and change is progress. And, this reminds me of an underlying theosophical conception of life being movement. So, today there is great movement in the world and it feels like the theosophical inspiration is being felt.
Even here in this new group, the salutations are coming in from continent-to-continent. It makes me feel grateful that there are ways to both reach out and to be received; kind of what mankind [must] look forward to as we evolve through an entire Physical Universe ̶ even this a mere symbol of the transformation we will undertake in the greater Universe of Consciousness. This group is one of those ways to be a part of a bigger world. Is it just me, or do we really feel bigger inside when we can embrace the ALL, … even if it’s just through these daily glimmers of lightness?
I have been noticing that coincidental with the expanded perspective of being parts of bigger world, innumerable things are suddenly changing. Today has been like a big batch of pop-corn – all the little matters that have been collecting like dust particles in life are suddenly popping-up to the forefront as solutions in themselves, so my house of cards is a little cleaner today.
Nov 25, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Joe said,
"... Next will be some reading of the Gnostic Circle...don't want Lori to think I'm a complete slacker."
Ha, I can't imagine you as a slacker Joe; you are more like “the Borg” of StarTrek scripts, assimilating everything along your way. You have an
incredible capacity for such things.
It makes me wonder if back in days of old, people had a hundred things to do in our brief hours of the day. Perhaps the more we learn the easier learning becomes, or so increases our capacity for experiences and understanding. However this plays out, your little footprints are being noticed
traipsing from forum to forum.
Nov 25, 2011
Christian von Lahr
FRIDAY, November 25th (2011)
I’ve created a new page today under my Group “Open Wisdom.” The page is titled, “A NEW NAME FOR THE SITE”. It is a discussion page to get thoughts on a Name Change, (something that I am suggesting, not necessarily an aim of Administration – this is just me speaking out).
I have started the discussion / exploration by suggesting one name idea, and I’ve given my few words in the Group PREAMBLE as to why a name change might be considered, and why I chose the one described.
Nov 25, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Good thought, Joe. And Allan is the man to go to with such a question; he is brilliant in this regard. My first reaction would be to consider that Teachers, by their nature, DO NOT have traditional teachers themselves. Therefore, THEIR personal teaching is received inherently in the process of their teaching others.
To that end, though, it may be necessary to get out of their “thinking” mode so they can actually BE THEMSELVES, and therefore with less ego-based activity (and I mean this in a good way), they can be inspired by everyone and everything around them, and [above] them. I find the Universe DOES RESPOND to our desires, but it does so THROUGH the experiences in our life; so, when you have a need or ask such a question, from that moment on look at EVERTHING as an answer that the Universe is providing.
Nov 25, 2011
Allan Beveridge
I am? Well, again, thank you Christian. I read this thread with smiles and a warm feeling such that I forgot for a moment the push I am giving myself to get this weeks Thought of the Day out. Merci for that!!!
Christian, you mentioned:
I like this,a lot, especially "look at EVERTHING as an answer". I have said something similar and will share this little piece from the essay called "Experience as a Teacher":
Sorry this is a little long, I needed to include the first paragraph so the second one made sense.
Now, back to finishing my brain break and then onto the TOD. Have a wonderful evening Joe, and Christian;)
Nov 25, 2011
Michael Simon
A caterpillar leads by eating.
A caterpillar leads by resting (in cocoon).
A caterpillar-with-wings leads by flying.
Which one is the "best" teacher? Or which is teacher, which student? Are they not all perfectly themselves? Are they not all natural, all nature? Does each not die to live again? Should I see what you see, or can my sight be enough?
Also I had my first Wild Rice-stuffed Roasted Sage & Terriyaki
Basted Tofurkey Thanksgiving yesterday. It was delicious! And Black Friday is a wonderful song by the band, Megadeth. So it's all good (even when I prefer it not).
Nov 25, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Hi Christian,
About the Teachers.
