Faivre and Theosophy.Net FAQ

This group exists for us to work on our understanding of the ideas around Esotericism and Theosophy and to nurture ideas to act on our understanding of the framework these provide.


Theosophy: "Intuitional knowledge or wisdom resulting from progress in Self-awareness and/or experience of one's own Transcendental ('Divine') Nature."

Theosophist: "An individual who is at least willing to consider potential knowledge and/or wisdom purporting to have been derived in this special epistemological way."

Esotericism & Theosophy in Audio

The Esotericism & Theosophy in Audio has been upgraded from just English to 3 additional languages

Follow the link to enjoy in your own native tongue!

If there are any discrepancies with the translation, please drop us a line.