Hello John. We were close friends of Bing, and arranged for his lectures in the Los Angeles area, and had him stay with us when he was in the area. Yes, we are very interested in seeing what you have of Bing's papers. Much of his correspondence etc. will have very important historical significance for future historians. Please keep in touch.
Hello, I am a former member of the Tacoma Theosophical Society. I would like to reach John Scott. Does anyone have his contact information? I notice the last time he posted was 6 years ago. Any update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Hello John. We were close friends of Bing, and arranged for his lectures in the Los Angeles area, and had him stay with us when he was in the area. Yes, we are very interested in seeing what you have of Bing's papers. Much of his correspondence etc. will have very important historical significance for future historians. Please keep in touch.
Oct 14, 2011
Estrella Eguino
Hello John, please contact me 786-879-2196. Estrella
Oct 11, 2017
Estrella Eguino
Hello, I am a former member of the Tacoma Theosophical Society. I would like to reach John Scott. Does anyone have his contact information? I notice the last time he posted was 6 years ago. Any update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Oct 11, 2017