We at Theosophy.net are carrying on an ancient if not archaic tradition, that was once (If memory serves), what HPB stated as four levels of initiation. Vis-à-vis: Neophyte; (theoretically a theoretical student). An Initiate; one who is initiated into the sacred mysteries. Hierophant or discloser of sacred learning. Until finally, the few who reach the level of Adept. While Perhaps, the English language is inadequate to explain Adept, other than perhaps proficient in a given area; we can look to its Latin roots and consider: adipisci 'obtain, attain'. To gauge a closer meaning, we should all infer what an initiate ought to attain to.
Remember though, Greece was ancient history to Rome, while Greece was the child in the riddle of the Sphinx. Again, if memory serves, HPB stated that the diffusion of religious wisdom brought out of India bore the ancient church of the Magi, vis-à-vis (Persia, Egypt, and Chaldea; with the Qabala growing up alongside the Chaldean Magi). Though doctrines, dogmas, and deities may change; principle is the basic truth on which all truths are founded. We have come full circle.
I have found extraordinary minds through Theosophy.net. I have also learned a lot. What astonished me though is what I took for granted, which was that, Theosophy was common knowledge, when Theosophy was not common knowledge, in the West anyway. However, it was always a pleasure to introduce it when I was a student and teacher in academia.
So in that sense perhaps; seeds were planted but is that really enough? So we talk amongst ourselves and share our experiences; thoughts; and anticipate the present and future relationship between Humanity and the Divine, while the big question looms: Do we have the responsibility, the desire, the obligation, to initiate the uninitiated; to raise the consciousness of individuals seeking, understanding, or pursuing, a greater relationship between Humanity and the Divine, and how would we do that?
Thanks to Joe Fulton's support and present day technology we are able to, and it is being proposed, that we could produce a radio talk show, without a radio station. This talk radio is called Blog Talk Radio and is actually a format with a host / co-host, with guests, and shows that are developed along theme lines. The show is produced on line while they engage others who call into the show.
The exciting part is that while guests are interviewed callers from around the world, via phone or Skype can call in with questions about Theosophy; the guest, or questions in general. Themes might range from Theosophy for Theosophists, (preaching to the choir), bringing Theosophy to academia, or bringing it to mainstream America, elsewhere, and everywhere. People would listen to the show from their computer rather than their radio.
Another exciting aspect of this production is multiple guests in a debate format. In this case the host would serve as moderator. As the theme of the show is generated; a panel of selected guests would provide insight or input. Following a discussion there would be a period of time wherein people would call in from their phone to ask questions; either in general or in specific response to a particular subject or point of view, book, or article. The same for one on one interviews.
• Lastly, as Theosophy.net and Heidi are building a presence on Facebook, it is important to realize that some of the benefits of this Blog Talk Radio Show are:
• Registering with Facebook
• Just use your phone
• A real broadcast
• Sharing our passion, expertise, cause, or pupose with the world.
• Engage a real time audience
• Not necessarily a part of Theosophy or its culture
• Take live callers and have guests call in from around the globe.
• Continue to reach out and build our community
• Lastly, all the tools we need to syndicate and share this show, (not named as yet; please make suggestions).
