's Blog Talk Radio is now World Wide Wisdom

      We at are carrying on an ancient if not archaic tradition, that was once (If memory serves), what HPB stated as four levels of initiation. Vis-à-vis: Neophyte; (theoretically a theoretical student). An Initiate; one who is initiated into the sacred mysteries. Hierophant or discloser of sacred learning. Until finally, the few who reach the level of Adept. While Perhaps, the English language is inadequate to explain Adept, other than perhaps proficient in a given area; we can look to its Latin roots and consider: adipisci 'obtain, attain'. To gauge a closer meaning, we should all infer what an initiate ought to attain to.

     Remember though, Greece was ancient history to Rome, while Greece was the child in the riddle of the Sphinx. Again, if memory serves, HPB stated that the diffusion of religious wisdom brought out of India bore the ancient church of the Magi, vis-à-vis (Persia, Egypt, and Chaldea; with the Qabala growing up alongside the Chaldean Magi). Though doctrines, dogmas, and deities may change; principle is the basic truth on which all truths are founded. We have come full circle.

     I have found extraordinary minds through I have also learned a lot. What astonished me though is what I took for granted, which was that, Theosophy was common knowledge, when Theosophy was not common knowledge, in the West anyway. However, it was always a pleasure to introduce it when I was a student and teacher in academia. 


     So in that sense perhaps; seeds were planted but is that really enough? So we talk amongst ourselves and share our experiences; thoughts; and anticipate the present and future relationship between Humanity and the Divine, while the big question looms: Do we have the responsibility, the desire, the obligation, to initiate the uninitiated; to raise the consciousness of individuals seeking, understanding, or pursuing, a greater relationship between Humanity and the Divine, and how would we do that?

      Thanks to Joe Fulton's support and present day technology we are able to, and it is being proposed, that we could produce a radio talk show, without a radio station. This talk radio is called Blog Talk Radio and is actually a format with a host / co-host, with guests, and shows that are developed along theme lines. The show is produced on line while they engage others who call into the show.

     The exciting part is that while guests are interviewed callers from around the world, via phone or Skype can call in with questions about Theosophy; the guest, or questions in general. Themes might range from Theosophy for Theosophists, (preaching to the choir), bringing Theosophy to academia, or bringing it to mainstream America, elsewhere, and everywhere. People would listen to the show from their computer rather than their radio.

     Another exciting aspect of this production is multiple guests in a debate format. In this case the host would serve as moderator. As the theme of the show is generated; a panel of selected guests would provide insight or input. Following a discussion there would be a period of time wherein people would call in from their phone to ask questions; either in general or in specific response to a particular subject or point of view, book, or article. The same for one on one interviews.  

      •    Lastly, as and Heidi are building a presence on Facebook, it is important to realize that some of the benefits of this Blog Talk Radio Show are:

      •    Registering with Facebook   
      •    Just use your phone
      •    A real broadcast
      •    Sharing our passion, expertise, cause, or pupose with the world. 

          Engage a real time audience

          Not necessarily a part of Theosophy or its culture

      •    Take live callers and have guests call in from around the globe.
      •    Continue to reach out and build our community
      •    Lastly, all the tools we need to syndicate and share this show, (not named as yet; please make suggestions).

     Here's is some advance information on having their own radio show. What is Blog Talk Radio? Please see attachment or go to  Please also visit or re-visit Discussion Forum> Rules of the Road & Introductory Comments. While donations aren't necessary, if you find that you like what is developing and would like to contribute please write Joe Fulton. Otherwise please write me with queries, questions, suggestions, and especially people who would like to be interviewed as Host and or Moderator, or guest, including panels for discussion and debate. I'm sure the latter will be easier once a schedule, format, and subjects are chosen. You can help with that. I'm at

     There's a lot to do. Once we have people in place we still need to produce a platform, schedule, Talk show themes; etc., etc., but there is plenty of time. I look forward to talking with you and thank you for your interest in this exciting new prospect. Namaste

     Here is the link to The Social Media Phenomenon: Transforming monologues into dialogues.

