Welcome Cassandra. If any of the materials posted helped in your research, we would really like to hear about it. Also, our Education Group is being established to assist members with their research. So, please feel free to discuss anything, even those which interest you but are outside of your research. Look forward to your sharing of the results of the research. Please read the rules of the road.
Sorry Cassandra, if wrong wordings were used. We would be interested in knowing what your research was about, which resource of our website helped and in what way. This will help our Education Group which is being established to assist the researchers. If there is anything further we can do to contribute to your research, please let us know. We do look forward to your sharing of findings with the community. Thank You.
Capt. Anand Kumar
Oct 19, 2011
Capt. Anand Kumar
Oct 20, 2011