Reading Lists - Getting Up To Speed

Sometimes we want to learn a subject and always the hardest part is just getting the basics.

I had a recent experience here because I posted something that ended up showing that I was not even basically competent on the subject.  Rather than to feel guilty or upset over it I decided that perhaps a better way of handling it (as well as a number of other blind spots)  was to poll other members who have expertise in areas to give some idea of what books or other media is essential to getting a basic understanding.

One of the assumptions this site is built on is that of everyone being a genius at something.  We all have areas where we excel and can share knowledge.

If you feel that you have a good grasp on a subject and would like to share the writings that are needed for someone to have a basic understanding on the topic, please post your thoughts.

Please use the following format:

Topic (At the top. It describes the subject)

Name of book (site, magazine article, etc.)


Brief description of why item is important.


Indian Philosophy

I bought this book in 1985 and have recently "found" it in my book shelves. It was the book used at the University of California, Berkeley by their Philosophy department (at that time).

A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy

(Princeton Press)

It appears to be available at Amazon.

(added 3/1/2013)


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    Capt. Anand Kumar

    There is a good introduction to Indian Philosophy here.

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      I just added the Contents of A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy

      p.s. The belief in the "Aryan Invasion" is rather optional. I take the same side as Sri Aurobindo -- it is totally wrong.

      Actually - the Aryan "peoples" (N. Europe) seem to have more Neanderthal mixed in the gene-pool that any other group/continent. This is currently still being investigated since genetics is still expanding its experimental techniques.

      If one looks at the Aryan supremacists in the USA, it is easy to believe. <g>

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        Capt. Anand Kumar

        A very good short introduction to the Indian Philosophy is available here. Sadly the version on the net does not summarizes Yoga Philosophy separately but includes it in the Samkhya System. Rest of the summaries are very well written. Several of the concepts about KARMA are clarified ( it is not a binary system, effect is inbuilt into cause and therefore one etc.)