A rare video of the young Jiddu Krishnamurti in New York (1928) and Ojai (1930), reading what he had said at the Ommen Camp on August 3, 1929 (dissolution of the Order of the Star).

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Comment by claudia sperrholz on September 5, 2009 at 5:17pm
thank you so very much for these wonderful films of Krishnamurti. (the medium really is the message!) i find this statement so much more appealing than I did when reading the printed text cold now that i can hear the warmth in his voice. (tho this just goes to show that i still don't grasp his message as i continue to "seek comfort" rather than "seeking understanding" (LOL)
in regard to "understanding" i was wondering whether you might enlighten me? is cyril scott right in saying that the "freedom" Krishnamurti is describing is the Liberation of Nirvana?

"When [men have] reached Nirvana (1) or Liberation(...) They have attained the goal, therefore all the Higher Planes are open to them. Moreover their consciousness is one of perpetual Joy. In whatever work they may be engaged, this joy-consciousness never leaves them."
(1) Nirvana is not annihilation, as uninitiated Orientalists have supposed. On the contrary it is the very opposite; it is one-ness with Life Itself, yet without loss of individuality. The only annihilation involved is that of all limitation, all human weaknesses and selfishness."
(i reference Introduction by Cyril Scott From David Anrias' Through the Eyes of the Masters. see alpheus for the full context)
would you say that Cyril Scott’s equating of Krishnamurti's teaching with Vivekananda's was correct? If this were to be true it would be very encouraging as i find the inspiring formulations of Vivekananda help me to pursue the austere indications of Krishnamurti.
(from Krishnamurti: A Problem Chapter V from The Initiate in the Dark Cycle by 'His Pupil' [Cyril Scott]. at alpheus)
Krishnamurti: "Spiritual attainment does not lie in the following of another, whether leader or teacher or prophet ... That following of another is a weakness ... A mediator is but a crutch ... Truth does not lie in distinctions, in societies, in orders, in churches....
As I am free of traditions and beliefs, I would set other people free from those beliefs, dogmas, creeds and religions which condition life."

I went to my bookshelf and got down Vivekananda's lectures on Vedanta, and read out:

"Nothing makes us so moral as Monism ... When we have nobody to grope towards, nobody to lay all our blame upon, when we have neither a devil nor a personal God to lay all our evils upon--then we shall rise to our highest and best. ... Pilgrimages and books and the Vedas and ceremonials can never bind me... I am the Blissful One."

I turned again to [Krishnamurti]:

" ... The 'I' is the limitation of separateness ... by continual concentrated effort, every moment of the day, you must remove this wall of limitation, and thus establish yourself in true freedom of consciousness. That is immortality …That is to be beyond time and space, beyond birth and death ...."

I reverted once more to Vivekananda:

"Hear day and night that you are that soul (or One Self), Repeat it till it enters into your very veins. ... let the whole body be full of that one idea--'I am the birthless, deathless, blissful, ever glorious Soul.' "

i have just read, in THE INITIATE IN THE DARK CYCLE, that what Krishnamurti is offering in "TRUTH IS A PATHLESS LAND" is ADVAITA. Do you think that this is true? And if so could you tell me more about ADVAITISM? I ask because I would be so happy to find a more emotionally motivating presentation of the Krishnamurti message

"Another flaw in this pseudo Advaita which Krishnamurti is giving out, is that he addresses the personality, the physical-plane man, as if he were the Monad or at least the Ego. Of course the Monad, the divine Spark, is the Absolute Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, and hence eternally free, but that doesn't mean that the personality down here, immersed in endless-seeming karmic difficulties, can share its consciousness, or even that of the Ego--the link between the personality and the Monad. Krishnamurti's Advaitism, which is not to be confounded with the recognized form of that noble phi

Comment by M K Ramadoss on August 1, 2009 at 12:04am
One of the very rare videos. Many will enjoy watching it.

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