Symbols - Esoteric Instructions - in Volume XII by HPB

Hi! Can someone know the meaning of this symbol ?

Long time ago, someone told me its it's one of the Sephirots of Kaballah, It is a set
of esoteric teachings meant to explain the
relationship between an eternal and
mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite

But I cant find nowhere this explication.


  • up



    From Bottom up:


    Sufi Wings of love(heart):

    uplift and support of your entire esoteric body.


    The entire esoteric self. The Circle is all encompassing.

    upper/lower/ Triad:

    often called the Star of David)

    Inner most Sanskrit letters spell "Sat" as in Sat-Chit-Ananda


    It looks like one could meditate/contemplate on the path laid out by the symbol.

    However, if HPB is involved, it may be a grand, living theosophism.    :^)

    HPB should explain the meaning of the symbol in that volume, or in the volumes before.. Other than that, I know little.
