Marilyn Campos


Houston, TX

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Mikhayl Von Riebon

    Hi Marilyn, and welcome to,

    One question to introduce you with. why do you feel you need to obtain wisdom?

    see you in the forums

  • Mikhayl Von Riebon

    So i guess the next pertinent question would be, what is 'wisdom' precisely?
  • Mikhayl Von Riebon

    I suppose what im stabbing at is a game ive been playing with myself for sometime. So many of us, including those here on this site, claim to be in search for some "Truth" or "Knowledge" as if it were important in itself. But it appears to me that this search is just a symptom of something we all share in common. whether you search for love, knowledge, power, wealth, security, friendship etc, it all appears to be the product of what are minds are designed to do. i.e. to establish and maintain some sense of identity. ironically, including what im telling you here, seems to be some means for me to justify and structure myself and the world around me. not that there is anything wrong with it. who is to say what is right and wrong eh? its just interesting to observe.