I have been doing research on the Illuminati, and various Brotherhoods for a track of thought in a book I am working on.  Recently I ran across a very brief reference to the Rosecrucian Illuminati, one I would consider a contender for what would constitute the [real] Illuminati ... it was in the Secret Doctrine.  A curious find.  Was wondering if this subject has come up before in Theosophical teachings, and if there is any Theosphical connection to, for or against it?  I have found some loose connections by way of the Brotherhood of the Serpent (or snake) which I already have found references for in Theosophy, as it has an implied reference to the wisdom behind the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.

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Hmmm ... it seems these new discussions go into categories; I'm sure Art is not the right one for this, and must still figure out how to properly place new discussions.


OKAY, after some testing I see there is a CATEGORY feature at the bottom of the ADD NEW form.  I will need to become familiar with these categories in order to better keep within the structure of the site.  Excuse this misplacement, please.


It says in Wikipedia that Illuminati is used to refer to several groups, both real and fictitious.

It would be more like Real and "blinds," as H.P.B. has described.  There is way too much physical, documented and video/photographic evidence to deny the Illuminati, their Secret Societies such as Yale's Skull and Bones, similar societies in America's Ivy League schools, and Great Briton's Oxford, ... and affiliate organizations such as the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations [which appoints almost ALL of America's cabinet and diplomatic positions, NOT the President), and the Builderberg Group (officially exposed in Canada a short while ago.)


What might be interesting though, is that I find they had tried and mostly succeeded in infiltrating most Religions, and the Masons.  I, for one, have no difficulty considering the Holy See/the Church of Rome, the wealthiest entity on Earth, with the most land and greatest influence, to the the prophecied "One Religion" of the Illuminati. 


Attempts were made to infiltrate the Theosophical Society also, but I am lead to understand [we] are TOO chaotic.  Ha, ... sounds like they might have tried and could really Read our beads.  Hmmm.  Considering the secrecy of these bodies, and that of all wisdom groups, one has to wonder if our belief philosophy was infiltrated LONG BEFORE Blavatsky and her Mahatmas.  They too, as I recall, have made allusions of control and unification, managing the timing of information, maintaining secrecy, unrevealed agendas.  Could be interesting if this currently viewed NWO (New World Order) conspiracy theory actually has some Higher spiritual agenda whereby unification of thought might just well be necessary for there to actually be a universal [Truth] to be realized.

Christian, the original "Illuminati" was founded by Adam Weishaupt, in 1776 in upper Bavaria. He outwardly proposed some enlightened, beneficial teachings, but had a secret agenda of depotism: "the final aim of our Society is nothing less than to win power and riches … and to obtain mastery of the world." When his true intentions came to light, the society was suppressed.

In modern day usage, "Illuminati" refers to a secret cabal trying to rule the whole world, building on Weishaupt's vision. That's a vast subject, and I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is, though there are very powerful groups, as you've pointed out, that sway lots of power in the world.

I'm reading a book now, "The Secret History of the World" by Mark Booth (pub: 2008). Mr. Booth gives a very positive view of "secret societies," i.e. Rosecrucians, Freemansions, etc. down through the ages. It shows how these groups have helped humankind evolve and have carried the "flame" of Spiritual/philosophical Idealism(Mind/consciousness before matter) against the tide of Materialism(matter before Mind) throughout recorded history. Mr. Booth has thoroughly researched the subject, as evidenced by his huge bibliography and the insights he provides.

I'd recommend you read this book, available on Amazon, used, as research for the book you are writing.


Permalink Reply by Dominique K. Johnson 3 hours ago

A topic about the Illuminati on this site?

>>> Imagine that! It may get worse, there might just be a rationale.



Hear enough about these theories on goofy sites and youtube searches.

>>> Awe, subjective opinions. An irony is, of course, is those same goofy sites and YouTube searches would likely not even blink to call our interest, draw, belief and experience of Theosophy "goofy." Actually, I can probably say with reasonable confidence they would go way beyond calling our exploration everything from stupid and pointless to fanaticism and Satanism.



I've never read a piece of Theosophical literature that says directly, we or I think this [...] about the Illuminati, neither indirectly.

>>> There's a little work that Theosophists have made popular called the Secret Doctrine. It certainly speaks re the Illuminati as a fact. Can't be sure it would ever say it in a way that suits your requirement, but then, I could easily make that same arguement about any tenet expressed therein. There is a genius to the "method to her madness," behind our Madame Patrovna Blavatsky. I sometimes wonder if [we] Theosophists ever try to look for the layers of meaning camaflauged by its style ... or simply approach it at a logical surface level.

