Hancock, NH
United States
Hi, Arlene! I see you finally made it! :-) Welcome to the forum! Your interests and areas of work fascinate me. I don't have a lot of practical experience with them, but I have read some in those areas, esp. using sound as healing.
Feb 1, 2013
Welcome to Theosnet Arlene , may you provide us with hours of enlightment with your views.
Hi, Arlene! I see you finally made it! :-) Welcome to the forum! Your interests and areas of work fascinate me. I don't have a lot of practical experience with them, but I have read some in those areas, esp. using sound as healing.
Feb 1, 2013
Hari Menon
Welcome to Theosnet Arlene , may you provide us with hours of enlightment with your views.
Feb 1, 2013