I like my view of humanity, even if most will think me naive for it. I think its logical. 

In my eyes, everyone is simply doing the best they can with the information they possess. Those who make “evil” or “wrong” decisions either don't understand what they're doing, don't see how much they hurt themselves by hurting others, or don't yet grasp how infinitely more rewarding and satisfying it is to do the right thing over the wrong. But in time, they'll figure it out. Experience will show we are not punished for our actions, but by them. Its all just a matter of having the right knowledge on hand at the right moment. And if we are all simply doing the best we can with the information we possess, how can we blame another for something they just don't know?

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" how can we blame another for something they just don't know?"

you have a good point. I am inclined to agree with you. What if they know they do not know things and do nothing to fix the problem?

Perhaps they don't know how much better it is to know, which is still a problem of just not knowing. 

Very nice. I agree wholeheartedly.

"Evil" or "wrong" are merely marks on a scale of choices. We tend to place a bisecting line on the scale, choices on this side of that bisecting line we consider "good", choices on that side of the bisecting line we consider "bad".  Each of us view this scale from our own perspective. Our own bisecting line, that divides "good" and "bad", slides back and forth along the scale dependent on our current understanding of ourselves and our environment. So what was "good" yesterday may be "bad" today and "good" again tomorrow.

This is what makes any judgement a risky business, a judgement we may make against (or fore) someone else today, may be against (or fore) us tomorrow. The bad news is, any judgement we make about another means little, but when our judgement is levied (by our-self) against our-self, it carries much more weight.

It is in the forgiveness of another today that we find forgiveness for ourselves tomorrow. Given that we never know when we will transition from this physical world into whatever it is that comes next, and the "truth" of our choices will become known to us, I for one feel the need to accumulate as much forgiveness as I possibly can. I fear that I will need much forgiveness for myself when my time for final judgement of myself does come.

Of course this only represents my current understanding, and all things change in time, except for that "truth" we all will find in our own transition.

"It is in the forgiveness of another today that we find forgiveness for ourselves tomorrow"

That phrase is really beautiful. Almost at the level of the Golden Rule.

Agreed. Thank you for that comment David, I in turn agree wholeheartedly with you.


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