Here are a few ready extractions from the Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled, etc. to ease your nervousness concerns about insanity in the ranks:


The Three Mothers - (Volume III) However much the Agnostics of our age may find themselves in the mental attitude demanded by Modern Science, people are always apt to cling to their old hobbies so long as the remembrance of them lasts. They are like the Emperor Julian - called the Apostate, because he loved truth too well to accept aught else - who, though in his last Theophany he beheld his beloved Gods as pale, worn-out, and hardly discernible shadows, nevertheless clung to them. Let, then, the world cling to its Gods, to whatever plane or realm they may belong. The true Occultist would be guilty of high treason to mankind, were he to break forever the old deities before he could replace them with the whole and unadulterated truth - and this he cannot do as yet. Nevertheless, the reader may be allowed to learn at least the alphabet of that truth. He may be shown, at any rate, what the Gods and Goddesses of the Pagans, denounced as demons by the Church, are not, if he cannot learn the whole and final truth as to what they are. Let him assure himself that the Hermetic "Tres Matres," and the "Three Mothers" of the Sepher Jetzirah are one and the same thing; that they are no Demon-Goddesses, but Light, Heat, and Electricity, and then, perchance, the learned classes will spurn them no longer.


After this, the Rosicrucian Illuminati may find followers even in the Royal Academies, which will be more prepared, perhaps, than they are now, to admit the grand truths of archaic Natural Philosophy, especially when their learned members shall have assured themselves that, in the dialect of Hermes, the "Three Mothers" stand as symbols for the whole of the forces or agencies which have a place assigned to them in the modern system of the "correlation of forces." [ "Synesius mentions books of stone which he found in the temple of Memphis, on one of which was engraved the following sentence: ‘One nature delights in another, one nature overcomes another, one nature overrules another, and the whole of them are one’." "The inherent restlessness of matter is embodied in the saying of Hermes: ‘Action is he life of Phta’: and Orpheus calls nature χολυμηχανος ματηρ , ‘the mother that makes many things,’ or the ingenious, the contiving, the inventive mother." - Isis Unveiled. i. 257.] Even the polytheism of the "superstitious" Brâhman and idolater shows its raison d’être, since the three Shaktis of the three great Gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, are identical with the "Three Mothers" of the monotheistic Jew.

..... AND THIS

ISIS "Before any of our modern teachers thought of evolution, the ancients taught us, through Hermes, that nothing can be abrupt in nature; that she never proceeds by jumps and starts, that everything in her works is slow harmony, and that there is nothing succen --- not even violent death. The slow development from preexisting forms was a doctrine with the Rosicrucian Illuminati.



Isis Unveiled: Theology - page 391. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 1877. Under Solomon's Temple Only An Allegory. In the last century the Illuminati taught, "peace with the cottage, war with the palace, ' throughout the length and breadth of Europe. In the last century the United States was freed from the tyranny of the mother country by the action of the Secret Societies more than is commonly imagined. Washington, Lafayette, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, were Masons. 




Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 of 2 - page 114. "Nevertheless, I cannot resist the temptation to point out to those who would treat us as so many illuminati or sorcerers, that the manifestation in question affords an interpretation which agrees witht he ordinary laws of science."



 From the Theosophy-NW.Org "the Birth of a New Order." This search for knowledge of the highest is the practical gnosis, and those privileged to have found it have called themselves initiates, illuminati. All through the ages such knowledge has frequently been held by secret societies.

... and also

In the general climate of restriction the secret societies often depended on the protection of the more tolerant nations, but also cities might provide a safe haven where the different streams could meet and work undisturbed. Strasbourg provided such an enclave. Here Friedrich Rudolf Salzmann, a lawyer, was one of the theosophical Illuminati, who were mainly interested in the writings of Jacob Boehme, but also those of other authors such as Robert Fludd. He had personal contact with Saint-Martin (who lived in Strasbourg for a while around 1788), and also with the Swiss Baron Kirchberger von Liebisdorf, Saint-Martin's correspondent of many years. It seems Salzmann not only belonged to the Societe des Superieurs Inconnus, a small inner group studying the works of Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and Pasqually, but was also a member of the Order of the Strict Observance, even working on its reform together with followers of Pasqually in Lyon. Such cross-fertilization and international exchange was typical in that era.