Sincerely yours,

Peter J. O'Lalor

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The Schedule right now will be Tues and Thur for two hours. We want to get our feet wet; and take the que from callers what interests there are to give us a clue when to schedule more often.

Who would the "We" be?  Are these whom I surmise are the regularly schedule hosts of Joe and Heidi?  Or is the hosting itself a variable?

  • Topics are being worked on. The first show is scheduled (no date) as 'Introduction."


As regards this, and the wonderful list to follow it, I was wondering ... would using the sequential presentation of topics (perhaps selectively of necessity) provide an interesting format or theme?  People can already read the history, and can now get a new perspective garnered from the expertise of our hosts and their guests to complete the understanding of already established subjects.  Kind of helps set a schedule in advance, too.  The transcript of the [history] can easily be posted, and the primary discussion points, or a simple cam-camera capture of the hosts delivering their discussion could add the modern multimedia flare and experience which sets so well with today's active minds.

So, this would be expert Theosophy for expert Theosophists.  Is the intent then, a "showcase" of key Theosophists points of view?


Regardless, the appeal is becoming lost on me.  Theosophists already circle in their tight little theosophical enclaves.  WHAT is being done to remake Theosophy into a presentable, modern draw?  I should think, and I’m totally willing to stand alone on this, no need for angst, … we want to preserve the philosophy in the minds of new generation.  Also, we don’t want to lose those who are overwhelmed by the depth of the material.  It is now a fast paced world with lots of alternatives and choices.  Shouldn’t we be an easy choice and not an easy dismissal because we can’t relate, or simply delve even deeper into obscure meaning to the isolation of all but a handful?


Where are the new terms we need, or a Universal meaning of them, and verbiage that people of [today’s] remiss educational system can grasp?  Where is the metaphor for this new generation so they can see its pertinence to solving their life and spiritual issues?  Where are the soundbites that keep key messages in their minds from day to day, tailored to today’s issues so they have the [experience] that Theosophy makes sense, is pertinent, and can be practiced?  Where is the “Why” one of this new world should have an interest in Theosophy?  And, OMG, can’t we come up with some ideas that are not so “putting off” to the new fertile mind as terms like “Theosophy” … hasn’t this issue ever been approached in all these years?  Theosophy, under whatever name, must be a DESTINATION, not something people drive by.  What and Why are people going to be coming back?  Of course, none of this even is worth a consideration if we are simply going to “showcase,” instead of featuring our “Top Guns” on special occasions after groundwork has been established.


Joe Fulton said:

As far as marketing goes, the most important are the opinion makers and the 'well-read'.  It will be easier to go after the 'well-read' because opinion-makers usually have a well-established direction in life and know what they want.  To get that kind of 'in' we need to be in the kind of space where not only our work shows up in the proper venues, but it also carries the kind of emotional appeal and the logic to move people to action and generates the buzz that causes the opinion makers to talk and write about what we are saying.


This might be simple, ... make it pertinent.

Peter O'Lalor said:

Thank you Joe,

     Heidi are on the same page with you. That's exactly what I meant by doing my homework. On the other hand; "emotional appeal and the logic to move people to action and generates the buzz that causes the opinion makers to talk and write about what we are saying,." is a clear objective we need to work on.

      We have decided to end the show with, "To learn more about world religions, science, and philosophy please visit


Maybe a famous Joe Survey after every show could be used as a tool.  Here's just a modest example to give an indication of where I am going with this:



. Did you like the program?

. Was it pertinent?

. Was it understandable?

. Can you employ the information?

. Did the Hosts work for you?

. Did the Guests work for you?

. Did the call-in conversations make a difference?

. Did the discussion speak to your level of comprehension?

. Are the terms and explanations understandable?

. Would additional preparatory graphics and diagrams on the website make this presentation easier to comprehend and incorporate?

. Is there enough variety in the presentation?

. Did this presentation suffer because it is solely in English?

. Did the time of the program's presentation work for you?

. Was the length of the program (2 hours) appropriate?

. Is the mixture of male/female perspective and voice well balanced?

. Is the mixture of knowledge and experience well balanced?



