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You see L.A. in all these things you have to look at the big picture. I maintain that planet earth is protected to a great extent by The Ring Pass Not, The Alien Council of 56, and our own Adept Inner Government of the World, but there is no protection for human greed, cupidity and corruption all of which go into the melting pot of national and International karma. Probably the Nazis cut deals with some of the less desirable of the Aliens, just as the American government has done,  but you can be absolutely certain that those Aliens were careful not to give them too much in the way of technology transfer in return. How can we know that? Well, because it was the Allies that were victorious not the Axis. The destructive Power that these advanced galactic civilizations can harness would knock into a cocked hat anything that our humanity can produce. So the Nazis got access to some of the UFO technology, but the higher types of propulsion (which incidentally involve a blending of the spiritual dimensions with technology) and especially the weaponry of advanced galactic intelligences were denied to them. This is in any case is a bit of a side issue - the fact of the matter is that people who are deeply imbued with the wish to serve their fellow creatures and even the subhuman species like the animals, and who are imbued with what in Buddhism is called "The Bodhisattva Ideal" will not lose out in the final analysis, even if their lives prove to be sacrificial in the short-term. In the evolutionary sense they will go on to bigger and better things, and be recipients of all good forces in the universe. One of those good forces is the Alien connection, which is mostly there to help us. Those human beings who are endowed with the attitude of service and love of their fellow creatures put themselves in the position of being contacted and used when the time is right. That was always the way and always will be part of the immutable laws of the The Cosmos. Incidentally, early on in their evolution these Alien civilisations put an end to war, humanity is slow to learn that the results of aggressive warfare comes back to you and your nation but there is hope. Germany for example learnt that lesson and today is a model of prosperity and if I may say so decency and responsibility.

You're right, Bill, there is a controversy in the UFO community over if the ETs are benevolent or malevolent. Most investigators and reseachers say it's a combination of both. Personally, I go with Dr. Greer and that group's view. I like the fact he's not using fear. For fear is our worst enemy here.  It's how the media, advertisers, organizations, governments, etc. seek to control us. Truth never comes from fear.

L. A, as for the Nazi's, a number of documentaries and books have covered this topic of "UFOs and Nazi's." Evidently they tried, but most researchers don't think they had any contact. They did have a "Project Bell," which had some advanced technology, but no proof it was ET inspired.

As a sidelight, the Nazi's did lots of stuff to find advanced teachings and powers. They sent many expeditions into Tibet to find the legendary Shambhala and to get secrets from Tibetan Masters. There was some involvement with Blavatsky and the TS, as she had used the term "Aryan" in her writings. There was no official involvement between the TS and Nazism that I know of. I'm sure our resident Theosophical history scholars know the full story here.

After WWII, the U.S. brought over the best German rocket scientists under the guise of "Operation Paperclip." Dr. Werner von Braun headed that group up and he was head of the scientists of the Moon landing. In a recent documentary, which you're probably  referring to, someone whose name escapes me, but seemed reliable, said that when asked how the U.S. got to the moon so quick, he rolled his eyes and head upwards and stated "from them." Probably referring to the technology reputedly obtained from the Rosewell crash.

All this merely covers the surface, there are lots more details involved in all this, of course.


Yes, Michael it is fear that often causes people to do terrible things and it is what governments use to persuade its citizens to go and fight in wars like Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. I have no criticism of those who go and do what they feel is their patriotic duty, but often I feel they have been manipulated not so much to serve their country, but to make vast profits for the trans-national companies and careers for the generals. Of course where there is a truly defensive war, that is another matter, but our leaders have become masterful in blurring the edges. I thought after Vietnam they would never be able to conn people to fight that sort of war again, how wrong I was! Likewise they are trying to scare us with the Alien threat which does not exist.

I have a book somewhere that deals with UFOs in wartime Germany, but I have not even opened it, so I cannot speak with any authority on the subject, but I feel it logical to suggest that if there had been any real transfer of technological weaponry we would probably not be sitting here today to conduct this dialogue.

Dr. Werner von Braun happened to be on the wrong side during the Second World War, but some of his utterances during the latter part of his life indicated that he indeed did have a social conscience and was not a monster like some of the leaders of the Third Reich. Likewise with Field-Marshal Rommel, who was a person of great nobility of nature, even though fighting for the wrong cause. Heroes are found in all countries and on all sides of conflicts.  This gives me faith that in the end the better side of human nature will predominate and what our Alien/ET friends are trying to achieve will  eventually come to fruition. When humanity is ready for it and our leaders fall into line the bounty of those great galactic civilisations will be heaped upon us in abundance. 

Dear L.A.,

AMEN to that and this I think this is a good time for me to step out of this thread and say adieu to you, Michael, and our other contributors. I think that in a short compass we have said quite a lot. Thank you Michael for inviting me in.

Thanks, Bill, for joining in here. I, too, want to thank you for your insights and certainly agree with the noble ideals you have expressed. And, thanks L. A for starting this discussion and your sharing your valuable experiences and insights.

Yes, I think this particular thread has run its course. But, with the field of Ufology changing rapidly and new developments continually cropping up, I'm sure this subject will come up again in the future.

