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Hi, L. A. I haven't had a personal UFO encounter, but I've maintained a long time, several decades, interest in the subject. There is monumental evidence that there is something going on here that is not of "this world," as mainstream, materialist science describes it. Ultra-terrestials, Extra-dimensional beings, visitors from other parts of the this physical universe, or all of the above are the main explanations.

There has been another forum here concerning this subject. It gets resusitated now and again. Perhaps the people that responded to that will chime in here. I know Bill Kleidan, one of our long time members, has some interesting views and personal experiences he's shared in the past. But, many of the people here seem to be quite skeptical of all this.

I understand you've had a personal encounter youself and write about it in your book. Are you familiar with Whitley Strieber, who has a website called "Unknown Country"? He's a novelist and has had numerous personal encounters with who he calls "The Visitors."

There are a number of different types of encounters. Some are more like the "nuts and bolts" kind, and others are more ethereal and inter-dimensional. There are a number of camps, or points of view, in the UFO field. It's not one monolithic group think arena.

Dr. Jacques Vallee and the late John Keel think and feel they are "ultra-terrestials" and "inter-dimensional" encounters from higher realms(angels, etc.) to lower realms(greys, etc.). There are others in this camp and they reject any "nuts and bolts" explanations.

The other end of the spectrum is represented by Stanton Friedman, who is practically all "nuts and bolts" and doesn't deal much with the other sides. Having a Masters in Physics, he can give some of the possible explanations for inter-steller travel.

Of course, there are many investigators and groups who are in between these two views.

As for SETI, there is view going around that some "whistleblowers" have revealed that it is a cover job by the Government to mask the real knowledge they have of the UFO situation. The day-to-day people running SETI are not in on the cover-up and think they're doing legitimate work.

L.A., as I mentioned, Bill Keidan, a member here and long standing Theosophist in New Zealand, is involved in the healing profession. He's written about working with inter-dimensional E.T.'s in his healing work. I'm hoping he sees this discussion and chimes in. I think you two would have lots to inter-change about.

Thanks Michael,

I am flattered that you should think that I  have something helpful to say on this subject. The trouble is I am so busy with other important issues in my life that I cannot contribute at length. However, since you ask I will go so far as to say this: Granted we can all make mistakes, errors of judgment etc. and undoubtedly there are also mischievious pieces of disinformation out there, but by and large I feel that the main thrust of the argument that our planet has long been visited by UFOs containing Extra Terrestials is a very solid proposition and anyone who seriously looks at the evidence (e.g. Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project) should not be ashamed to concede this. The question is who are they and what are they doing here? Some of them I believe come from planets within our own solar system, but many come from distant galaxies and star systems. The later possibility was poo-hoohed due to Einsteinian ideas that lifeforms will cease to exist if they approach the speed of light, and speeds many times the speed of light would be needed for interstellar travel. In all of this we need to realize that we are projecting our quite primitive scientific limitations on civilizations that may be millions of years in advance of ourselves. Essentially they travel in other levels of consciousness where our laws of physics do not apply, and they emerge at the other end by transferring into physical form. What are they doing here? Well for the most part I believe they are trying to help us, although some are planetary traders and others are looking for DNA in order to help their own bodies to survive. To tell you the truth the presence of the extra-terrestrials  on earth is one that is highly compatmentalized by secret government agencies of the world, especially those of the the American government. The reason  for this secrecy is that if the overtures of the the ETs were acted upon and world peace broke out because of it, the military/industrial complex would find themselves very disadvantaged because of the lack of wars which they prosper upon. Therefore, from that restricted perspective, it is thought very important that the peoples of the world be kept in the dark about the real reason that Extra Terrestrials are visiting us. For those who would like to make some headway on the subject I can recommend the book "X3 Healing Entities and Aliens" by Adrian Dvir. This book published in 2003 is the story af the author, a computer engineer (now deceased), and how he came into contact with Extra Terrestial Medical Healing Teams in Israel. In my own humble way I have had the privilege of telepathic contact and healing cooperation with one of the doctors of these teams. The reason that Adrian's book is so important is that it gives perspective about these visitations, not only in healing but also on a variety of diferent Alien perspectives that Adrian was given because he was granted telepathic access to what amounts to an Alien computer data base. Another issue is that there is a Council of about 56 different advanced galactic civilisations and they are looking to earth to qualify in order to join them. The privileges of such a union for earth would be overwhelmingly positive and would not only mean technology transfer beyond what we already have (vide "The Day after Roswell" 1998 by Colonel Philip J. Corso who was a Pentagon insider) as well as travel to the stars. But, it means us putting an end to wars and other cruelties - unfortunately the motives to do this are a lot less amongst the wealthy military and industrialists than with the ordinary people, so for the time being our Extra-Terrestrial friends have to do a lot of work behind the scenes until the leadership of our planet falls into line and catches up with public aspirations. Or perhaps, I should correct this slightly, no leadership of an advanced Western nation is impervious to the intersts of the military/industrial complex and if they get too far out of line or follow a too independent stance there are means which will be used to bring them back into line. This is why a whole succession of American presidents starting with President Eisenhower, and running through Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton could not make much headway in telling the truth on these matters.

