Does Reincarnation play a role in your life?  If so, how does it help you?  Is there anything that you understand that can help others?

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Karma is as real as it gets. I have personally received Karmic effect almost instantaneously though I did not believe my actions would have consequences. So Karma though a factor in the next life (do to the character of the soul/psyche) is also a factor in this life. For example if an individual commits suicide he will most like as Dante in the Divine Comedy puts it end as a tree subject to the outer elements without any way of defending itself: much like paraphlegic as a Karmic result.


I do not believe one can deliberately go out of his way to obtain 'good Karmic points' that would imply a bank account of Karmic points, which then would suggest murder being committed with impunity. That is absurd.


However, I would suggest that a forgiveness of sins and bad deeds can be forgiven in this life but at great financial expense to the soul. Sins in scriptures represent false beliefs; whereas, bad deeds are character flaws. The individual cannot beg God for this grace it is given solely based upon the sincere actions of the individual without any expectations of a reward.


Indulgences are such gifts even without the ultimate vision of God Martin Luther harangued the Church during the Reformation because it offer indulgences for monies or property given. Actually, this act of indulgence goes back to the New Testament where Christ said, "Sell all you have and give to the poor and come follow me": so even Christ would not have passed Luther's litmus test.


Indulgences are not something seen by others. In fact others would not understand the reciprocity exchange for devoting one life to spirituality at the same time spending life's essence: wages earned upon the pursuit of such a quest. Only you the individual will know if the spirit of God ceased you and now you can no longer on your own free will quit: much like an obsession; however, the different being you are advancing in your researchers where you are second to no one. You are not intelligent enough to do it on your own and only spirituality can open the doors needed to advance on the foreward march.


Such indulgences seem to wipe clean the slate most  (not all) of Karma retrobution factor.  One has to stil deal with the content of the SHADOW.  These are past repressed memories coming forth and they are deed done in past times which would make you cringe and be very embarrassed over.  The reason that these past act are like a cat-o-nine tails is because in younger days they were not horrendous deeds; however, now in your latter years where you have grown intellectually and spiritually such act would not even occur to you: hence the psychic beating they give you as you recall them and many times they will appear out of nowhere.

Hi Allan,

I have a question about?

"(ex. I do not believe in good karma and bad karma.... just karma which includes both)."

I do too. Where is your Perception?


Thank you,

Best Peace,



My friend Alex from Russia. A theosophist too. He send me a book about Edgar Cayle and his whole life and experiences. I felt like a child reading by being in a middle of the action? Wont hear or see anything outside the book. But on the back conrolling adult supervision. It let “child” to play and enjoy, while It oversee and remember the timing, balancing details on reincarnation, last life latest Atlantis Uranus. Higher Mind call it Root connection. We can and should know as much as we should about our pass because is A KEY FOR OUR FUTURE.

The sad part is it is not very promissing. More I connecting and see the prospective, more serious by all the laws and calculations. But because we are thinking Higher, we are not seeing negative, look at above sky, you are always home. WE are here to take care of our selves, know who we are. And why we here for? Like in Dr. Zues”Horton hears Who? Our planet is a speck on the flower – Solar System. What is Out There?

But other than children's book, sicence proved invisible Universal Matrix. But we cannot see because we are made of the Matrix, It always be here before us and after.

One of the things that thinking about reincarnation does for this student is to remind me that all my circumstances, relationships and roles are temporary. None of this will last forever and I must be prepared to let go of all them along the way.

In full edition autobiography and documentary of Edgar Cycle, Atlantis Consciousness in Me comes forward to provide certain answers and explain the opening beyond the book. Feeling Consciousness is a mind exercise. I read Allan's teaching essay where one exercise is Consciousness + Mind=conversation and further agreement. With a background Reiki Initiation and sensitive to energy vibrations, while transmitting (or flow) energies and do exercise at the same time, effect is magnified. It bring me to concept from recollection of last days Atlantes city and last world of the Gods: Atlantes destroyed by Egoism. Atlantis then suggested to Me, that terrorism is a new strong form Earth's by-product but is not based on Egoism in the rest of humanity. Selfless sacrificial and ready to die for, they cannot possibly fits in Ego's corruption. What do you think about that?         

