Dear Erica ,
I am upset - I did write on the soma and it vanished - did not save - I was thrown banished to the front page .So that knowledge probably I am not supposed to divulge maybe . I will still persevere and do wrong despite the superstition pushing itself onto me - Not just Soma - there are many beverages which were made by Siddhas and are still made today - The finished product was called a ''Divya Oushadam" Divya = Divine Oushadam = Medicine, concoction, palliative etc (always on the good side) it was life giving - the word Oushadam precludes evil intentions .(I have used my own mother tongue to explain the above - it is malayalam ) . Oushadi = plural .
Now since childhood we were told that soma was a ''Divya Oushadam'' and per se did not exist as ordinary medicines and it was made by using (any) green plant considered auspicious for the purpose and its oil or essence extracted and given potency through the use of mantras during the process - now this is very easily understandable for us as we have a culture of Ayurveda in our state and many plants not available these days for medicines can be substituted by (people who are knowers and have sadhana) common plants and "Veeryam" or strength imparted so as to have the same results of healing .
This is still in practice here . I am sorry that I digressed - The point is I can give you an Idea from one particularly interesting angle - There are a million innitiates into yoga and sannyasa in India in a given time - but It is very very very rare for an initiate to have astral experiences "Against will" - this is particularly traumatic to the initiate - since he attains to knowledge after the experience - the person is torn away from his moorings etc etc - We say that "The Atma chooses the Atma'' - but sometimes some masters who have insight into the past of a particular disciple will do it so as to ensure his (the disciples) safety . A master can do this - without giving Soma a master can by thought do the same thing but the Initiate must be strong enough to accept a thing without cause - it is very very traumatic believe me - now in order that this impending trauma may be averted a master will make a show of giving soma so the student after getting highly initiated is still at rest as a cause was there and his restless mind is alleviated . The Brihadaryanaka Upanishad is one dealing with consciousness and the self only nothing else -but it is very hard to understand without help - pundits and translation are of very little help - it requires a person of insight to correctly give the knowledge - now in this Upanishad there is about a Soma Juice and other things and about a man sleeping and getting up and etc . It is the experience that when the infinite moves "against will"" there is a complete shattering of the individual and he ''dies'' so to say and slowly comes to his senses over a period in which knowledge is displayed to him . Whatever he may indulge in to reverse the process will prove extremely inimical to his existence - he has no other way but to gain knowledge of the incident . This is where all bodily superimpositions are removed by the innundation of the infinite - actually it is a force of Kundalini that destroys the individual and expands him . Not everyone has this type of raising of kundalini - the master who does this to a disciple should be also able to be impart knowledge to him on the event - thus unfolding the person into the glory of his self .
One need not debate whether instruments or aids are require for realising the self - no instruments are required only thought and knowledge emanating from rising consciousness due to intense thinking on a subject . Anything else extraneous will only detract from the pursuit .
Kundalini can be raised by Knowledge , everyone can do it through proper thought an dknowledge - just a little push in the ''thinking process'' is required that is all.
I am not in favour of any strictures - what is wrong if a man takes peyote or weed to expand his senses ? (the intent must be pure -self relaization and not addiction !! ). Once a preliminary rise is achieved - it is not required anymore (I have not taken any of these things !!! ) These things pertain to Shakthi Sanchara and some other types of Yoga - it has to be transmuted with Gnana Yoga and later discarded fully after all the astral body is also perishable and one has to give it up to attain to the intellect and knowledge. Many get stuck there - raising the kundalini above the 4th chakra is not very easy . And unfortunately 5,6 and 7 are the knowledge chakras .
getting a head ache is not any chakra - a doctor is to be consulted for migraine.
Hope I have been uselessly helpful !! I just entered into this post because I hope what I know may help maybe anyone or maybe even give them ideas . Kundalini ,Soma, Yajur Veda , Mantras etc are not things I generally like to get into same as teleology - but let me see if anything bad will happen !!! I love experimenting with myself and anyway these things may help another -myself to be honest I ma not really into these things.
I happen to grow tobacco myself. Tobacco strains most common in the Middle-East are Samsoun, Izmir, Sherazi etc., and they all tend to be very sweet and have a low nicotine content compared to other strains. But there are literally thousands of man made tobacco strains and another thousand different ways to process and cure it, so... hard to say! But I guess that Egyptian tobacco would be a sweet one.
Dear Erica,
Swami Vivekanada the Indian monk used to smoke , he used to smoke a pipe - and whilst he was in America somebody once happened to ask him why he was taken to smoking (this I believe after dinner when he reached out for his pipe ) His reply was that '' the pipe is there and it is meant for smoking - other wise man would not have made it ".
Again please let me introduce to a few metaphysical truths on Tobacco that I am aware of - Tobacco represents WOOD in the higher echelons of symbols and is not to be taken as divine call to smoke it in order to attain to the self .
Brown colour in any vision also represents wood . This is my emphatic findings on this subject .
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