Since first ritual Reiki Initiation when Ajna or Sixth Chakra opens for the first time and astral world become visual and real, I thought my Reiki Master is my Higher Teacher. But she told me that she is not my teacher, because I have a potentials and seat for higher goal in the soul development. I didn't understand then what exactly this is mean. And she said the wisdom of Mikao Usui, the Great Master and Founder of the Reiki Healing: “The Teacher will come for you. Do not think the Teacher forgot about you, even when you struggling in life to find your Teacher, the Teacher will find you first, where you were left in a certain special place by the previous Teacher for the new one to find you there.” There a few wise men told me the same thing and asked to be patient and do not give up hope, it will be come true. People who told me that within 10 years at the different occasions were the Higher Teachers , and there was no reason for disbelieve. But my patience runs short and in 2010 while visiting Russia, I went to Tibet to find the answers. And I got the answers. It clarified certain things. The Tibetan monk who were really highly respected by locals, in private session told me (among many things I knew or not about myself) that my Higher Teacher will become to me soon but it will be someone Higher that I will be expecting, more likely an Adept.
Traveling back home“bend” my mind to understand of the possibility of such thing - the Adept Higher Teacher. A skepticism tried take the best of me thinking about the answer.
Until the day comes and all start falling into the place. My Teacher is HPB, and maybe its sound silly but there is the story behind that unique Higher Connection. All the spiritual encounters, initiations and other experiences in this life - written in my journal. My essays far off the chart because of my English skills is a self-taught. It is unedited and never intended to be publicized. This is why I decided to not write in Russian language (which can be easy translated) I named the journal “The Patterns of my Soul”.
My mind is complex and so my writing. Believe me, I like to share and will do that little by little. But something inside telling me that phrase of a self-doubt: I don't know how to become a teacher. There a lots of in mind “compartments” which may be essential and valuable knowledge for somebody. But I don't know how to teach or become a teacher. No experience in that field. When people have own children then is the chance to become a good teacher. What to do when have none? Where to start? Where is the student ends and a teacher begins?
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Thanks Olga, perhaps I could answer what I am perceiving as a question by saying a Teacher is someone who is looking for answers. That may help you with your question of how to be a good teacher. Look for what you don't know. Always. Those whom you draw you may well be able to speak to because you have already been there, HOWEVER, they too will give you perspectives in their responses that keep you seeking and finding new and expanded meaning. As you progress, you draw students, so to speak, who are looking for larger answers too. That's just my opionion, of course, ... there are likely many here far more qualified to give you specific insight. Thanks for all your comments on ... you definitly do have a lot of wisdom within you that you are striving to convey. I've only had the most minor of "taps" into HPB, not usually by actual intention. I don't tend to TRY and connect with these Higher influences, I just allow for them should they occur. I've spoken in about 25 countries, but not Tibet ... and have always had an interest in Russia to the point of learning bits of the language. But, alas, I never made it to either destination. So, I enjoy reading of your experiences.
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
It's been a busy couple of days. I've been recreating a 60-second promotion and introduction for my television show that the Network has been using to aquire advertisers for my program, and about 60 others. The video quality in their reincorporation is not as clear as first provided, so I'm going to recreate it for my programs website, and personal promotional usage. This is more work than is evident, because there are very many images, transitions, word overlays and effects and timed sound segments that all have to come together to convey the meaning of the program in a mere 60-seconds. So, busy day and STILL not finished. Ha.
Nov 26, 2011
Olga Stolyarchik
Thank you Christi and an. All the spiritual experiences came to me naturally, in fact scientifically induced mind often refused to accept or try to avoid unexplained and mystic events. I am not changeling and rarely meditate. I am considering your advise and its maybe the answer. I am awake to know my purpose in this life and my soul mission. It is about giving. Everything I create I give to world. It is the only satisfaction I need. It is moving me further and elevating my mind. Human satisfaction is Kama driven in desire and emotions. When giving become a form of satisfaction, Kama is not be able to corrupt or degrade Ego and interrupt a process of the Higher evolve. Giving is the teaching? Right? At the end of this lifetime I will make sure than I gave all I have of me to the world to give. Mahatma Gandhi said: "Travel light" I will do. However, a life is continue and open mind never closes.