Here's is some advance information on Theosophy.net having their own radio show. What is Blog Talk Radio? Please see attachment or go to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/whatis.aspx Please also visit or re-visit Discussion Forum> Rules of the Road & Introductory Comments. While donations aren't necessary, if you find that you like what is developing and would like to contribute please write Joe Fulton. Otherwise please write me with queries, questions, suggestions, and especially people who would like to be interviewed as Host and or Moderator, or guest, including panels for discussion and debate. I'm sure the latter will be easier once a schedule, format, and subjects are chosen. You can help with that. I'm at pjolalor@gmail.com
There's a lot to do. Once we have people in place we still need to produce a platform, schedule, Talk show themes; etc., etc., but there is plenty of time. I look forward to talking with you and thank you for your interest in this exciting new prospect. Namaste
Here is the link to The Social Media Phenomenon: Transforming monologues into dialogues. BlogTalkRadioTheosopy.net.pdf
Sincerely yours,
Peter J. O'Lalor
Christian: I can see that you haven't been studying this site very well. Over the past two years we have been having endless discussions on this, mostly between Joe Fulton and me, and a few others. What you propose is a major overhaul, a remake, of theosophy, or perhaps a completely new formulation of a relevant spirituality. You will probably find very few theosophists on your side. Those few who are (and who I know) have many obligations, such as a busy job, etc., and cannot spend much time on such an effort. I myself have reformulated and extended theosophy a bit during the last fourteen years. See my ebook. Of course a lot of more work is needed to formulate a relevant belief system for today's world. See my many recent postings dealing with eco/social spirituality. It boils down to this: if you want something new, you will have to take up the challenge yourself. Are you prepared to do that?
As to recreating this tradition:
while keeping in mind that true theosophical Schools promoted and continue to promote Raja-Yoga, which appeals to a certain type of consciousness, it must not be forgotten that theosophy also implies action. No Yoga system is complete without a consideration of action in the world. Karma Yoga (which implies good works or deeds) is a natural complement to other Yogas. Sri Aurobindo advocated Integral Yoga, which combines all or most other Yoga systems/ methods that existed in his time. Likewise, the true theosopher is a philantropist (see Key to Theosophy). It is a high ideal, but everybody can do at least something, as outlined in the postings on ecospirituality (which includes social action). Many people are already aware of these things and contribute their part to a healthier society.
- email notification - Absolutely. In addition we need to maintain a database somewhere that we can keep a list of names and e-mail addresses. This need not be difficult. An excel file that has a column for names and a column for e-mail addresses should work. The e-mail addresses can easily be exported to a comma-delimited (.csv) file. From there it's a quick cut and paste into an e-mail. A quick template for the e-mail should be made so that we're not re-creating the wheel every time we have to send out a notice.
[Email Address Opt IN/OUT] The reasoning behind my suggesting AWeber is that in addition to automatically letting people JOIN a Newsletter or Update on World of Wisdom as an Exit window from Theosophy.net, or elsewhere, ... and, allowing a member to Opt In and Opt Out at their leisure ... it maintains the Email database (and as just indicated, a current one) for you.
[Email Lists] Email lists. Newsletters, updates can be otherwise quite labor intensive, which I know because [we've] had to work with them for a decade. You CAN, as a suggestion, use some field there as a [key] to index a localized Database that has mailing addresses or other status information (ex: preferences such as Email List Y/N, Physical Newsletter Y/N etc.)
[DB Creation] As to the Database itself, there already seems to be some fine IT talent on the Forum(s), and I myself, if needed, have some experience in this area: Setting up something for you in Microsoft Access (a standard inclusion in the Microsoft Office suite) is easy enough, and a facility more readily available to all.
[DB Management] Using said software and managing its information might be better handled by someone dedicated more solely to that task as it would, regardless its ease, be a strain on you Joe, Peter and Heidi, where its routine functions and labors would still be a strain on the immediate attention required of you for more administrative tasks of Hosting and Programming of the Radio Show.
Of this subject, and to many others I reply to, or suggest, take them as proven possibilities drawn from practical experience in this very arena, NOT any strong suggestion. Other choices, variations, etc. are just as possible, just as viable, and maybe even more workable immediately or in time …
So’s everyone understands where I come from, I am throwing things “out there” to show you some [knowns] and [can-do’s] in the field (of which I have a background in), which can be a blessing in reducing the stress and worry of your taking on some new feature or task that one might think will blow up in their face for lack of expertise. It should be helpful to know “this can be done” easily, effectively and efficiently … and it will work, … but WHEN it is desired. Administrators, that’s you Joe, Peter and Heidi, need to know when you find you need to issue a particular mandate to meet some pressing need, the solution is in handy and in-hand, and within the resources of your operation.
I THINK, ha. Christian
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