Faivre and Theosophy.Net FAQ

This group exists for us to work on our understanding of the ideas around Esotericism and Theosophy and to nurture ideas to act on our understanding of the framework these provide.


Theosophy: "Intuitional knowledge or wisdom resulting from progress in Self-awareness and/or experience of one's own Transcendental ('Divine') Nature."

Theosophist: "An individual who is at least willing to consider potential knowledge and/or wisdom purporting to have been derived in this special epistemological way."

In my own words...

We know that what we're asking in this group is pretty difficult.

This is a Theosophy that most of us have not even heard of, but it exists and is quite legit.

What we encourage you to do is to go to the page with Faivre's Characteristics of Esotericsim and Theosophy.  Then come back here and put what you understand into your own words.  If you have questions, please feel free to ask.

We are on a journey of exploration together.  Please come along and do something brand new!

Please see Faivre's Characteristics of Esotericism & Theosophy.

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    Kirk W Walker

    One book by Faivre is available for download here:The Eternal Hermes

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      Jeffrey Smart

      If find it interesting that correspondence is the first proposition.  Plato conceved the physical universe as a mere shadow to what is real.  In this the physical world is is merely an extension of the spitirtual world and a poor fascimile at that.  Yet the physical world corresponds to the spiritual, as above so below, etc...  This would make this proposition a starting point in any philosophical enquirery and a basis for a theosophical world view in general.  Quantum Physics tells us that everything, reduced to it lowest form, is pure energy.  If we concieve that consicuousness is also energy then we can deduce that we are all part of an overall Conscious Energy from which we draw our lives and energy and being and that we can learn more about this Energy by understanding corrspondance. 

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      Mark Kusek

      IMO, an initial assumption that there are conceptual things (subjectively knowable objects) called variously "God", "Nature" and "Human Being(s)" and that these are somehow separate and identifiable, already establishes pre-conditions that will color one's view and cause an unnecessary problem to be "solved" by a pursuit for "gnosis." 
