For some reason, the earlier incarnation of this discussion has disappeared from the site. Anyway, if you would like to tell the rest of us a bit about yourself, please do, and make sure to have fun with it!
OOOOhhh, my favorite topic, ME! Joined the TS in 1986, and was a member till 2001, working for the TOS as Ecology editor for "For the Love of Life," the quarterly magazine for the US Section of the TOS. Went to Summer School several times, went to Krotona several times, once to finish my thesis on Fundamentalist Christian Addictions and Cults. I'm a mom, I'm a working nurse, and I'm married to Joe! and we have a cat. (Re-joined the Society briefly this year, for about 3 months, then decided better of it, and resigned.) The Society and I are better off without each other, but you can't take theosophy away from's who I am.
Mine is simple. Born into a theosophical family and I live in San Antonio, Texas. Just an ordinary member of TS(Adyar). Computers and Internet are my hobbies. Make my living as a self-employed accountant preparing income tax returns. Anyone needs tax help, just holler at me. Pro bono for all theosophists! (I try earning a lot of good Karma which is priceless!!!)