Wisdom in Daily Life

Spirituality is not all about communing with holy beings, or having the perfect guru or teacher.  It is about seeking deep connections with reality and making for a better world, for yourself and all around you.

Regardless of the belief we advertise most of us have the same needs.  We eat, sleep, have friends, and many of us have some kind of job.  Put all of these together and we have more than enough challenge in life. 

We would like to hear about how you cope and bring a lot of the ideas we explore here into your life.  And there is the added bonus of all of us getting to know each other as people with all of our foibles, desires (don't deny that you have those!) and all the other interesting snippets of daily life.

Our Animal Stories

Many of us have pets, and if you are anything like me, you probably enjoy repeating a story or two once in a while. Share, compare and enjoy!

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    Olga Stolyarchik

    Great story Heidi!

    It is so true, "they have us" My cat Star amazing creature. I wrote a lots of little episodes about her behavior in her little journal . Also I wrote about the fact how I got her and wrote in my spiritual journal, because involved serious co-incidents and surprises, signs and clues. Once begin to following it and get a connection - it is work of the Universe.

    I just want to tell about and ask if anyone has opinion. After Awakening everyday since, Star start doing something she never have before. She lick once(if its short lick may repeat) then start looking right above my head like there something there on the top of my head. She is young and energetic cat but at the moment she is looking up to "That" I feel her energies and her eyes peaceful but with sign of deepest respect, obey. This is become a ritual for her. Like she take time to set aside cat's emotions to do that, not move and not blink. Every other time where I am bend towards her level, or picking up so she faces me, always she looking there above in silence and respect. I was observing that behavior for a year now and no realistic explanations came into me so far. Why she does that? What she maybe seeing there (beside my very short hair)? I like to hear your opinion about that "feline phenomenon" For now I accept it  these moments as special and the rest leaving along. I don't make an assumptions on unknown actions, until a  solid evidence, reference or prove. My scientific side won't allow :) Ha, Ha :)  

    Thank you for reading.


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      Olga Stolyarchik

      Great idea about the discussion. People who have pets knows that there many things animal do and we know much less about. I never knew before that cat's tail is a communication tool for other that show Its mood. I read a book called "Fur Shui" it is a Feng Shui of the feline creatures. Now I know a lot more about what exactly cat do with the energies flow, what that they said with a cat tail move "language"(which is some sort of  combination between silence language and a Morse code. Pretty cool, to know your pet spiritual moments. As much I exploring my mind with a year I have a cat that I though I knew, with many new wow's on deeper level  than I thought about cats before, even being a cat person all my life. In that book also talks about dogs, fish, bird and mice. All about the energetic field we can do at home with great help of our four legging friends and companions. It is easy to do. My Star responded almost immediately. Now it is part of her daily fun.  She is like a powerful transmitter. When I pet her with  a Reiki hand positions I feel that energy. And when I am not home alone or in sort of commotions she will be continue producing good energy and balancing the flow, like a air purifier does air.



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        Capt. Anand Kumar

        Great idea Heidi!