Nov 26, 2011
Monica Pege
Good morning everybody! Life is good! Coffee. I am still enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend...leftovers yesterday, very likely today. Feeling grateful for all the spiritual input I've had before Theosophy came into my life and after...The beautiful thing, the ongoing thing, is that I found I never had to give up Christianity or has been a joy, learning that they all are One...but the ongoing thing is to adjust, recalibrate and learn to understand these paths Theosophically...this makes me happy! Theosophy offers a real opportunity for loving detachment because it deals in such vast time periods and amazing perspectives...what a huge help this is when you find yourself in some unpleasant, karmic entanglement! Theosophy is the key that the midst of it all one can be happy...NAMASTE all!
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Nov 26, 2011
Allan Beveridge
Perhaps you are Christian! That editing work you mention sounds like a lot of detail, I hope it goes well.
Olga, enjoyed reading your comments, and smiled when I read this:
One of the very best ways to teach others is simply by the "example we set". The energies we give off attract corresponding elements or aspects in others though this generally goes unnoticed by them. So, those we encounter recognize what we are doing at some level, even if the person is not conscious of it. So, I suspect you already do a fair amount of teaching that perhaps you are unaware of;) There is also the teaching we do when we sleep, along the lines of the "invisible helper" idea that I believe CW Leadbeater referred to (I think I read this in "The Inner Light", but I could be mistaken).
Nov 26, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Joe, I didn't know you were given to the Haiku form. Pretty good. Your coffee drinking reminds me of Honore Balzac, the famous French novelist. He was a long time student of the Occult, Mesmer and Swedenborg. His prodigious writing output was fueled by his own homemade strong brew of coffee. It's estimated his consumption while working was over fifty thousand cups.
I like to start the day with some high protein yogurt and my own strong brew of powerful antioxidants mixed with an energy drink with some caffeine.
Christian, best to you with your TV show. I have some interest and past experience in the entertainment Industry, so keep us informed as to it's progress.
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Nov 26, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Christian, good idea to keep in mind, about the group. I'm fairly busy at the moment, though, as it appears you are, too.
Nov 26, 2011
Christian von Lahr
re Show, Joe ... sure, and thanks. I'll get that intro finished first so a link can be provided to give a better multi-media perception. I also produce John Gray's show, "Transformation" (John Gray is one of America's biggest selling authors, and arguably the biggest.), and one other, also airing in the same time frame. The one I host is called "Messenger" with Dr. Christian von Lähr. It is running already in Pennsylvania and Maine ... begining 2012 it rolls out elsewhere in the U.S., but I can't say too much until January. Canada is expected in late 2012, if the Network stays on schedule. I'm taking a few weeks off during the Christmas season to finish its website, on which there will be clips and writeups on some of the episodes that the Network will run in the first season. I work way to fast for the Network, so I've had to stay low on the website for several months ... will be nice to get it up. I have also started the websites for the other two shows I am producing. I will certainly want to have a few folks from here on, when and where that works out, as I do push the philosophy. I think the Network is going to push more of the celebrity interviews in the first season, since, no-surprise, its likely easier to get advertising dollars.
Nov 27, 2011
Allan Beveridge
Keep us posted, Christian, as I will subscribe to the channel it is on so long as my cable provider has it in their lineup. Looking forward to it, and when the site is up I'll be there checking it out!
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Well, Allan ... one of the things we producers and the Network decided on well over a year ago, is that we didn't want people to have to subscribe ... so the way it has been negotiated with the Dish Networks, and many cable companies is that it be part of the[basic] offering. btw, there are a number of meditation and yoga programs in the lineup, something you may be interested in ... you like to calm your mind. I like to work on hyperdrive, myself ... even as a kid I could never sit still, ha. and btw, I would certainly hope to have you on in at least one program, probably several.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
I would think presenting the "Stanzas of Dzyan" as a mystery would be a perfect program for show ... we explore a lot of mysteries, mysterious and ancinet places, and esoteric beliefs. This could be a good program to utilize some of the minds on this site ... as it introduces how these ancient words of wisdom formed a basis for an entire movement, a theosophical one.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
It was an unusually warm evening on the beach down in the Malibu area, so I took the night off and played scrabble on the deck and sampled a great northern California Cabernet. It dawned on me how easy it would be to use this ruinic tile word game as a contemporary oiji board that would bring in messages. It would have to be controlled by someone who connected High, or else it would suffer the vulnerabilites of the classical board. None the less ... just a thought I wanted to share. I was thinking of this MORE along the lines of a [demonstration] than in creating a new modality.