From the Theosophical Society in America:

Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven, E. T. A. Hoffmann (the Nutcracker), and probably Tchailkovsky as well -- esoteric, Masons, and theosophical Illuminati. Therein is mention of a group new to me, "The Serapion Brotherhood, [which ]smacks of secret societies and magical orders. In it, one character speaks of the sun as "the triad from which the chords of the stars shower down at our feet to wrap us in the threads of their crystallized fire. A chrysalis in flames, we await Psyche to carry us on high to the sun!"


To follow on the above issue, the Theosophy-NW.org also adds depth to the Theosophy/Illuminati/Music connection. See their article "the Magic Flute."

The year 1991 marks the bicentenary of the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Vienna on December 5, 1791. During the current year numerous tributes have been paid to his remarkable genius; here we shall focus upon his masterpiece and last completed composition, The Magic Flute. While his libretto has been derided until recently as "childish" and unworthy of the superb musical score, Goethe remarked that "More knowledge is required to understand the value of this libretto than to mock it!" (The Magic Flute, Masonic Opera: An Interpretation of the Libretto and the Music, by Jacques Chailley, a composer as well as an eminent professor of music, provides the well-researched material that does justice to both the music and libretto, illuminating the whole opera with his knowledge of the music of the latter part of the 18th century, and the currents of ideas circulating through the courts of Europe and among scholars). To shed light on Mozart's intention we need to examine the opera against the background of Masonic ideas, symbols, and ritual connected with the process of initiation, a word much bruited abroad those days, and misunderstood then as it is in our own time.

During the period of Mozart's lifetime, Masonry was prominent in Viennese society. Mozart himself was eleven years of age when he composed a song set to a Masonic text for his physician, a Mason who, treating the boy for smallpox, had saved him from being pockmarked. When he was twelve, Mozart also composed Bastien and Bastienne, a small work still performed occasionally; its first performance was in the gardens of Dr. Anton Mesmer, whose theory of animal magnetism was libeled by Parisian medical opponents as "quackery." Dr. Mesmer is today best known for "mesmerism," quite often misrepresented as being the same as hypnosis.

Many of Mozart's early contacts were Masons, some of them close friends. Others were members of Illuminati circles flourishing at the time. In Paris, the Comte de Cagliostro -- not a charlatan as certain vested interests to this day would have us believe -- tried to purify the existing Masonic lodges in France, and finally set up his own "Egyptian Rite" which admitted women as well as men in a kind of "Adoption" adjunct. Some suggest that Mozart knew Cagliostro and that the name Sarastro, given by the composer to the High Priest of Isis and Osiris, was an allusion to Cagliostro. More generally, however, the name is thought to have been derived from that of Zoroaster or Zarathustra, a reformer of the ancient Persian religion.



Our own member's Katinkahesselink.net makes mention in their "The Blavatsky/Tibet and Stanzas of Dzyan Connection:"

"As far as brotherhoods, Central Asia is replete with them and with legends about other brotherhoods that possess ancient knowledge or wisdom. The examples that come to mind are the Naqshibandi Sufis (whose Golden Chain lineage is in the Caucasus), the Khwajagan, the Ashokhs (bards), and before these, Manichaean illuminati and Zoroastrian Magi. Some legends tell of brotherhoods (usually Buddhist and connected with Shambhalla or Manjusri traditions) partly in other dimensions intersecting this world, so to speak. The idea of brotherhoods possessing ancient wisdom is a central and recurring motif in the folklore of the region. Since Central Asia is geographically and culturally divided, there have been several attempts to unite all traditions as exoteric descendents of a great and hidden primordial Wisdom Tradition. Perhaps the earliest strata of such a view is the legacy of the Indo-European tribal traditions of a shared wisdom they all descended from overlaid and reinforced by Indian (Vedic) and Iranian (Avestan) traditions claiming the same thing (as legacies from a proto-Indo-European culture). This common and shared cultural legacy might form part of the basis for HPB's belief in a Wisdom Religion (that supposedly was the true "Vedic Gupta Vidya" Brahminism or true "Buddhist" restoration of it - if we accept her mindset for awhile).



