This is a place where you can share with other members and users your interests and contact information. Please enter your information in the "Comment" box on this page. Who knows what good stuff may happen?
Hell-O,I'm here to state what I believe and listen to what others believe.I am not here to argue or to try to make others believe I am right.What I believe today won't be and shouldn't be what I believe a month from now.Hopefully I will have grown,changed and added to my knowledge,and hopefully gained some wisdom.I have been on some Theosophy sites where arguement for arguements sake is the meal of the day.Arguement just to "prove"someone else's ideas or beliefs are"wrong".I welcome discussion,I want to know what you believe.It may explain a point on which I'm unclear or uncertain.I need other views to help me solidify what I believe( today). I seek TRUTH and truths.I stated that on one site and recieved a reply 'What is truth?',which I feel is purely an arguementative and unanswerable question.Someone,it seemed to me,who only wanted to espouse their own brilliance.Please don't get me wrong,I want discussion,tell me you disagree,it's a good way for me to learn more And I hope that in discussion the sum will be greater than the parts.
Life-long student of source Theosophy, with special deference to William Q Judge and his faithful support of the life and work of H P Blavatsky.
Founding Secretary of a Spanish-speaking Masonic lodge.
A Theosophist since May 28th and a Rosicrucian A.M.O.R.C ( Neophyte ). I would love to talk to any one involved in the esoteric sciences. I can be found on the following sites : : George Hall ( Username : Tehuti09 )
Yahoo ID : hallg96
Facebook (George Hall )
Blogger : George Hall
.......will add more soon
Leslie Corrice
United States
Chagrin River Road
Moreland Hills, Ohio
A life-long skeptic of institutional Christian doctrine, I recently realized that my personal view fits almost perfectly with Kabbalist Theosophy. My initial influences were many, but the greatest was probably "Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy" by Vizcountess Anne Conway (1631-1679). I have also been greatly moved by the work of Rabbi David Cooper ("God is a Verb"). A year ago, "Zohar", "The Book of Concealed Mystery", and "Sepher Yezirah" appeared on Sacred Texts in english, which allowed me to read these wonderful works for the first time. They also made me realize I was born a Kabbalist in a Christian culture, but was ignorant of this "calling" for most of my 62 years. I am creating a website (see below), with the help of a dear frind and professional web designer, in the hope of bringing Kabbalist Theosophy to the non-Jewish world at large and applying it's methodologies to a non-dogmatic understanding of the New Testament.
* Writers I like - Vizcountess Anne Conway; Lisa Randall; John Lovelock; Douglas Adams; Rabbi David Cooper
* Books - Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy; Warped Passages; The Ages of Gaia; God and the Astronomers, God is a Verb
* Musical Groups - Yes; Genesis w/ Peter Gabriel; Evanescence; Roxy Music; Pink Floyd
* Interests - Spirituality; Science (Cosmology, Biology, Astronomy, Ancient Astrology); Giordano Bruno; Gnostic Gospels; Cooking
(I am always here!)
Social Networks:
Theosophical Network and others.
Favorite writers: HPB, Idries Shah and other theosophical writers... Favorite books: HPB's works, books from Octagon Press, esoterical works on Zen Koans, the Upanishads, works on Zend-sar, philology, gematria and allegories and mythology.
Dear all,
I am looking for a friend or friends for sharing understanding and experience of theosophy and agni-yoga in daily life. I am 27, frome early childhood i was full of questions on universe and a man, and started my conscious spiritual development at the age of 15.
Please, find me on skype
Interests: Supramental Yoga and Cosmology; Vedic Gnosis and the restoration of the Tropical Zodiac as the true basis of the Vedic Year/Sacrifice/Yajna. Am curious about how the zodiac figures (or does not figure) into the Theosophical Tradition.
E-mail FaceBook Indira Millan Favorite writers: too many to cover them all, but here are some: Milan Kundera, Fedor Dostoievsky, Maximo Gorki, HPB, Leadbeater, Anne Rice, Virginia Wolf, Doris Lessing, Seneca, Huxley, Mario Benedetti, rudolf Steiner, Baudelaire, W. Blake, John Milton, Shakespiare, Alejandro Dumas, JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman, Schopenhauer, Fehuerbach, Kant, and the list goes on
Religion/School of Thought: non religious but eclectically spiritual
Katinka Hesselink
The Netherlands
Full address (where I keep it updated)
Online contacts:
For all of the items below, please keep your responses to two lines or less. This is helpful for those with the attention span of a tweet.
