Before I accept anybody as one of my friends, I would like to know who they really are? Or, see or read some of their creative works or correspondences... Also, I am curious as to what does "ornamentalmind" stand for? Normally, I think of ornaments as narcissistic showpieces or curios that have no other usefulness? Is that what your mind is like -- or does it produce or know (or desire to know) anything useful? If so, what is it? ;-)
After joining the Theosophical Network on Facebook, I noticed you have an interest in Neo-Platonism. I'm sure you are at least somewhat familiar with Henry More, the 17th century Cambridge Platonist. But, are you familiar with his amazing tutorial student and later colleague, Vizcountess Anne Conway?
Susan Thomas
Mar 31, 2009
Leon Maurer
May 26, 2009
Leslie Corrice
Nov 10, 2009