The following comes from "Resolutions of the February 2009 Board Meeting" in the April 2009 issue of MESSENGER, which just arrived in the mail today (May 15). I think it speaks for itself.

"Resolved to establish the family membership at a rate of $96.00 per annum. The database cannot divide $100 evenly."

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Are they still using that desk-sized thing they bought in 1972?
When I started helping the membership department, Diana Cabigting had an XP with an 10mb hard drive. I set up their database in dbase 3 (later converted to foxpro), set up the data and tables, and wrote several thousand lines of dbase code that was used for many many years. The computers were upgraded and I kept adding new features to the software and changing it as the membership rules changed. Eventually, they moved on to something else, and I could retire from my volunteer work.

I remember that at one point, they were so against the internet that they did not want to get and publish an email address. Eventually, they tried to set up a mailing list in house, but the external consulting company screwed up setting up their DNS entries for the domain we wanted to use, so they gave up on that, and they had a mailing list for a while on an outside site. This did not do too well, because they had someone in Wheaton read and approve every message sent to the list before it was allowed to go out, and that was not always quick. (It was from 199706 to 199801.) Needless to say, we can see that they've come around and now accept the importance of the internet.
The very first message on the list was:

>From owner-ts-l Wed Jun 4 21:42:22 1997
Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) id VAA25864 for ts-l-outgoing; Wed, 4 Jun 1997 21:30:48 -0500
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 21:30:48 -0500
Message-Id: <>
X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to using -f
Subject: TS test message

Hi. This is a test message to see that the
is up-and-running. The intital subscribers are Eldon, Brenda, (Joan), and John Algeo. Other subscribers
will be added by Joan in the future as the list is announced
and people request to subscribe.
The last message which I saved was from me. It's formatted differently because I was getting the messages in digest mode at that point.

3. From: Eldon Tucker
Subject: Theosophy World

The February issue of THEOSOPHY WORLD just came out. It's contents are:

"The Gnostic Nature of the Theosophical Founders" by Richard Taylor
"Mindsets," Part II, by Liesel F. Deutsch
"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" by William Q Judge
"Woman of Darkness" by A Student
"Updates and New Additions to 'Theosophical History' Webpage" by John
Patrick Deveney
"Blavatsky Net Update" by Reed Carson
"Differing Translations of the 'Guide for Bodhisattvas'" by Nicholas Weeks
"Clothed in the Seven Principles" by Eldon Tucker
"Commemorating G. de Purucker's Birthday" by Frank Reitemeyer
"Website With Russian Texts"
"Seeing Auras" by Paul Johnson
"A New Phase of Life" by Murray Stentiford
"Karma" by Boris de Zirkoff
"The Highest Triad" by Eldon Tucker

THEOSOPHY WORLD is a free Internet monthly available via email
(about 100,000 bytes in size). To subscribe, write to


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