Note: Article moved from Science Group;
Started by Ross McD
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GeoEngineering Weather Manipulations Etc
Bless Up-
I've spent several months gathering data & taking live footage of the large scale GeoEngineering program that has been occuring for the last several years (at least) thou yet to be properly publicly debated.
Is anyone else concerned &/or involved in discussing this matter?
Most people 'turn-off' or even retreat into delusions & denial when the subject is raised, there seems to be a lot of cowardly souls unable to even begin reconciling the vast changes escalating around us.
I would like to collaborate with anyone intrested in capturing footage of the weather manipulations or good researchers, scientifically minded folk, who don't let political fashions occlude the search for some kind of valid truth...
At present the government has catagorically denied the existance of CHEM-TRAILS- they just DO NOT EXIST... however, CON-TRAILS officially do- despite the fact that they are also CHEM-ICAL trails!
This should make it clear what degree of verbal fertiliser the political bodies are lost within.
Anyone convinced that there is no 'unusual' events occuring above us, please feel free to correct any errors you think have caused confusion in this regard.
In the next few days I will post some images that will hopefully add extra insight to the situation.
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Replies to This Discussion
Reply by Ross McD 20 hours ago
It IS happening- you just have to look above your head!
I've got footage of cloudmaking from over 7 years ago above London- I grew up in the countysidefor 20years & trained/worked as an artist/photographer for 25 more... I've always been facinated with clouds & for the last few years we have not had 'genuine' weather- most people are deluded or in denial about this, sadly.
The reason it is not discussed is due to the parties involved...Monsanto & thier kin.
If you look into this you will find a can of worms going back at least 40 years.
The SilverIodine cloud seeding was used 20 years ago for a pop concert by Paul McCartney in the USSR, recently the government revealed the inhuman experiments they conducted over Norwich & more northern areas of the uk resulting in a multitude of illness.
It really is about time it was legislated, we can easily forget that MULTINATIONAL corps do not care about humanity or even life - if it can turn a buck...
The article about the ice melting is thinly vieled propaganda & scare-mongering as others have rightly pointed out, the changes are seasonal & there is no NORMAL & REGULAR state of equliibrium for this planet as everything on & within it occilates/breathes- a time lapse film of the northern & southern ice caps shows this global 'breathing' very clearly
Reply by Ross McD 9 hours ago
the photo is from my window at about 6.30 am
I live between two flight paths, the planes are usualy regular (every 5mins) & none of them travel where the 'vapour' trails are in this shot. These trails linger and disperse over a variety of differing timescales- they do not react as water vapour normally would.
All my friends & neighbors were astounded when they saw this image, despite similar events occuring above their heads all day, while stuck indoors at work.
Reply by Ross McD 20 hours ago
one example among millions
Reply by PuzzleSolver 16 hours ago
Reply by John E. Mead 12 hours ago
Thanks! good video!
Reply by Ross McD 9 hours ago
I assume you noticed the skies surrounding them & in the eygptian inspired 'Djed'-boat fantasy animation- a metallic & areo-soiled sky lurks above them while they chunter about 'future' prevention.
this video totally ignores the developments that are in use & the fact that earth itself creates much of its own heat.
A few wise souls have pointed out that reflective clouds may compound the problem & the already prevalent atmospheric tinkering could have instigated, or multiplied it.
A few things to consider in regard to the 'dilema'-
-the detonation of many thousands of nuclear weapons over more than 50 years
the fact that anything propelled through the ozone layer creates a 'hole'- a problem NASA were well aware of, This was front page news in the uk due to longterm meterological data collection- the ozone rift occured at the same time of the first rockets into space.
-The suns changing emissions- notably plasma discharges.
-Detonating explosives on the moon- under the guise of water explorations!
-The addition of numerous 'new' chemicals in our water from solvents, contraceptives; fertilisers; oils etc.
The issue is not what should we do with the weather, but should we continue doing what is already being done? The fact of large scale weather manipulation is nolonger in any doubt, the reason for much silence or dis-information has everything to do with the organisations implementing it- who just so happen to also control the pesticides & seeds for the worlds food supplies.
Reply by Ross McD 9 hours ago
Also, I'm suprised that the 'esoteric' nomlacture of the scientist didn't ring any bells for puzzlesolver before he posted. The Alchemical jokes of this meagre 'advertising' distraction are more insightful than the rather bland presenters lack of awareness concerning the topic he's covering.
Wave breakers indeed, while Wind breaking & HAARPing ON...
Reply by PuzzleSolver 8 hours ago
Seems like your rather interested in this.. What do you think about all those patents that have been out there for years? Like the U.S's 5762298 and 3613992 (1966)... Have these all been abandoned or is that what's lead them to HAARP or Eastlunds work?
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Reply by Ross McD 8 hours ago
Haven't got those at hand (its late at night here) but HAARP is very influential within this arena- the photographs & films of skies above london prove beyond reasnoble doubt that some kind of 'wave' manipulation is employed-
I worked for years with 'musical recording equipment' & did work on infra & ulta sound, cymatics, singing bowl experiments, dragon project sidelines etc so I'm 99.9% sure of this...
Plasma manipulation seems intrinsic to current 'experiments', though I know very little about it so far
Reply by Capt. Anand Kumar 9 hours ago
Thanks PS for posting this video.
The video raises several questions such as what effect the rain induced by clouds containing salt particles will have on the agriculture? Will it render the fertile lands into barren? Will new genetically modified seeds have to engineered to cope with the increased salt content in the soil? While people in the US may get some comfort by reduced temperature, will the poor farmers of Asia and Africa lose their livelihood?
Reply by Ross McD 7 hours ago
A very good point ... that actually IS an obstacle, although in general the problem is not 'salt' particles, for many years it has been alumminium (much more reflective) & now also a host of other toxic products from dispensers on planes & boats- the toxidity seems intentional for the very reason you mention -GM foodstuffs.
The video is very misleading Anand, I will forward some links later that are more informative of what is happening, rather than distractional propaganda- I was trained in advertising over 25 years ago- they say more from symbolism than data- hence the 'too good to be true' name
of Mr. (SS) Stephen SALTER!....Weather manipulation & agriculture are inseperable...
I moved this discussion and just noticed I lost the links to several picture files. This has me a bit baffled.
Please check all links and reupload as necessary.
This was an unintentional side effect. I apologize for the inconvenience.
ALL post should still be present. There is no intention of moderating. Just a location change.
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