claudia sperrholz

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  • Moderator

    M K Ramadoss

    Welcome to the community and enjoy all the good stuff here. Feel free to share anything of interest. Tell us what is going on in your neighborhood.
  • Govert Schuller

    Dear Claudia,

    Sorry for this belated response. Either i was not aware of your communication or I forgot about it. I just came back to it by googling "Bernard & J.M.H." to see if any progress has been made on the issue around J.M.H.'s identity. This again was spurred by an e-mail from. Anyway, to answer your question, the persons referred to are some Europeans with whom I communicated, who had a serious passion for Scott and wanted to delve into the J.M.H. mystery and also came up with Pierre Bernard. As far as I know they never published anything. Stay tuned as I might add some more relevant content to Alpheus.
