Wisdom in Daily Life

Spirituality is not all about communing with holy beings, or having the perfect guru or teacher.  It is about seeking deep connections with reality and making for a better world, for yourself and all around you.

Regardless of the belief we advertise most of us have the same needs.  We eat, sleep, have friends, and many of us have some kind of job.  Put all of these together and we have more than enough challenge in life. 

We would like to hear about how you cope and bring a lot of the ideas we explore here into your life.  And there is the added bonus of all of us getting to know each other as people with all of our foibles, desires (don't deny that you have those!) and all the other interesting snippets of daily life.


"General Theosophy" (Richard Ihle) hits #100 !!

I want to take a moment to thank Richard Ihle for achieving the impossible. He has reached 100 original Theosophical sayings and witticisms.

So - Congratulations!!! and many thanks from Theosophy Network!

Note: we would like comments to be added, if you have any. e.g.

a) Favorite General Theosophy saying.

b) So close, that the Truth hurts

c) Most obscure (In theosophy, that means deepest occult insight <g>)


on behalf of the Theosophy Network,

John Mead