As for Seti, this is a bit of a setup to placate the public - which is why we never seem to get anything of much use out of them. There is reason to think that they are sitting on vital information which the public ought to know  as indeed is NASA - a better proposition is Dr. Steven Greer's "Cseti", which adopts the attitude that since out leaders are not prepared to make the correct overtures to our Extra Terrestrial visitors, we as ordinary, decent citizens should individually prepare ourselves to be ambassadors to those who come in peace with the intention of helping us. To me, this could well fall into the wider ambit of Theosophy, but I don't expect much forward motion within The Theosophical Society because I am sorry to say that our leadership is often rather conservative and almost establishment orientated, so the iniatives would have to be taken by individual Theosophists - and of course it does come in such ways as the right people being contacted at the right time. Dr. Greer has pointed out and also has experienced that these galactic visitors are also very advanced spiritually as well as technologically, so they  have a way of knowing  who their friends are. I hope this information is of some help.

Some excellent points, Bill, and your joining in here is much appreciated. Yes, the evidence for E.T. contacts in the past and present and high level cover ups by the U.S. and other world government is well documented. Besides Dr. Steven Greer's work, there is voluminous evidence in favor of this. Retired, high ranking military officials, Whistleblowers from Intelligence agencies, and so forth, have all come forward. Huge volumes of research by Ufologists are available for all to read.

As for Inter-Stellar travel, even Time travel, we are projecting our own limited materialist science on these subjects. A civilization even several hundred thousand years in advance of us would have incorporated consciousness as the prime mover of reality into their physics. Our highest level of quantum and relativity physics would probably be taught in kindergarden there.

You're right about the "Military-Industrial Complex" and President Eisenhower warned about that in his farewell address to the nation. I remember that back in the 60's and 70's that warning was often quoted by many people. Now, you never read or hear about it. And, it's not because the "Military-Industrial Complex" has disappeared. As you point out, it's grown immensely and worldwide since then.

What's happening with Dr. Steven Greer and his "Discloser Project"? I haven't heard much of that of late.

One author who impressed me a lot on this subject is the late Richard L. Thompson. In 1993 he wrote Alien Identities in which he explored parallels between modern UFO accounts and descriptions found within the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. He concludes that "in both ancient and recent Vedic traditions there are accounts of beings who can operate on different planes of existence. These beings may be materialistic in orientation, like Vishvamitra Muni and the Rakshasa, or they may be spiritually advanced." He relates these ancient scriptural descriptions to modern UFO reports.  Also, addressing the question whether UFO encounters take place on the gross or subtle planes, he says there is evidence of both.

The book is available on Alien Identities. Here you can find a Sample Chapter.  


