The Essence:
A group for questions, thoughts, and experiences about the relationship between: symbol, meaning, language, thinking, and consciousness.
The Details:
The goal of this endeavor is to facilitate clarity and understanding in our own minds and enhance our ability to communicate meaningfully and effectively, especially as relates to matters spiritual and metaphysical.
The method is by dialog and sharing of anything related to the themes define above.
There is one key book of recommended reading: Insights for the Age of Aquarius by Gina Cerminara
I think this is the most important book of its kind and likely unique. It was done as a Quest edition but there are also non TS editions. It expounds the relation between language, thinking, spirituality, and the way any world view takes shape in our minds and in our communication. If you think, you may need this book. If you talk and want clarity, you may need it. If you want to get at the essence of things and understand some really vital things about how language and illusion work on a practical level, I highly recommend it.
Where to buy; its cheap; copies start at $1.:
Paul lee James
To me words are symbols. The words have definitions are meanings and can be used different ways to be understood or interpreted according to the writers style of writing. I will never understand why the reader interprets the writers piece instead of trusting the writers editing.
I do not encapsulate any hidden message within a word but the core word itself. I do understand why the ancients did but not in today's world. What can be learned or gained by mysteries? The word truth is a ambiguous word drawing the reader into a complex-ed problem. Cannot words bring knowledge understanding and wisdom within themselves? Paul
Jul 24, 2013
Paul lee James
Word as pure energy? You have me there? The bible is written with words conveyng spiritual meanings. The consciousness resides in the mind. The spirit can be conscious as well within the body. What constitues pure energy? Paul
Jul 24, 2013
Paul lee James
I think i see your point. I never realized oral words have sound. I took it for granted.
"Esoterically, pure energy or "words/s" reside in consciousness. Spiritual knowledge can be communicated directly from one individual to another without the use of conventional language or symbols and without the need for interpretation."
True indeed. But what about the written word or words? There are no sounds there? Paul
Jul 25, 2013