New World Order in Olimpics? or is another fraud coming right up?

I been hearing all these days about the cr...phony and silly things about the idea that the so-called 'New World Order' (the supposed dark lodge that controls the world,sort of like the Emperor in Star Wars) is gonna create some plot in the Olympics inaguration session. Personally, I really do not know, but the fuss is spreading, and people are getting a bit paranoid, so i personally also think that can be another fraud or at least, some point of distraction to the masses.

I was remembering in the Biography of Blavatsky that I'm still reading, that the Masters appear to HPB in Hyde Park, the site where now was recieved the olimpic torch. so, If to a force it is the correspondent and contrary force, I remember that similarily, Julian Assange still is in London, forced to a trial for 'supposed sex harrasement charges' and i believe that the charges to Assange (a man responsible to LIBERATED a great deal of the world, remember: KNOWDLEGE IS POWER! as the School House Rock theme said! ,so, I believe also that the charges to Assange are the contrary forces to the supposed or alleged 'dark lodge conspiration' real or not, in London Olympic stadium.

I really want to know what you Theosophists believe or think about this subject. Personally, I keep thinking this:

1.- IF the masters existed (and according to what we Theosophist know, THEY DID and THEY DO) That makes us optimistic about the future. I, Personally, DO NOT BELIEVE the supposed strenght of some cr...heesy lodge of dark hocus-spokus.

2.-WE HAVE TO STOP AT THE BASIS: "Everything is MENTAL" IF we believe the dark spooks are REAL, we are giving them more power that the one they have.

3.-IF they happen to be SO POWERFUL...or at least as half powerful conspirationists say they are, WE HAVE TO THINK IN THE OPPOSITE: that is, that THE MASTERS ARE AT LEAST, AS POWERFUL AS SUPERMAN...hey! WE BUY THIS STUFF, SO, WHAT THEOSOPHY IS FOR, THEN? Besides Thinking, and LEARNING TO THINKING, and IF THE MASTERS SAID THIS WORK, WHY NOT BELIEVE, sincerely, THAT THEY CAN NOT DO?

Humans are not as puny as they believe they are. Stop the disinformation, i think....

so...what DO YOU THEOSOPHISTS, BELIEVE, THINK that will happen? This subject, of the Olimpic conspiracy, SHOULD MATTER, TO US?

Bye for the moment people. Peace. REALLY. PEACE TO ALL BEINGS AND LOVE.


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That is absolutely right! It is NOT a 'New World Order' ; it is THE SAME, cheesy old world order that ALWAYS has been around messing stuff all over...

They want to generate fear and to have another 'fall of the Towers' episode, but, ain't gonna happen...people are more awake, all over, now...

Dear Estrella ,

         The Olympics is not a conspiracy it is real tangible and very profit making - it is a pleasant diversion for the world -  and different countries to exhibit the results of their food programmes and other nationalistic feelings . Those that get medals flaunt progress and human rights  , those that do not are still insisting on cultural superiority , and some who are neither of these try hard to prove that they treat women equally or that they are not terrorists . It is a very democratic circus run by the Clowns for the clowns and by the clowns. It is a time to forget Greece and her values and remember how man will physically climb into heaven and immortality. .

I love this statement of yours and am 100% with you  "Humans are not as puny as they believe they are. Stop the disinformation, i think...."     

 You are very correct humans should not be taken lightly , they are capable of immense destruction and in fact will prove it by the destruction of all means of proper livelihood and sustenance of life on earth .  Why do people debate that whether God made Evil ? It is the human mind that has come up with the word Idea Evil and lived up to that Idea . As too with Good !!!- Both are human Ideas and its effects are only too plain - so yes Humans are not puny .Humans have corrupted god to a state where humans appear right and saintly compared to God - who is an unmoving and unconcerned primal being whom we breathe and push out 24x7 . So God is worthless.

The average humans have no Master- mediocrity is their Lord  , The above average human needs no master , Only the below average humans require a master . 

Light heartedness apart - We need not strictly believe in Supramental Masters just to be members or followers of any organization - if any organization requires that belief to be there among their members - then it is no more another cult where a lot of unexplained theories are thrown about as being ''handed down by masters '' to  leader . We already have religions for this . They use the word ''Master'' like the blank tile in Scrabble to ''patch up '' various diverse theories !!. 

Assange is the victim of a conspiracy , He should have taken a page from Socrates experience and gone to another country in anticipation and then leaked for all he was worth .So he was not very intiutive of the precariousness of his existence . You see there are very many ways of dying even whilst living . Maybe god is testing his faith and willingness to sacrifice his life for Truth . We can only find solace in such small reasonings.


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