Thank you for your kind acknowledgement Michaeal. I am afraid I do not know exactly where Dr. Steven Greer is up to at present, I have been too busy to find out. You may recall he was trying to get together a private team of scientists and engineers to produce a zero point energy device that can replace grid electricity with a totally non-polluting source which extracts energy from the universal space vacuum that surrounds us. Yes, believe it or not a small cardboard box sized device can provide all the energy that is needed to run a house and a slightly larger one can run a factory. It rather cuts through all the official nonsense about controlling emissions related to global warming. That this is totally possible is not really a matter of doubt in my mind, in fact I corresponded with a scientist in the United States a few years ago who told me had done this very thing, but he was too frightened to use it in his home because he believed he would be liquidated, and in any case attempts had already been made on his life. So, all he was prepared to use in his home was solar power, which did have components that had to be purchased from trans-national companies. I believe Dr. Greer has had problems with some of his team either dropping out, being bought off or possibly even threatened. There are two elements which I might point out: 1) Anyone who wishes to develop alien technology to a commercial level without the assent of the military/industrial complex puts themselves and maybe their families at great risk of harm. 2) There are many helpful technologies already extant some of which were captured from crashed or otherwise captured alien sources. Colonel Philip J. Corso mentions in his book The Day After Roswell how in fact he was tasked to seed these into American industry - hence technologies like the computer chip, fibre-optics and the laser all have their origin in captured alien technology. I think it is reasonable to believe that there are a lot of other things which have also been captured which we do not know about, hence some of the UFOs that are flying around are probably terrestrial productions, however I believe that the very highest forms of alien transportation which will take us to the stars and back is going to elude the ruthless and grasping elements of humanity because it needs a spiritual component to make it work. 

There is so much information on the Internet that unless one is totally freed from the requirement to earn a living and is a great enthusiast about UFOs and Extra Terrestrial (Alien) Lifeforms one would never be able to get through it all. And even if one did, would it be possible to discriminate between what was genuine and what was false or deliberate disinformation? For the benefit of  your readers may I point out this link which refers to a book written by Dr. Michael Wolf, who apparently was a very highly qualified insider on these matters. I found this helpful because it verified many of the things that I had worked out for myself: 

Finally, Michael, may I say how very much I admire people like Dr. Steven Greer, Col. Philip Corso (deceased), and Dr. Michael Wolf (deceased) who took very great risks to bring the truth about UFOs and ETs to humanity. To me that is what Theosophy should also be about, for it is in such ways that we can deal with the paradigm shift and get us closer and more quickly to that Golden Age, which despite all the disappointments  in the world at present, I am convinced is still ahead of humanity.

Thanks, Kirk, for joining in here. I'm familiar with the comparison with Vedic literature and UFO phenomena, but no expert. I looked at the reviews of Robert Thompson's book, "Alien Identities" on Amazon and they all praised it. For those interested, it's well worth reading.

Dr. Jacques Vallee has tied in E.T. encounters with Irish folklore of the "Little People" and the Fairy realms. And the relationship of passages in the Bible and UFO encounters has been well written and reported on with numberious documentaries.

You're right, Bill, about there being so much material on the Internet alone, increasing daily, and in books, current and old, on UFOs and E.T.'s is so voluminous that to get through it all would be a full time herculean task. This area is not my main interest, but I do keep up with it in a general way as a side interest.

I've read of Dr. Greer's need to have body guards and the threats to his life. He's not the only person who has encountered threats and intimidation who's working in the alternative energy field and has made some real progress. There's lots of credible evidence that the "Powers-that-Be" are sitting on alternative energy sources that would solve our energy crisis here on Earth, but are suppressing it for the time being. The only reason I can think of is that the Major corporations haven't figured out how to monopolize it yet.

Thanks for the link to the report on Dr. Michael Wolf. It looks fascinating and he would be one of the high ranking "whistleblowers" I was referring to.

To bring this back to Theosophy, your earlier comments about the TS being too conservative is well taken. Some here have commented in other discussions about the TS, and other Theosophical organizations, not keeping up with the times. They are missing the ball on several fronts. Just today, one of the founding members of this site, Katinka, has announced she's quitting the TS and going full time into Tibetan Buddhism. I wonder if the people at Adyar, Wheaton and Ojai are taking note.

Perhaps we'll hear from L.A, who started this discussion, soon on all this.

Most people in the metaphysical/spiritual community stay away from Ufology, many privately thinking that anyone even interested in it is some kind of "crackpot." That's a prejudice, I think, created by the mainstream media.

