Wisdom in Daily Life

Spirituality is not all about communing with holy beings, or having the perfect guru or teacher.  It is about seeking deep connections with reality and making for a better world, for yourself and all around you.

Regardless of the belief we advertise most of us have the same needs.  We eat, sleep, have friends, and many of us have some kind of job.  Put all of these together and we have more than enough challenge in life. 

We would like to hear about how you cope and bring a lot of the ideas we explore here into your life.  And there is the added bonus of all of us getting to know each other as people with all of our foibles, desires (don't deny that you have those!) and all the other interesting snippets of daily life.


Does Reincarnation play a role in your life?  If so, how does it help you?  Is there anything that you understand that can help others?

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    Navin KUmar

    I would recommend that all those who are interested in studying the subject of Reincarnation may read the book "Lives of Alcyone" by Annie Besant and CWLeadbeater. In this book the stories of 48 previous incarnations of Alcyone (ie J Krishnamurthy) have been given with great details. These narrations also give the details of the previous lives of Annie Besant and CWL who took birth in close proximity of Alcyone through these lives.These narrations show the working of the laws of Karma and the laws of Evolution/Reincarnation.

    The book is available on the net at 


    Best Wishes from Navin Kumar

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      Accepting that reincarnation happens and I am subject to it, through karma, makes me try harder, on all levels.  I am more apt to think more deeply about things, especially ethics and interactions/relationships with people, all kinds of relationships, and my behavior and attitudes toward them, etc.  Like Jon said, it helps me develop compassion, and that helps me keep things in perspective. 

      It certainly spurs me on to keep on treading The Path, particularly at those times when I get weary and would like just to sink back into a thoughtless way of living, or "go back to sleep" figuratively speaking, like the fellow in the Matrix who just wanted to go back to the way things were because he couldn't stand being "awake".  I suppose we all feel like that  sometimes.  It is one of the biggest challenges of the spiritual path - not drowning, in the occult sense of the word. 

      The thought of having to go back over the same ground again and again works on me like a charm!  LOL  How many times does one have to stick their hand in a fire and get burned, before they grasp the fact that fire burns?  Apparently quite a few, it seems!  Of course, some lessons are more subtle; those are the tricky ones.  But going forwards (to use a linear image), is the only way that leads out.  :-)

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        Anna Grefberg

        Reincarnation plays an important roll for me when I am casting a horoscope for a client or if I am in need of understanding my own reactions from the subconcious:) I believe in an eternal soul that travels around the universe in search for a higher purpose. I use to help others finding out , using astrology to find out what sort of identity/ties the client had in previous life and what sort of issues that comes inherit along with the souls package. There are lots of different ways to do this and I have my own but the effect are always the same. When a person finds out about the previous experiences that her or his soul had gone through they could easily deal with own personal issues in this life and go forward .