So, HPB, despite her sympathies with Asian religions, peoples, and brotherhoods, might have partly misunderstood the political dynamics and objectives of even her sources and supporters. I mention this for two reasons. I think both the invention, and eventual disappearance of "support" from a "higher source" of the TS reflects HPB's reading and misreading of the nature of Asian brotherhoods. Second, her freemason spectacles may not only reinforce the picture of the masters and great white brotherhood of the "true believer" in the TS, but also, may mislead the historical investigator. If it is assumed that the sources of HPB is being sought fits the freemason template, the thing to be found might be overlooked. If such a mindset was how HPB saw things herself, it might be one of the factors in what seem to be her political misreading of the prospects of the TS. The freemasons might have been a very effective "political" network in Europe and Imperial Russia but Asian brotherhoods were not and likely disinclined to such a project. The Sikh connection that has been made is good. The Sikh's were engaged realizing objectives that coincided with those of HPB, at least, for a while. And some lineages within Sikhism combine both Hindu/ Buddhist and Sufi cosmological elements in a way that closely resembles the cosmology of HPB (see my comments on higher bodies for one bit of evidence). But from a non-Euro-centric perspective, the TS looks too much like western Enlightenment a la Freemasonry style. HPB's astral realm, as noted by scholars and Buddhist as well as Hindu scholar-practitioners, is not found in Buddhist nor Hindu theory of planes (bhumi) nor bodies (sarira) nor sheaths (kosa). She added that. The astral plane of Theosophy comes from Muslim sources, in fact, Sufi Sheikhi illuminationist sources where it is called Hurqalya (Latin, medio mundi of Hermeticists) and the astral body (Latin, caro astralis of Hermeticists, okhema symphyes of the theurgic Neo-platonists) is hurqalyi j***. This addition is rejected by Buddhists and Hindus. There is the physical body (stula sarira) with its two sheaths (the chemical crust or food sheath - annamayakosa and vital sheath - pranamayakosa). Next, where HPB's astral body should be (which both Buddhism and Hinduism reject) there is nothing. Instead, the next higher body is the subtle body (suksma sarira) with its two sheaths (the lower mental or manomayakosa and higher mental-intellectual or buddhimayakosa or vijnanamayakosa). Finally, there is the causal body (sarira karana), which in the unenlightened state, has the blissful ignorance sheath (ajnanamayakosa or anandamayakosa that is also the alaya vijnana as the depth dynamics of ignorance) but is to be replaced, in enlightenment, with the trikaya.



There is the Theosophical Society's article "Resurrection and the Body of Light:

Ascended Masters and the Illuminati

There may have been others before (and after) Jesus who attained the glorified body or resurrection body, as is implied in various ways in both biblical and extrabiblical literature. The pharaonic ceremonial tradition of ancient Egypt is primarily about the process of consciousness transference from the flesh body to the spirit body or akh. Knowledge of that process may have passed into Judaism through Moses, who, according to the Bible, became a member of the pharaoh's household when he was rescued as a baby by a pharaoh's daughter. From Moses, according to esoteric legends, the akh knowledge descended through the centuries as an underground stream in some branches or schools of Judaism, emerging publicly and most dramatically through the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Legends and some esoteric documents also have the tradition continuing through some of the early Christians to the Cathars of southern France, and thence to the Knights Templar and modern Freemasonry as expounded by scholars such as Manly P. Hall and W. L. Wilmshurst.

Although Jesus is the primary Western exemplar of resurrection, there are others, both Eastern and Western, whom history and legend record as similarly transubstantiated. According to various esoteric traditions, a number of "ascended masters" have attained to that condition and are accessible to us when they choose to be. Among them are Melchizedek, Ezekiel, Count St. Germain, Boganathar, Kriya Babaji Nagaraj (also known as Mahavatar Babaji and Shiva Baba), Koot Hoomi, Morya, Djual Kool, Matsyendra Nathan, and Swami Ramalingam. Collectively, they are known as the White Brotherhood, the illumined ones or the true illuminati.




Fom Blavatsky.net "A Signal of Danger"

An Adept would then be a person versed in a certain art or science acquired in one manner or another. It follows that this qualification can be applied as well to an adept in astronomy as to an adept in the art of making pâtés de foies gras (chopped liver); a shoemaker as a perfumer, the one versed in the art of making boots, the other in the art of chemistry--are "adepts.'

As to the term Initiate, it is quite another matter. Every Initiate must be an adept in occultism; he must become one before being initiated in the Great Mysteries. But every adept is not always an Initiate. It is true that the Illuminati used the term Adeptus in speaking of themselves, but they did so in a general sense--e.g., in the seventh degree of the order of the Rite of Zimmendorf. Thus were used the terms Adeptatus, Adeptus Coronatus in the seventh degree of the Swedish rite; and Adeptus Exemptus in the seventh degree of the Rosie-Cross. This is an innovation of the Middle Ages. But no real Initiate of The Great (or even the Lesser) Mysteries, is called in the classical works Adeptus, but Initiatus in Latin, and Epopte in Greek. These same Illuminati treated as Initiates only those of their brothers who were more instructed than the others in the mysteries of their Society. It was only the less instructed among them who had the name Mystes and Adeptes inasmuch as they were as yet only admitted to the inferior degrees.