Thanks Michael, I suppose I ought to finish my contribution off before I get on with those pressing matters that I previously referred to. It is understandable that E.T.s have been confused with the elementals of folklore probably less the more beautiful fairy forms and more the more grotesque forms of  gnomes and beings of that type and maybe even the Irish little people who can change their form. But of course these are subhuman in their evolution rather than equal or in advance of humanity as is the case of ETs. By this I mean the elementals have not reached that stage of individualisation which differentiates them from humanity. This is where Theosophy gives us a little help. From piecing together what people like Dr. Greer, Adrian Dvir and others have told us the ultra kindness and wish to help and not harm, even when attacked by our military (although they ususalally employ non-lethal defence) puts most of the ETs into a most enlightened category over humankind.

Yes, bodyguards may help a little in the case of ET and UFO whistleblowers, if they can afford them, but a common method of taking people out is to use psychotronic weapons - beamed particle weapons which cannot be detected but give the person cancer, or else a truck may "ccidentally" edge their car off the road - no bodyguard can protect against these things. I suspect many people have had ET or UFO experiences, the more ouvert cases where physical contact has been made have tended to become more reticent to recite their experiences since nobody particularly wants to be visited by The Men in Black who tend to intimidate people about deseminating such information. Unless there is some especial reason for physical contact to be made as in the so-called alien abductions - I believe these days most contact is made interiorly. That way it is less of a threat to a person and good work can still be done. It is also not unusual for people to recant their experiences  as in the case of George Adamski, but I suspect in such cases pressure has been brought to bear behind the scenes and often such people are trying to survive as best they can.

Yes, there are further confusions in the mystical realms between what mystics claim to have seen. Erich von Danniken described Elijah's vision of the fiery chariot in terms of a UFO. From a Theosophical stance we might just as easily say that he saw a great angel or deva. Where we have some actual tangible remains like the skulls that are said to be held in The Vatican we may be on more definite ground that we are dealing with something more specific and tangible in regard to Extra-Terrestrial visitors rather than mystical experience, which at the best are very subjective.

Yes, Dr. Michael Wolf seems to have been a seminal figure in regard to exteriorising this vital information, God Bless him and may he rest in peace.

As regards Katinka's withdrawal from the Theosophical Society and transfer to Tibetan Buddhism, I wish her well - undoubtedly it is a significant loss. From my perspective I feel The Theosophical Society still has important work to do in the world, it just needs to get back to its original plan of following truth where it leads without fear or favour, and throw off some of these behaviours where people entrench themselves in power and prevent the movement moving forward. In other contexts I have said that the T.S. needs to be able to produce a new generation of seers and sages who can investigate with higher consciousness the sorts of things that we are discussing in this thread. My kindest thoughts to you and your correspondents, Michael.



Thank you L.A., By any standards Dr. Steven Greer is a person of high integrity and unusual courage. Also thank you for your perceptions. The Angel of the Pointing Hand was a glyph (see uploaded image) which Geoffrey Hodson had drawn by an artist according to the instructions given to him by his archangelic teacher, Bethelda. You can read about the rationale in Geoffrey's book, "The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men" which also has the explanation of the glyph's symbolism. Whilst the angelic finger is pointing to the heavens it is taken as symbolising "the highest" in terms of moral, ethical and service-orientated behaviour which is the foundation of the spiritual life and prepares a person who fully embraces it, not only for teaching from the angels but also for training by a Master of the Wisdom. I am afraid there have been many misunderstandings regarding these matters, and on another forum I tried to put the matter into the correct perspective - the occult life is not in any way related to eliteism - it is totally a merit system. Those who are not able to comprehend this will never find out the deepest secrets, but I dare say I don't need to tell you this. Yes, Geoffrey Hodson was a remarkable person, not only as a scientist of the invisible, but also as a person of deep compassion and friendliness. However, having been an army officer in the 1st World War he was absolute positive in his orientatation - no harm in that. Strangely, Geoffrey was ambiguous about our Extra-Terrestrial visitors - the time was not then right to introduce the concept into Theosophy. But, so much water has gone under the bridge since then that I feel the time now is absolutely right. The sad thing is that at the present time there are no scientists of the invisible within the Theosophical Society who are up to the job, so we have to do what we can with what we have and use the evidence supplied by people like Adrian Dvir and Steven Greer.

This has been a fascinating discussion. As one who has not had any personal direct experiences with UFO's and ETs, such as L.A describes, I've kept an open mind about it all through the years I've looked into the subject.