Christian: I can see that you haven't been studying this site very well. Over the past two years we have been having endless discussions on this, mostly between Joe Fulton and me, and a few others. What you propose is a major overhaul, a remake, of theosophy, or perhaps a completely new formulation of a relevant spirituality. You will probably find very few theosophists on your side. Those few who are (and who I know) have many obligations, such as a busy job, etc., and cannot spend much time on such an effort. I myself have reformulated and extended  theosophy a bit during the last fourteen years. See my ebook. Of course a lot of more work is needed to formulate a relevant belief system for today's world. See my many recent postings dealing with eco/social spirituality. It boils down to this: if you want something new, you will have to take up the challenge yourself. Are you prepared to do that?

You are going to need a large audience.  I have some ideas.  I'm the neophyte here, so take these merely as considerations, please ... you guys will make the decisions, of course.


Get the catalogues that promote books to Radio Stations across the country and around the world.  These features books authors of written, and probably programs such as you have.  These catalogs go out to stations each month, and occasionally the producers will also feature you on the covers or first pages, especially if on any given month your material has mass appeal.  Radio stations select their guests from these catalogs and will call up with little notice to have you on.  The hosts and key guests would be the important people to get on OTHER people's radio stations.  You will want to promote World Wide Wisdom.  These are very good practice for the hosts to understand the listener’s' concerns and questions, as there tends to be a pattern to these things.


There are numerous authors on, so these are good candidates for those other radio programs.

Google should provide a lot of the answers and leads you need. 


Secondly, get a large mailing list … this is usually a service.  Use key words like Theosophy, Easter Philosophy, New Age etc select your hundred thousand or so initial email addresses.  Many will be invalid, or will have changed, so start with a large number.

Send an initial email to these and direct them to the program’s website where the full story is given.  Sign up to AWeber which allows people to both add and remove themselves from the email list.  This gives you a way to send communications about programs directly, and to get direct feedback.


With this list you can also market some subsidiary products.  For example, you may want people to be able to download the programs to play on their Ipods while at the gym.  You may produce a newsletter or monthly magazine showcasing your programs.  These can generate a modicum of income to play for your mailing lists, AND, they can help you maintain lasting customers and listeners.  You might, as well, sell DVD collections of programs for those months later who want to catch up.




You might want to consider formatting your programs so that the content fits into 44 minutes, broken down into segments of approximately 7-miutes or 11-minutes each.  This will then lend your program to inclusion on televison programs, in part or in whole ... though, your shows would need to be filmed for this.  Filming hosts taking questions is just fine.
Graphics ... if there are some nice and easily understood graphics that support your program it sells the show more easily, and provides a great reference.  People need to be able to follow along, and "keeping up" is difficult with this subject matter.  This will help you get a larger international audience, too.  You may even be able to take contributions.
If you have 44-minute hours, then you can use the extra time to promote the program, and OTHER sites, products and people, ... for which you can derive advertising dollars.  For example, there are theosphical events going on around the world.  Some modest income will help you cover inevitable expenses.  You could even air commercials for a fee.

Put together a list of key guests you would like to have on, as "features."  Approach them with a nice presentation and opportunity to be a guest speaker or guest on your show.  This can provide an interest and a recurring draw to World Wide Wisdom.

Peter, best wishes and my full support on your Theosophy radio show. Are you going to be using BLOGTALK RADIO? I follow a show there now, "The Hermetic Hour" on Thursday nights. It seems an easy format to start with.

I would suggest not to let too much enthusiasm cause you to overreach right off the bat. Starting simple, perhaps with only one show a week, an hour long, and building from there might be best. That way, you're able to concentrate more time and energy into a quality show, rather than spread yourself too thin at first.

I'm not trying to dampen the project at all, only help to prevent a common problem I've encountered in the past: Trying to realize big dreams too quick often leads to disappointment and the enthusiasm often starts to wane suddenly. Keep the big dreams, but move along step-by-step in a patient fashion.

Well, just a few thoughts. I'm sure most people here will do what they can to promote it. I know I will.


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