AND ... to underscore my earlier assertion of how those alleged "googy" sites and YouTube might perceive Theosophy, here is a reference of interest (which I have seen numerous times in various places) which would connect Theosophy, the Theosophical Society and H.P. Blavatsky herself directly with the Illuminati. ---

"From that time on, Russia fell under the feudal control of a few aristocratic landowners, who created a secret society known as the Holy Brotherhood. In the 19th century, as previously stated, the Illuminati created the New Age movement as a disinformation ploy, in order to misdirect attention away from meaningful research into the nature of aetheric energy. A secondary intent was the subversion of Western culture, the latter having been successfully accomplished by the Tavistock cabal.

New Age disinformation was initially effected through the creation of the Theosophical Society, whose founding members, including Russian-born Helena Blavatsky, were initiates of various Illuminati secret societies, including the satanic Order of Luxor. The Theosophical Society developed from Abbe' Dom Pernetty's Avignon Society which created a ritual known as the Rite of the Illuminati, circa 1760. Benedict Chastanier, a founding member of the Avignon Society, relocated to England and created the Order of Illuminated Theosophists in 1767, which changed its name to the Theosophical Society in 1784. Another occult lodge - the Rite of Swedenborg, was an offshoot of this latter organization.




According to various movies and conspiracy theorists it is some ancient Brotherhood that has been struggling against another Brotherhood called the Luminari.

"They too, as I recall, have made allusions of control and unification, managing the timing of information, maintaining secrecy." - What does this mean?

>>> I'll let you evaluate your own reference, if I may. It is off-topic for me.

The purpose of Blavatsky's writings were to help humans in their evolution. If she was bluffing, there's no spiritual, physical & psychical evolution, but if there is (for plenty it is believed)information would have to be held back. If a person today can hardly manage simple instruction on preparatory spiritual practice, what makes you think that same brain/mind can manage to comprehend more further complexities?

>>> You are trying to make an argument out of barely mere facets of truth, at best. If I can't accept fully the premise, it is not logical to answer the question. I am thinking, since your challenge requires so many "ifs," perhaps it is not yet fully developed.



In school education, a 1st grader doesn't get to immediately become a college student. Blavatsky thought that man was once a pure spirit without a body and had fallen into matter and chaos.

>>> Uh, huhh. Are we then "Students of Blavatsky," or are we Theosophists? You are making a lead-in premise that might need to be qualified, if it is proffered fairly. I can fully well be a Theosphists and NOT "be tought," whereby I must follow Theosophy as an academic.



The purpose is to help humanity evolve and ascend. If there are Brotherhoods or priesthoods in hold of secret knowledge and are these sort of polarities balancing chaos and producing for man all types of life experiences to help guide him, that's called Parenting.

>>> I am sure you believe that.






Thank you, I shall get it.

Michael A. Williams said:

Christian, the original "Illuminati" was founded by Adam Weishaupt, in 1776 in upper Bavaria. He outwardly proposed some enlightened, beneficial teachings, but had a secret agenda of depotism: "the final aim of our Society is nothing less than to win power and riches … and to obtain mastery of the world." When his true intentions came to light, the society was suppressed.

In modern day usage, "Illuminati" refers to a secret cabal trying to rule the whole world, building on Weishaupt's vision. That's a vast subject, and I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is, though there are very powerful groups, as you've pointed out, that sway lots of power in the world.

I'm reading a book now, "The Secret History of the World" by Mark Booth (pub: 2008). Mr. Booth gives a very positive view of "secret societies," i.e. Rosecrucians, Freemansions, etc. down through the ages. It shows how these groups have helped humankind evolve and have carried the "flame" of Spiritual/philosophical Idealism(Mind/consciousness before matter) against the tide of Materialism(matter before Mind) throughout recorded history. Mr. Booth has thoroughly researched the subject, as evidenced by his huge bibliography and the insights he provides.

I'd recommend you read this book, available on Amazon, used, as research for the book you are writing.



+   - 





just say'n


does one need to read a book




know what one 'knows'


"... i've been a fan ever since someone told me it was cool..."