Too bad some of our members here who are into the Eastern spirituality haven't chimed in. It seems, though, that Vedic and Buddhist scholars are as conservative and tradition about UFOs and their scriptures as Western Theologions and scholars are about the Bible. Although, I've read somewhere that a school of Tibetan Buddhism has an oral teaching concerning ETs that is handed down to advanced students, but I'm not positive how true that is.

I've lots of projects to attend to, so I'll make this brief. I did some more checking on Dr. Jacques Vallee and refreshed my memory. He's 71, has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a M.S. in Astrophysics. He was the role model for the character that Francois Trauffaut played in Spielberg's "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind." He's been a Venture Capitlist with high-tech companies since 1982 and hasn't done much with ufology recently.

His thesis is known as the  Interdimension Hypothesis. (IDH). He includes ETs, demons, angels, folklore entities, etc. as coming from other dimensions. Here's a link to a full explanation of it, plus a mention of other researchers who agree with this:

Hope this will be of interest to some.

Thank for the picture LA.

A very good attempt to portray a devic being in its cosmic function.


The importance of Theosophy is that it gives us a roadmap which other systems don't supply, at least not openly, whatever may be given in secret. One of the concepts put forward by Theosophy is the idea of "The Ring Pass Not" - a  sort of sphere that insulates our globe, indeed our Solar System, from interference by other forces, energies and intelligences that would not be helpful to it. Well, to a great extent that is the situation prevailing in terms of visitation by Extra-Terrestrials. That is the reason why Dr. Steven Greer can say that there are no bad ETs, although another great ET authority, the expert on ExoPolitics - Dr. Michael Salla    (  has openly disagreed with him on this point. But, I think Dr. Greer is mostly correct and where things have gone pear-shaped it is largely due to the self-seeking aspect of human beings  representing their governments, who have cut deals with the wrong ETs and invited them in. This sort of thing is quite common in the Foreign Policy of certain countries hence cutting deals with tyrants and dictators in an expedient sort of way, rather than respecting the integrity of the democratic process - although in my opinion none of the Alien allies are degenerate to the same degee of these human tyrants. Whilst the Ring Pass Not probably helps to keep the worst elements out, there is also according to Adrian Dvir a supervision by the Galactic Brotherhood of 56 advanced civilisations, and in certain bad cases of abuse even the spacecrafts of the miscreants have been destroyed by the Council, who will not let them interfere in a controlling way in the evolution of human life on our globe. Therefore, for the most part our ET visitors seek to inspire and help to bring us to a plateau level of ethical and moral behaviour where we can be contacted more openly. There have been the occasional references to members of the Adept Brotherhood of our planet being involved in a favourable way - Adrian Dvir - who did not have the benefit of Theosophical terminology, makes reference to Jesus and some of the patriarchs of the Old Testament such as Moses currently being involved, and in my own healing work I have occasionally been aware of a Christlike being looking in on the healing work of the Alien doctor with whom I have been co-operating superphysically. So, if I may say so this whole matter of Alien co-operation is a very big issue and even has the acquiecence if not the direct support of the Adept Government of our planet. From this point of view if the temporal govenments of our planet put themselves into opposition, they are fighting a battle which they can never win.

Michael A. Williams said:

This has been a fascinating discussion. As one who has not had any personal direct experiences with UFO's and ETs, such as L.A describes, I've kept an open mind about it all through the years I've looked into the subject.

Too bad some of our members here who are into the Eastern spirituality haven't chimed in. It seems, though, that Vedic and Buddhist scholars are as conservative and tradition about UFOs and their scriptures as Western Theologions and scholars are about the Bible. Although, I've read somewhere that a school of Tibetan Buddhism has an oral teaching concerning ETs that is handed down to advanced students, but I'm not positive how true that is.

I've lots of projects to attend to, so I'll make this brief. I did some more checking on Dr. Jacques Vallee and refreshed my memory. He's 71, has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a M.S. in Astrophysics. He was the role model for the character that Francois Trauffaut played in Spielberg's "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind." He's been a Venture Capitlist with high-tech companies since 1982 and hasn't done much with ufology recently.

His thesis is known as the  Interdimension Hypothesis. (IDH). He includes ETs, demons, angels, folklore entities, etc. as coming from other dimensions. Here's a link to a full explanation of it, plus a mention of other researchers who agree with this:

Hope this will be of interest to some.


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