This group exists for us to work on our understanding of the ideas around Esotericism and Theosophy and to nurture ideas to act on our understanding of the framework these provide.
Theosophy: "Intuitional knowledge or wisdom resulting from progress in Self-awareness and/or experience of one's own Transcendental ('Divine') Nature."
Theosophist: "An individual who is at least willing to consider potential knowledge and/or wisdom purporting to have been derived in this special epistemological way."
I wanted to encourage anyone who has questions about any of the 9 (6+3 total) characteristics, stated in the FAQ, to feel free to ask questions in this discussion. There are no dumb questions. If you are lost on a concept, I guarantee others are as well.
Theosophy is an esotericism. This means that the individual has a set of personal understandings/beliefs which has at least the 4 initial characterisics (see FAQ). They may also have the items 5 and 6 within their esoteric characteristics.
The first thing to note, is that each person may have a different esotericism. They can be radically different. Mahayana Buddhism has no God, but a form of divinity exists. There are many schools/esotericisms within Mahayana Buddhism. Even two Mahayana Buddhists can have different esoteric beliefs. A Gnostic Christian will have a totally different esoteric belief. For one thing, there is a God and a Demiurge (the Demiurge may be, sometimes, considered as the God of the Old Testament).
So - if the characteristics in items 1-4 exist then one is dealing with some form of esotericism. The esotericism may also include the items 5 and 6; optional. Not all esotericisms contain those.
This is incredibly useful. It becomes a defined field of study. It is NOT Mysticism, Gnosticism, Occultism, Spiritualism etc. These are now separated out as different.
So for a theosophy, one starts out with some form of an esotericism. The individual chooses the specifics of their system. As noted above, these can be drastically different esotericisms. However - we can tell we are dealing with an esotericism.
Theosophy does NOT stop at esotericism. Theosophy brings MORE onto the table. They inclde ALL THREE characteristics of theosophy (the 3 beyond the 6): external Reality, Internal Reality and the Intelluctus often called by any of: Imaginal; Active Imagination; Mundus Imaginalis; Maginal thinking etc.
They analyze ALL of this triangle. They are constantly exploring the external to gain internal insight. They explore Internal insights to yield external insights. They use clues from where ever they can find them and recognize those clues. The Mind (not Brain) sees relationships. The goal is to understand it all. During this exploration, one almost always finds relationships, congruences, synchronicities etc. that change the Individual's system of understanding. They will/may change their esotericism to fit the new knowledge. This means they now have a different Theosophical whole. This is the Evolution of the individual's pursuits. The external world becomes, and is, as important as the internal divine. The plight of Humanity, especially individuals, becomes a primary item for understanding and concern.
The Mystic will experience the divine. They then go deeper inside, the goal being total absorption with God (or their Divine Nature).
The Theosophist takes on the far Greater challenge --- integration of the entire triangle internal-external-mind.
It is a loftier pursuit.
May 24, 2013
Capt. Anand Kumar
Thanks John. The explanation below is very useful.
Should there be an order, a sequence in which a beginner may follow these characteristics? For example, develop the imagination first, then use the information to mediate and seek the correspondences.
May 29, 2013
I found these somewhat reworded in better English, in/by Dr. Hanegraaff.'s newest book.
I'll try to get this posted, sooner than later.
Jun 5, 2013