Mika Perala



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  • Katinka Hesselink

    Hi Mika,

    Happy Birthday :)
  • James Rutke

    Mika, have you read Arto Paasilinna's Janiksen vuosi translated into English as The Year of the Hare? It has become one of my favoite books and I hope some of his other books get translated into English.

    Yes, Elvis read The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Autobiography of a Yogi.

  • James Rutke

    The only other book of Paasilinna's I've found translated into English is called The Howling Miller. I have a friend who is half Ojibwa and half Finnish and calls himself a Findian. He is very much like the main character in The Year of the Hare. I would invite him to this website, but he is more a fan of Crowley than of HPB.

    I was ten years old when the double sided hit Hound Dog and Don't be Cruel was released and it was the first 45 RPM record I bought. Then I had to convince my parents to get a player. When his Christmas album came out it became something of a scandal, but my parents loved it. I still can hear him sing It'll be a blue, blue Christmas without you. Maybe Elivis's mantra is: Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.