One began to have experiences in 2006 after offering to be of service to others.  Since that time, one has seen them mostly in the daytime during the summer months.  They tend to be stationary mostly, sometimes they move a little, but not is a specific trajectory like satellites do.  They only seemed to appear after I asked if any were nearby and one has pretty much sort of known where to look. Once, I had a friend with me looking at one with me when I showed it to her and we watched it for a while and it basically disappeared in place.  It only seemed to do so after my friend said something that made me feel uncomfortable.  That is when it flickered in and out of visibility while it stayed motionless in place.  I have caught one on video and have shared them with other friends and family as well as strangers when I've seen them.  Once,  I saw about three of them during the nighttime with a friend of mine out at the beach.  They seemed to respond to my thoughts and "flashed" at me based upon what I was saying.  I have since found footage that expresses the same sort of interactions as I have had.  Only, the flashes I witnessed were brilliant beams of light beyond merely pulsating, they were more like cosmic beams that were very bright white light and intense.  Here are two videos which pretty much exhibit something similar.

An aspect that has not been discussed here is that Theosophy postulates that  the other planets in our own Solar System have their own evolutions and these planets could be inhabited on etheric levels and that their craft are etheric as well. The craft visit earth an are able to step down there vibrations.Occupant also.

If you want to help Seti:

Current update from Seti:

"In the last year, SETI@home has made great steps forward thanks to the generosity of volunteers like you. Earlier this year we were able to use the Green Bank Telescope (pictured) in West Virginia to expand our search to include the nearly 100 potentially habitable planets found by the Kepler Mission. We've also re-observed seventy two of the 102 sources of unidentified radio pulses found with our Astropulse search. We hope to observe the remaining sources soon. While it's likely that these pulses are a natural phenomenon, we don't yet know what we will find. Data from both these projects have arrived or are on their way to Berkeley and will be sent to our volunteers in the coming months."

Sorry, John, but frankly, I would advise people not to send a dime to SETI.

Whistleblowers and UFO Investigators have long discredited SETI, along with Project Bluebook and the Condon Report. As pointed out by Bill Keidan and myself in earlier posts here, SETI is a setup job by the Government to placate the public and mask the Government's real knowledge of the UFO situation.

No one could really believe that if SETI found anything it would immediately be reported to the public press. Obviously, It would first go to the highest levels of secrecy and stay there.


Most likely many of the sighting are of highly clossified aircraft being tested by the U.S. or other governments. Top Ufologists who work at this full time don't think this accounts for all of the credible, unexplained sightings.

Since this is not my main area of interest at the moment, I'm not prepared to go into the detailed reasons and evidence for this. It's such a vast field, with new developments almost weekly now, that few, if any, can keep up with it all.

Well said Michael,
SETI should really stand for "Set-up" - a means of placating public opinion by fooling the public into believing that a genuine search for ET lifeforms  and intelligence is underway, when it is known full well that ETs have been in contact with government for many decades, and of course have been visiting earth since the earliest times. Moreover, government or rather the military/industrial complex that excessively influences and drives government, don't want to take the ETs' highest overtures on board, related to ending wars and creating world peace, they just want to capture their technology. They have captured some of it, which accounts for certain of the UFO craft sighted, but the bulk of it is far out of reach because it require spiritual integration to make it work, and that is what is lacking amongst grasping, power-hungry people. Fortunately, for us, not all of them are like that and therefore things may change as the idealists gradually gain the upper hand.

L.A Holmes-Boyle said:

Is it possible that all these world UFO sightings are not from another planet at all but...' craft' that has been made by our govenrments---- experiments on us--- controlling us?
Michael A. Williams said:

Sorry, John, but frankly, I would advise people not to send a dime to SETI.

Whistleblowers and UFO Investigators have long discredited SETI, along with Project Bluebook and the Condon Report. As pointed out by Bill Keidan and myself in earlier posts here, SETI is a setup job by the Government to placate the public and mask the Government's real knowledge of the UFO situation.

No one could really believe that if SETI found anything it would immediately be reported to the public press. Obviously, It would first go to the highest levels of secrecy and stay there.


Well, yes L.A. this sort of thing has been happening for many decades. It is an affront to decency, freedom and intellectual inquiry but to the power elites it is all about grabbing whatever they can and using it for their own questionable ends.

L.A Holmes-Boyle said:

“Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks which worked… prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.” —from Project CamelotI

Bill Keidan said:

Well said Michael,
SETI should really stand for "Set-up" - a means of placating public opinion by fooling the public into believing that a genuine search for ET lifeforms  and intelligence is underway, when it is known full well that ETs have been in contact with government for many decades, and of course have been visiting earth since the earliest times. Moreover, government or rather the military/industrial complex that excessively influences and drives government, don't want to take the ETs' highest overtures on board, related to ending wars and creating world peace, they just want to capture their technology. They have captured some of it, which accounts for certain of the UFO craft sighted, but the bulk of it is far out of reach because it require spiritual integration to make it work, and that is what is lacking amongst grasping, power-hungry people. Fortunately, for us, not all of them are like that and therefore things may change as the idealists gradually gain the upper hand.

L.A Holmes-Boyle said:

Is it possible that all these world UFO sightings are not from another planet at all but...' craft' that has been made by our govenrments---- experiments on us--- controlling us?
Michael A. Williams said:

Sorry, John, but frankly, I would advise people not to send a dime to SETI.

Whistleblowers and UFO Investigators have long discredited SETI, along with Project Bluebook and the Condon Report. As pointed out by Bill Keidan and myself in earlier posts here, SETI is a setup job by the Government to placate the public and mask the Government's real knowledge of the UFO situation.

No one could really believe that if SETI found anything it would immediately be reported to the public press. Obviously, It would first go to the highest levels of secrecy and stay there.



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