"Reincarnation is the Key for Our Future"

"...I wish to Incarnate into to a scientist in Universal Astronomy and philosopher. And live in the world "Imagine" by John Lennon. Until the time and space comes for Me I will be living using my potentials at the best of My abilities. I In a morning awaken with the thought Giving. Second thought - Peace..."




You can "IMAGINE" all you want but it is never going to happen.


The reason that it can never happpen is because we humans live in a world of opposites.  If anything nature will balance itself out.


In order for you to have a reincarnation experience that you are suggesting is by first realizing it in this life time.  Such experiences are not obtained by hoping to incarnate into such an experience because it is in this life experience that you build your next reincarnation experience and then you only have yourself to blame for whatever comes your way.

Hello William,

I have been doing a research study on Reincarnation for last 10 years and make an unique connection from the roots of the past into future. From Atlantis Uranus into Quantum Consciousness. 

  Self-actualizing, I am not living in illusions. My previous posting is just a little bit of inspiration. My mind is above negativity and skepticism. What will happens in the future exactly we don't know yet. I did used to say a word NEVER quite often, but with a lifetime experiencing different spiritual endeavors understood that for any human being to make this assumption is not really helps to open mind at full potentials. The word BLAME is also the word from the past. Awoken Minds have no place for these by-products in any combinations of low-brain-ego-Kama. If you like to find out more about my personal story on Reincarnation, please visit my website @  essay page "Reincarnation is the Key for The Future."

Thank you.

Best Peace + - :) + -


I have no insight into reincarnation.  When groups that I am in are asked if they believe in reincarnation, sometimes I have been the only person to say no.  I do not refute it, I just do not accept it.  Some day I might.  It does not matter to me.  It might help others to realize that there are persons who simply do not relate to that idea or any idea that might seem obvious to them.  Too many persons seem to accept popular concepts without question even though such ideas might never occur to them unless someone else suggests them. Then, again, I have been introduced to some ideas that I do accept which might never have occurred to me otherwise.  Reincarnation is not one of them.  It is imposingly popular to the point that there is pressure to subscribe to it.  I cannot honestly say that I believe in it.  I will not pretend to.  When and if the student is ready, a truth will be realized.  In the meantime, it is something that I might think about sometimes; but it is not a factor in my world view.  I do not mind discussing it sometimes, but not too often.   I will read others' comments... might even change my mind.  I do believe in absolute monism (advaita).  I see one being( atma, brahmin, Siva, etc.) expressing itself as each being.  It is that being that seems to be ever becoming.  It might be said to incarnate as every incarnation.  We dissolve back into it. That is what I see.

David;  I don't think the idea is to believe something or not.  It isn't trying to figure it out philosophically through reasoned arguments either. (for most this is a set of skills not yet acquired.)  What I believe is the best advice for any idea, wherever you find it, is to try it on for size.

What would life be like if it were true?  How would you live differently?  What would it say about who you are and what is important to you?   Call it a mind experiment.   That is why Theosophy is called the Science of Spirituality.  You verify through testing.

Then do the opposite.  How would you live if it were not true.  That one you might have a head start on.

After running these experiments which one throws the most light onto life's questions and mysteries?  Which one seems to flow with the nature of things the best.  Invariably insight will come that will lead you closer to what is actually the case. If you ask the right questions long enough the answers will arrive, just not when you plan it.  You are an independent thinker.  That is what Theosophy needs not drones.   We are much stronger advocates for ideas if we have tested them first.

Well, it is a mental experiment.  You think through the idea and try to live and perceive things as if the idea were true.  If reincarnation were true how would I live, what would I do, how would it make my life different.  If a person does this thoroughly enough they can experience the effect of the idea and see if that jives with their life and makes it better.  One thing for example that thinking about reincarnation has done for me, in regards to this thought experiment is lead me to think, "Whats the hurry?"  I am going to do this life thing again and again so why the rush?  And from this a person might feel calmer.  And being calm is usually a good thing and therefore it might encourage a person to look into the idea even more.    There are hundreds of thought experiments like this a person can employ.  "Self-induced, and self-devised efforts."

How do you define proof?


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