{     yep     |     no     |     maybe     |     what!     }





"Illuminati" is a very general name. The mean of word alone is the illuminated or enlightened ones. But when the word is used in a "secret society" context, then it usually refers to the "Order of the Illuminati" founded by Adam Weishaupt.



As much as we know about secret societies I would advise not to look into them for the very reason that secrecy has nothing to do with any of these organization.  They are simply social clubs or power bases for networking to govern the world.  Let those idiots do what they do best.   The last thing they want is for the average person to gain true spiritual knowledge, which forester self-awareness and independence.  They need you to realize that you need them.


I have yet to find one so-called secret society that knows as much or even a fraction of the research that I have personally achieve on my own volition via the aid of the spiritual forces that surround us.  That is because I have dedicated my life to the quest.  It takes that kind of commitment.  I have made a monastery out of my life and how many do you know that would sell the world for the pearl of great price?


I have seen so-call secret societies publishing trash saying it was secret knowledge.  There is not one of these organization that can wait to write another book on someone else's research claiming it as their own.


Now I may sound pompous and tooting my own horn but I demonstrate demonstrably what I am talking about.  That is your gauge for all so-called secret societies and so-called gurus.  If they have not the evidence of they are talking about they are simple frauds.


Believe me when I tell you that the secret society of antiquity are more mythological stories of groups of people or even nations that understood the secrets of esotericism but they could not give this knowledge away if they wanted to: they could not even spoon feed it to the ne'er do wells.  They did not hide this knowledge they simply gave it back to posterity in the very self-same manner in which they themselves received it: esoterically.  In fact this giving back the esoteric science to posterity is written into the sixth day of the creation account in the first chapter of Genesis.  The operative phrase is "be fruitful and multiple and participate and replenish the earth".  Why do you think there is the appearance of hiding this knowledge from the profane?  Because Christ tells us in the New Testament not to stand on the street corner revealing ourselves to the world because then you would have already received your reward.  The street corner is not necessarily downtown - main street, wherever you live.


Using key words like Illuminati is as if you said "member of the Eleusinian mysteries".  What is the difference? They are both people of the light.


Look at Christianity.  At one time every member of Christianity could have been called Illuminates: sons of light.  However, in this day and age Christ has not risen and most of Christianity: practically every members has no concept of what Christianity is all about.  Christianity is not suppose to be a worldwide health and food organization helping to feed, cloth and house the poor.  Christianity is suppose to be a mystery school: equal to that of what you call the Illuminati.  People search the whole world seeking the mystery schools when it is right there in front of them: Christianity.

People search the whole world seeking the mystery schools when it is right there in front of them: Christianity.


Well, I think we can at least say Christianity is a mystery, and its Holy book a miracle of genius in its construction.  I, personally, have little doubt that every shred of prophetic scripture, secret writing, ancient teaching, religious artifact and the entire works from the Library of Alexandria are hidden away in the vaulted library of the Vatican ... if they can't pull of the aforementioned mystery and miracle, nobody can.  That said, Christianity [must] be a part of Illuminati. The stated aim of "One Government, One Religion" seems quite realizable given the unfathomable riches and influence of the Church of Rome.  Theosophy will be trounced and expunged once and for all, as Christianity has managed of most historical, spiritual history and record.  The unification of powers has been underway for decades, if not centuries.  The time for [dis-order], the only true threat to this unification is probably now … and so, those that are of a mind to must conclude their research and reach their conclusions so as to wage a overthrow for Universal Truth, not unified truth, which is in no way the same thing.

Permalink Reply by Dominique K. Johnson 3 hours ago


In school education, a 1st grader doesn't get to immediately become a college student. Blavatsky thought that man was once a pure spirit without a body and had fallen into matter and chaos.

>>> Uh, huhh. Are we then "Students of Blavatsky," or are we Theosophists? You are making a lead-in premise that might need to be qualified, if it is proffered fairly. I can fully well be a Theosophists and NOT "be taught," whereby I must follow Theosophy as an academic.


I never said we are "Students of Blavatsky." Where'd you get that from.


MY POINT was as theosophists, we can think for ourselves.

Permalink Reply by Dominique K. Johnson 3 hours ago



"If there are Brotherhoods or priesthoods in hold of secret knowledge and are these sort of polarities balancing chaos and producing for man all types of life experiences to help guide him, that's called Parenting."


>>> Okay, you said it, but you don’t believe it.  I stand corrected.


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