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a PROFILE page, on the site? Am I missing something?
Nov 27, 2011
Ferran Sanz Orriols
... they're playing Solitude, by Ellington, Mingus & Roach in a Spanish radio right now... :-)
Nov 27, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Christian, I see why you like those lattes so much. What a schedule! lol Blavatsky liked non-stop hashish! What's the name of the California Cabernet you sampled? Don't blame you after a long day like that.
Meantime, could you give us the name of the cable channel you're working with and the shows involved?
Nov 27, 2011
Karen Barnacle
After a very early start taking our son to the coach station for a 5.50am departure to London we went back to bed and slept until 9am! Normally we're all awake by 6am as we like to start the day early. Took the dog for a long walk to Leamington Spa park where she chased squirrels and I had a chat with a couple of crows who made my acquaintance - I'm a big fan of the corvid family of birds. A full english breakfast at a local cafe and then home for some work for the coming week. Read some of Annie Besant's book 'The Ancient Wisdom' and downloaded the latest Rupert Sheldrake book 'The Presence of the Past' because the chapter on The Physical Plane reminded me of morphic field theory.
Its been cold and blowy here in Warwickshire (UK) but the sun has been shining too and the autumn colours are still lovely. About to have dinner with my husband and then it'll be an early night with Besant and Sheldrake!
Nov 27, 2011
Michael A. Williams
Hi, Karen. I have friends living in London and always wanted to visit there. I'm sure you've heard of Treadwells Occult Bookstore there. Do you ever shop there? If so, how are they doing in their new location? - Have fun with Besant and Sheldrake!
Joe, you love to tinker with the sign design here, all right. Every time I'm just getting used to a new color scheme, you slap a new one on us! lol
Nov 27, 2011
Christian von Lahr
Good morning, Michael. I can tell it's a Mercury Retrograde, 'cause I'm revisiting at the moment a thorn in my side:
If Blavatsky liked non-stop hashish, then it confirms much of what I have said or thought about her ... she needed to remove her inhibitions because her [thinking] mind was getting in the way of her instinctual, psychic, inspirational self. (Drugs are an escapism that removes what we today call “blocks.”)
And, THIS would too have led her to connect with those lower forms of Nature life in a [controlling] fashion, as was admitted in Old Diary leaves, of which there are actual lower elementals (of the three Planes BELOW the Physical – and I underscore BELOW) and NOT AT ALL the Nature Spirits she named as Gnomes and Fairies, and again here I underscore NOT AT ALL.
She also indicated she was unclear as she later claimed she and her cohorts were misusing the term "elemental").
All of these things I have spoken out on so many times over the years because she has given TRUE nature people and of the upper three-sub-planes (ætheric) of our physical a bad name. I did pick up the gauntlet as she pleaded, and spent many years demonstrating actual nature people (visibly for audiences), and showing there egoless existence can be nothing but good natured.
Her personal control issues led her (and via her alleged "Masters") to give psychism a bad name too since she projected her tendency to connect with the [lower] sub-planes of the Astral as well … as the TYPICAL and DESTINED tendency for natural psychics and clairvoyants ... WRONG. All are grossly incorrect presumptions that have not only retarded a field that could have helped the world (and is destined to, regardless … it has only been hindered by her later-years negative portrayal), but it has denied it Higher inspiration from the Mental Plane, were people can ACTUALLY be connecting to something more realistic in regards to Masters, AND, realms above the Mental Plane.
Everything about her live, her ailments her issues, her escapism are exactly what occurs when a natural psychic DOES NOT “control” … control allows you to reach up to those higher SUB-PLANES of the energy of every Plane … and these would ACTUALLY be more natural for us as we have evolved to these sub-planes. When one is ignorant, or does not take control of natural psychism, then they reach LOWER and have all of the detrimental effects in life she exhibited … this level of psychism is BENEATH US, and so one as such has a debilitating effect on themselves, their families and all around them … especially during very early childhood, then the teenage years. This will ALWAYS lead one to religion, and then often to spirituality, as one tries to achieve “Mastery.”