- Favorite writers
Blavatsky, Jiddu Krishnamurti, J.K. Rowling, Asimov, Frank Herbert
- Religion/School of Thought
Theosophy, buddhism
Jul 31, 2009
Janos Szabari
(member of EC of TS in Hungary)
Budapest, Hungary
Favorite writers:
HPB, AB, CWL, Taimni, Geofrey Hodson
Religion/School of Thought
Astronomy, Geology, Mathematics, Physics
Jul 31, 2009
Master's Yoga
Flat No-115,
Royal Pavillion Appartments,
Beside RBI Quarters, Ameerpet,
Hyderabad - 500 016,
Andhra Pradesh (state)
email :
Favorite writers : Master Sarvari, Madaam HPB, JK, Osho, Paramahamsa.
Interests: Spreading Masterism - on the Yoga of Master CVV.
Aug 1, 2009
Oregon/Pacific NW
Social Networks:
Twitter: ornamentalmind
FaceBook: Bill Faust
Skype: ornamentalmind
Favorite writers: Ichazo, Plotinus, Chandrakirti, Nagarjuna, Plato, Attar, Rumi
Favorite books: The Symbol, The Enneads, Rig-Veda, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, The Sufis, Knots
Religion/School of Thought: Arica, Tibetan Buddhism, Neo-Platonism, Sufism… in general, coherent praxis.
Music: Rock, Classical, Jazz
Other Interests: Tai Chi, math, philosophy, ontology, epistemology, theology, psychology, biology, physics, meditation, logic, computers
personal website
Aug 1, 2009
Rev.William Joseph Hartshorn
Aug 4, 2009
Martin Euser
Utrecht (prov.)
Online contacts:
E-mail: martin {dot} euser (shift2) tele2 (d0t) nl
and through the contact form at my website
Active Newsgroups :theosnetwork and others at Yahoo
Favorite writers: besides theosophical: Boehme, J.G. Bennett, Vitvan, Subba Rao, Shankara, Plato, Plotinus, Arthur Young
Favorite books: from above writers and instruction manuals on drawing & painting and music!
Religion/School of Thought: syncretic philosophy (all great minds!)
Musical Styles/Groups/Performers: diverse, from Indian ragas to hard rock, pop, folk, blues and classical music
Art Genres/Artists: impressionism, post-impressionism, abstract, figurative
Other Interests: philosophy, ontology, epistemology, psychology, biology, physics, computers, writing, painting, djembe, guitar
Aug 9, 2009
Abir Taha
Favourite thinkers/poets: Nietzsche, Holderlin, Blavatsky, Krishnamurti, Aurobindo, Gibran.
Favourite books: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Hyperion, The Secret Doctrine, The Prophet.
Religion: Holistic
Music: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, vivaldi.
Art: Classics (Poussin, Chardin, Rousseau, Fragonard, Watteau...)
Other interests: Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, mysticism.
Published author of three philosophical books (two academic, third is inspirational/spiritual fiction)
Aug 11, 2009
Gene Hutloff
Founding Secretary of a Spanish-speaking Masonic lodge.
Aug 12, 2009
George Hall : George Hall ( Username : Tehuti09 )
Yahoo ID : hallg96
Facebook (George Hall )
Blogger : George Hall
.......will add more soon
until then Theosophical Greetings to you all
Aug 19, 2009
Leslie Corrice
United States
Chagrin River Road
Moreland Hills, Ohio
A life-long skeptic of institutional Christian doctrine, I recently realized that my personal view fits almost perfectly with Kabbalist Theosophy. My initial influences were many, but the greatest was probably "Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy" by Vizcountess Anne Conway (1631-1679). I have also been greatly moved by the work of Rabbi David Cooper ("God is a Verb"). A year ago, "Zohar", "The Book of Concealed Mystery", and "Sepher Yezirah" appeared on Sacred Texts in english, which allowed me to read these wonderful works for the first time. They also made me realize I was born a Kabbalist in a Christian culture, but was ignorant of this "calling" for most of my 62 years. I am creating a website (see below), with the help of a dear frind and professional web designer, in the hope of bringing Kabbalist Theosophy to the non-Jewish world at large and applying it's methodologies to a non-dogmatic understanding of the New Testament.
