"Does Chance or Justic Rule Our Lives," by Nils Amneus. This is a short book that is a good one to give to inquirer's in Theosophy, or anyone who might benefit. Its a totally non-sectarian treatment and is an attempt through common-sense and reason to find an explanation for the great injustices that are apparent in life. Amneus's conclusions is that the only solutions that make sense must include the facts of reincarnation and karma. This is about the only Theosophically-oriented book I know of that I'd feel comfortable to give to someone who has no literature or philosophy background at all, (I gave one to a truck-driver most recently) although it is good for any type of person. It uses common language and no terminology that sometimes puts an average person on guard.
Amneus qualifiedly uses the "G-word" a bit too much for my taste, and think he should have perhaps used a substitute word like "The Source," or something similarily un-religiously loaded, but the rest of the book makes up for the fault, and is unique in its approach. Amneus aslo wrote "Life's Riddle," which I believe is sold by Theosophical University Press, and formerly (?) by Point Loma Publications, who also sold this book as well. I'll upload a copy here and it is also on scribd.com at:


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Thanks for the book...BTW, what's happening with the Point Loma TS? I just heard that all of its stock its burned, and they are about to start from scratch new in a place in the San Diego Valley. I just knew it days ago...
I wrote a reply on this, but it was deleted. Point Loma TS doesn't exist any more tho.
Yeah, it is true most all their (Point Loma Publications) book stocks and archives were burned in the wild-fires they had in San Diego a couple years ago. I don't know what is going on there, and hope they can follow through with their wishes and reprint many of the good books they put out. Their hasn't been a "Point Loma TS" actually since 1940 or so when they left the Point Loma Community grounds. About 1950 the remaining group split up into the current Pasadena Socety and associates (Theosophical University Press) and several independent groups, like Point Loma Publications (The Eclectic Theosophist, etc.). Emmet Greenwalt's book "California Utopia" is a good overview of the original Point Loma TS and community - quite a unique place and experiment!


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