I believe it is important for us to continue to explore and provide more information on Singularity. It is not an isolated science, philosophy, or movement. For example, art imitating life:
Please go to the following link for a world of up to date, pro-active, and meaningful pursuits of contemporary thinkers of Singularity. For example: What is the Singularity Institute, their mission, and a wealth of information to bring back and synthesize for us all.
Yours Sincerely,
PS: As Theosophy.net's Radio show is getting closer to realization I would like sometime in the near future to have guests discussing the pros and cons of Singularity. This includes but is not limited to the current (and past) legal struggle with nanotechnology.
Report Warns Of Risk to Public
An independent report being released this morning concludes th...
It is not possible to create an artificial intelligence that supersedes the intellect of man. Yes, a computer can calculate the right answers to prepared questions and/or generate probable correct senarios to take in any given set of circumstances; however, this has nothing to do with intellect. It is merely culling memory databases faster than the human mind is capable of dealing with on a real time basis. Nanotechnology is no different than millions of computers put together: i.e. the internet. I compare the internet to nanotechnology because I cannot see what it can do that the internet has not already in some sense provided. I understand that the average person does not have access to thousands of ‘specialized’ internet servers for any host of reasons; however, even if all the restrictions were removed for the sake of nanotechnology I still cannot see a database driven computer have an INTELLECT. It is after all ‘dead matter’ just ‘there’ dormant needing ‘humanity’ to generate the energy that allows it to operate. A computer, no mater what size, merely has memory storage capacity that exceed a human’s real time needs.
On the other hand humans have what no database driven machine can ever have: the SINGULARITY. I define the ‘singularity’ as other people define that word: the moment of creation. The site that you suggested with your post point to the ‘singularity’ being of greater than human intelligence.
The human soul/psyche is made up of three parts: 1) ego-consciousness, which exist in the outer world. There is 2) the SHADOW: unconscious, which compensate for ego-consciousness defficiencies. Mostly humans get by in life with just these two aspects of his being; however, there is a third part of his being that he does not have ready access to because he or she is not in immediate need of it. This third is what I call the SINGULARITY. In fact it is the source of all life and substance in the universe: seeing the world is an illusion of consciousness.
This SINGULARITY has been define somewhat by Carl G. Jung as the Transcendent Function: the third option that is generated by the conscious mind dialoguing with the Shadow: unconscious. Neighter the conscious or the unconscious can come up with a suitable solution to a problem because what each suggest something that is appalling to the other; thus, a merger of the two comes up with a suitable solution. But this is what Jung called the Transcendent Function it is not what I would call the Singularity.
There is a place in the soul/psyche that allows the soul/psyche to come in contact with its higher self (Singularity): that which is beyond ego-consciousness and the Shadow: unconscious. It is in this that man obtains the resources to improve his intellect. This does not mean that an instanteously solution to his problems are provided but rather the soul/psyche is cleansed of all extaneous matters that prevent him from seeing the solution. It make take years after before the solution is arrived at but none the less that resource exist.
It is the old pathriarchal mindset that prevents cooperation. Cooperation is an Elohym or femanine trait not a manculine one. Thus betrayal is an alpha male trait wanting to be on top lording it over others.
This is why humans have a divided soul/psyche in the world. Ego-consciousness (Sun) is masculine and doen't recognize the Shadow (moon) for the most part. This is the way our world is created so that all these symbols and mythologies augment the only pair of opposites that really exist: Ego-consciousness and the Shadow.
Have you ever seen the animated movie THE CRYSTAL SHARD. Here in this movie is a perfect example of the split psyche and in the end they merge to create greater beings that they originally were.
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