However, this is an INCORRECT approach, (ha, this is my area of expertise, so I can use brash words, ... forgive) since we should not be achieving mastery at all, but a natural fit with each sub-plane in every Plane that is relative to the progression through Races; thus, we need to achieve the higher forth, then the fifth and sixth sub-planes, NOT at all the lower forth, the third and below of ACTUAL elementals.
The area I speak to is the dwelling of the third evolution of what elementals were, and they are Nature People, 100% positive, beneficial, helpful and necessary to life and our very existence. Blavatsky relegated these DOWNWORDS to dense, under-the-earth, under the physical “elementals”. She could not delineate the terms.
As indicated by her methods, and her undeveloped proclivities, she connected with "ELEMENTARIES," too, ...and THESE ARE in the LOWER Astral … for THIS was the nature of Blavatsky --- something she had to fight to control. (But this IS NOT where psychics and clairvoyants are supposed to go, it is relatively ALL negative to us.)
She was on the right track in recognizing the limitations of her lower connections (what the alleged Mahatmas were referring to when they indicated weaknesses in the women) ... and this by a natural proclivity to seek answers - which she eventually realized. She intelligently reasoned and realized, and leaned CORRECTLY towards her Dhyani-Chohens (there's a good reason), the counterparts of the Archangels of Christianity – the sources of the seven Planes of density in the manifested Universe.
She eventually expressed the veiled truth, but grudgingly by burying that truth in her mixed messages and blinds in her writings (where ONLY those who knew/know or understand can interpret it properly, which is why I find I have to constantly argue the facts) … the surface words continued to feed the fear of people, a seed that she created. Can anyone really FAIL to see how she, and her Mahatma's flip-flopped, and the [timing] of this? Can people really fail to see her true upset with Christianity, something that failed her in her YOUTH, when she NEEDED help in understanding (she did not know the means, it does not just happen).
So, I have a mixed level of respect for Blavatsky, she was a NATURAL psychic who WAS NOT trained. And this is now the problem we have in the world, we have many and they are not trained. So, they become a problem and a danger, when IN FACT, they are advanced consciousness that is recouping the abilities, capabilities of the prior Atlantean and Lemurian existences … JUST AS THEOSOPHY HAS CORRECTLY INDICATED SHOULD HAPPEN, and also right on schedule: These are MEANT to usher in the 6th sub-race at the mid-point of the 5th acting as scouts and preparatory bodhisattvas, as CONSIDERABLE sacrifice must be made by these early emissaries; most if not almost all are completely incompetent, in similar proportion they follow a path to superstition and controlling magic, they will have health issues, they allow and perpetuate delusional messages, they create chaos around them and DO NOT EVEN REALIZE it is their own energy and consciousness that is allowing them to be a danger.
Okay, ha … you started me off on one of my pet peeves about theosophy, a position and argument I have easily mastered and spent at least a decade trying to correct in the world with books, lectures and spiritual/clairvoyant sessions, and considerable fortune.
I am going to need a DOUBLE Latte now. All of the above, however, has led me to question all of theosophy, and all esotericism, mysticism and philosophy to find my own answers, and then work towards PROOF of what is really happening in existence, for I have achieved a number of capabilities along the way, too … only, I don’t have negative views. I, conversely, look for the best, the reason, the hope in all of existence, in all things, and in all people. I guess you call that the silver lining under the cloud. I don’t feel the work is done, though … I think theosophy needs to be properly reevaluated from the top-down, or bottom-up in Blavatsky tradition, … so the world approaches evolution WITHOUT fear, and realizes the theosophical tenet that Knowledge and Wisdom conquers all.
We CAN’T progress if we are ignorant. My greatest worry is there must be endless things I don’t know, that I might have known, without the suppressive attitudes of the world.
Did I mention I was getting a double Latte? Awww … it’s great. Blood pressure down to normal, now.
Nov 27, 2011
Michael Simon
Been working on a cartoon called, "The Meat Suits," in which my wife and I are the two main personnas. Other characters/projections come in and out of frame, as they are so moved.
Nov 27, 2011