Symbol and Meaning

The Essence:

A group for questions, thoughts, and experiences about the relationship between: symbol, meaning, language, thinking, and consciousness.

The Details: 

The goal of this endeavor is to facilitate clarity and understanding in our own minds and enhance our ability to communicate meaningfully and effectively, especially as relates to matters spiritual and metaphysical.  

The method is by dialog and sharing of anything related to the themes define above.

There is one key book of recommended reading:  Insights for the Age of Aquarius by Gina Cerminara

I think this is the most important book of its kind and likely unique.  It was done as a Quest edition but there are also non TS editions.  It expounds the relation between language, thinking, spirituality, and the way any world view takes shape in our minds and in our communication.  If you think, you may need this book.  If you talk and want clarity, you may need it. If you want to get at the essence of things and understand some really vital things about how language and illusion work on a practical level, I highly recommend it.

Where to buy; its cheap; copies start at $1.:

Chakra Semantics

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    William John Meegan

    Apparently, I don't get the cartoon.

    Yes, I get that X marks the spot: meaning that bliss, joy and happiness can only come from within.

    Happiness is from without or at least this is what this idiot thinks; however, he questions where his joy and bliss will come from.  That is what I am not getting out of this.  Or is he asking himself what the hell is everybody talking about?  He is of course in business clothing indicating he would not know spirituality if it came out of the sky and landed on him.

    Is the fact that his hands are in his pocket and the fact that he is standing still an indication that he is inactive: he is not doing anything himself to achieve what he wants.  Is he waiting for someone to come along and spoon feed spirituality to him?  If so, this guy is in a world of hurt.  It reminds me of what my father use to say "he is cruising for a bruising".

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      Jessica R. Huffmeyer

      This cartoon man seems to stand in emptiness asking himself  Why can I not find joy?  Why can't I see bliss?  Why am I attached to the outside materials that give me a false sense of happiness

      Perhaps his hands are in his pockets to show his status of both being economically and self enslaved.  This misunderstanding seems to be stressing him out. He is clearly paying to much attention to the donut and missing out on the salad. 

      Poor cartoon guy is lost in a confusing world that must have swallowed him up and now he can't find anything to fulfill himself.