Online contacts:
Nov 10, 2009
Leslie Corrice
* Email -
* Website -
* Blog -
* Writers I like - Vizcountess Anne Conway; Lisa Randall; John Lovelock; Douglas Adams; Rabbi David Cooper
* Books - Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy; Warped Passages; The Ages of Gaia; God and the Astronomers, God is a Verb
* Musical Groups - Yes; Genesis w/ Peter Gabriel; Evanescence; Roxy Music; Pink Floyd
* Interests - Spirituality; Science (Cosmology, Biology, Astronomy, Ancient Astrology); Giordano Bruno; Gnostic Gospels; Cooking
Nov 10, 2009
M. Sufilight
(I am always here!)
Social Networks:
Theosophical Network and others.
Favorite writers: HPB, Idries Shah and other theosophical writers...
Favorite books: HPB's works, books from Octagon Press, esoterical works on Zen Koans, the Upanishads, works on Zend-sar, philology, gematria and allegories and mythology.
New personal website
Nov 21, 2009
J. Spencer Rich
Networking: find me on facebook (Spencer Rich)
You can hear my music at
Authors/books: all the theosophical writers, Cao Xue-qin: The Story of the Stone, Anne Sexton, Aldous Huxley, Kafka, Jung
Music: Syd Barrett, Velvet Underground, Ellington, Debussy, Scriabin, Bill Evans, Beatles, Beach Boys, violent femmes, R.E.M., etc.
Art: Magritte, Man Ray, Warhol, Van Gogh
Film: Billy Wilder, Bunuel, Hitchcock, Coens
TV: The Avengers, Twin Peaks, Mad Men, Muppet Show (I know--TV sucks, but these shows offer something more)
Sep 22, 2010
Heidi Ann Maycroft
FaceBook; Heidi (Zelent) Maycroft
Interested in networking, friends, and theosophical discussions.
My major is in Psychology, I've been studying Theosophy with heart for almost 15 years.
My sincerest thoughts to all; may you follow your duty with earnest.
We are not alone.
Oct 3, 2010
Navin KUmar
My website can be seen at:
Dec 20, 2010
I am looking for a friend or friends for sharing understanding and experience of theosophy and agni-yoga in daily life. I am 27, frome early childhood i was full of questions on universe and a man, and started my conscious spiritual development at the age of 15.
Please, find me on skype
Glad to meet you!
Feb 12, 2011
Lori Tompkins
Lori Tompkins
Marin County, California, USA
Twitter: LoriTompkins
Interests: Supramental Yoga and Cosmology; Vedic Gnosis and the restoration of the Tropical Zodiac as the true basis of the Vedic Year/Sacrifice/Yajna. Am curious about how the zodiac figures (or does not figure) into the Theosophical Tradition.
Favorite Authors: Sri Aurobindo, the Mother & Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
Favorite Books: The Gnostic Circle, The Secret of the Veda, The Mother's Agenda ... really anything by my favorite authors/mahayogis.
Blog: Circumsolatious
Mar 2, 2011
Bruce Noel Walck
Bruce Noel ~ aka Bhima Noel
Ojai, CA
Our Awakening Journey
Jun 5, 2011
Indira Millan
FaceBook Indira Millan
Favorite writers: too many to cover them all, but here are some: Milan Kundera, Fedor Dostoievsky, Maximo Gorki, HPB, Leadbeater, Anne Rice, Virginia Wolf, Doris Lessing, Seneca, Huxley, Mario Benedetti, rudolf Steiner, Baudelaire, W. Blake, John Milton, Shakespiare, Alejandro Dumas, JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman, Schopenhauer, Fehuerbach, Kant, and the list goes on
Religion/School of Thought: non religious but eclectically spiritual
Oct 25, 2011
Christian Vandekerkhove
Christian Vandekerkhove
- Country: Belgium
- City: Antwerpen (Kapellen)
- E-mail:
- FaceBook: Christian Vandekerkhove
- LinkedIn: Christian Vandekerkhove
- Favorite writers: Leadbeater, Besant, Bailey, Master Philippe, Agni Yoga,
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Papus, S.U.Zanne, Paul Sédir, Swami Ramdas,...
- Religion/School of Thought: Christian, Hinduism, Buddhism, Martinism
- Musical Styles: Classic, Pop, Meditation Music
- Art Genres: Classic masters, Imressionism, Symbolism
- Other Interests: Science, Religions, United Nations Institutions
Oct 25, 2011